

enum Tinman.Core.Parsing.RuleToSourceFlags

Enumeration of flags that control source code output for rules of a Grammar.

Public / Constants


public constant None → (0:int32)

No format flags for emitting source code.


public constant Compact → (1:int32)

Emits compact computer-ish source code instead of nice-looking human-readable code.


public constant OmitAst → (2:int32)

Omit AST-building rule syntax.


public constant OmitTrim → (4:int32)

Omit whitespace trimming rules?


public constant EmitExternal → (8:int32)

Also emit external rules in source code?


public constant GrammarAst → (16:int32)

Outputs grammar rules in a way that represents the hierarchical structure of the abstract syntax tree that is created by the grammar.

AST rules are retained, all others are dropped (see IRule.Ast, IRule.AstIfLeft, IRule.AstIfRight). AST nodes are represented as token rules (see Rule.Token1), using the AST node type as the value (see AstNode.Type). The start and end of the children list of an AST node are marked with '{' and '}' token rules.

For example, the AST grammar of Grammar.GrammarCode grammar looks like this:

grammar       := 'GRAMMAR' '{' (decl-skip | decl-rule)+ '}' ;

decl-rule     := 'RULE' '{' 'NAME' rule-list '}' | 'RULE_FLAGS' '{' 'RULE_FLAG'
                 'RULE' '{' 'NAME' rule-list '}' '}' ;
decl-skip     := 'RULE' '{' 'SKIP' rule-list '}' ;

rule-ast      := 'EXPR_AST' '{' 'NAME' rule-list (('IF_LEFT' | 'IF_RIGHT')
                 rule-list)? '}' ;
rule-brace    := 'EXPR_BRACE' '{' rule-list '}' ;
rule-choice   := rule-sequence | 'EXPR_CHOICE' '{' rule-sequence rule-sequence+
                 '}' ;
rule-except   := rule-not | 'EXPR_EXCEPT' '{' rule-not rule-not '}' ;
rule-list     := rule-choice | 'EXPR_LIST' '{' rule-choice rule-choice '}' ;
rule-not      := rule-primary | 'EXPR_NOT' '{' rule-primary '}' ;
rule-peek-no  := 'EXPR_PEEK_NO' '{' rule-list '}' ;
rule-peek-yes := 'EXPR_PEEK_YES' '{' rule-list '}' ;
rule-primary  := rule-char | rule-token | 'EXPR_SUBRULE' | rule-brace | rule-ast
                 | rule-peek-yes | rule-peek-no ;
rule-repeat   := rule-except | 'EXPR_REPEAT' '{' rule-except ('ZERO_OR_ONE'
                 | 'ZERO_OR_MORE' | 'ONE_OR_MORE' | 'MIN_MAX' '{' 'NUMBER'[1..2]
                 '}') '}' ;
rule-sequence := rule-trim | 'EXPR_SEQUENCE' '{' rule-trim rule-trim+ '}' ;
rule-trim     := rule-repeat | 'EXPR_TRIM_RIGHT' '{' rule-repeat '}'
                 | 'EXPR_TRIM_LEFT' '{' (rule-repeat | 'EXPR_TRIM_RIGHT'
                 '{' rule-repeat '}') '}' ;

rule-char     := char-set | char-set-inv | char-range | 'CHAR_EOF' ;

char-range    := char-one | 'CHAR_RANGE' '{' char-one char-one '}' ;

char-one      := 'CHAR_ONE' '{' 'CHAR_ESC'? '}' ;
char-set      := 'CHAR_SET' '{' ('CHAR_ESC' | 'CHAR_ONE')+ '}' ;
char-set-inv  := 'CHAR_SET_INV' '{' ('CHAR_ESC' | 'CHAR_ONE')+ '}' ;
rule-token    := 'EXPR_TOKEN' '{' 'CHAR_ESC'* '}' | 'EXPR_TOKEN_NOCASE'
                 '{' 'EXPR_TOKEN' '{' 'CHAR_ESC'* '}' '}' ;


public constant Optimize → (32:int32)

Optimize output by removing redundant or obsolete grammar elements?

The following elements are considered redundant or obsolete:


public constant All → (63:int32)

All flags.