Software Development Kit - User Manual

class Tinman.Color.Argb32

Short Name:
  • class Argb32
Derived From:

Specifies a color value as a 32-bit ARGB integer.

HTML color values in the form #rrggbb can be specified as 0xFFrrggbb. For example: HTML color #EEDD00 (light reddish yellow) is given as 0xFFEEDD00 (fully opaque light reddish yellow).


The following table lists all fields of this config type.

Field Type Constraint Default
required argb number    

The 32-bit ARGB color value:

  1. 0xAA000000
    Bits (31..24) specify the alpha channel (linear) in the range [0..255] resp. [0x00..0xFF].

  2. 0x00RR0000
    Bits (23..16) specify the red channel (compressed sRGB) in the range [0..255] resp. [0x00..0xFF].

  3. 0x0000GG00
    Bits (15..8) specify the green channel (compressed sRGB) in the range [0..255] resp. [0x00..0xFF].

  4. 0x000000BB
    Bits (7..0) specify the blue channel (compressed sRGB) in the range [0..255] resp. [0x00..0xFF].