Software Development Kit - User Manual

struct Tinman.Cubemap.Rect

Short Name:
  • struct Rect

A rectangle on a cubemap face.

The following figure shows the relation between cubemap coordinates and cubemap face coordinates:

                                Y-  Z+        E-------F
[0,0,n]        [n,0,n]           | /         /.      /|
   E ------------ F              |/         / .     / |
   |              |         X- --+-- X+    A-------B  |
   |  o-------->  |             /|         |  G....|..H
   |  |      +fx  |            / |         | .     | /
   |  |   Y-      |          Z-  Y+        |.      |/
   |  |           |                        C-------D
   |  V +fy       |
[0,0,0]        [n,0,0]        [n,0,n]        [0,0,n]        [0,0,0]
   A ------------ B ------------ F ------------ E ------------ A
   |              |              |              |              |
   |  o-------->  |  o-------->  |  o-------->  |  o-------->  |
   |  |      +fx  |  |      +fx  |  |      +fx  |  |      +fx  |
   |  |   Z-      |  |   X+      |  |   Z+      |  |   X-      |
   |  |           |  |           |  |           |  |           |
   |  V +fy       |  V +fy       |  V +fy       |  V +fy       |
   |              |              |              |              |
   C ------------ D ------------ H ------------ G ------------ C
[0,n,0]        [n,n,0]        [n,n,n]        [0,n,n]        [0,n,0]
   |  o-------->  |
   |  |      +fx  |
   |  |   Y+      |         n       := Maximum cubemap coordinate
   |  |           |         [x,y,z] := Cubemap coordinates
   |  V +fy       |         fx      := Positive cubemap face X-axis
   |              |         fy      := Positive cubemap face Y-axis
   G ------------ H
[0,n,n]        [n,n,n]

The cross-product between the cubemap face X-axis and Y-axis point towards the interior of the cubemap cube. This figure shows the possible cubemap wrapping cases (along edges and corners):

|    [E]  -fy    Y-  |    [F]  +fx    X+  |    [A]  -fy    X-  |    [B]  -fy    X+  |
|      \   \         |      \   \         |      \   \         |      \   \         |
|  -fx  \   o-- +fx  |  -fy  \   o-- +fy  |  -fy  \   o-- -fx  |  -fy  \   o-- +fx  |
|    \   \           |    \   \           |    \   \           |    \   \           |
|  X- o  [A]----[B]  |  Y- o  [B]----[D]  |  Z- o  [C]----[G]  |  Z- o  [D]----[H]  |
|    /   /           |    /   /           |    /   /           |    /   /           |
|  +fy  /   o-- +fx  |  -fx  /   o-- +fy  |  +fx  /   o-- +fy  |  -fx  /   o-- +fy  |
|      /   /         |      /   /         |      /   /         |      /   /         |
|    [C]  +fy    Z-  |    [A]  -fx    Z-  |    [D]  +fx    Y+  |    [C]  -fx    Y+  |
|    [G]  +fy    Z+  |    [E]  +fx    Z+  |    [E]  -fy    Z+  |    [F]  -fy    X+  |
|      \   \         |      \   \         |      \   \         |      \   \         |
|  +fy  \   o-- -fx  |  -fx  \   o-- +fy  |  -fy  \   o-- -fx  |  -fy  \   o-- -fx  |
|    \   \           |    \   \           |    \   \           |    \   \           |
|  X- o  [E]----[F]  |  Y- o  [F]----[H]  |  X- o  [G]----[H]  |  Z+ o  [H]----[D]  |
|    /   /           |    /   /           |    /   /           |    /   /           |
|  +fx  /   o-- +fx  |  +fy  /   o-- +fy  |  +fx  /   o-- +fx  |  +fx  /   o-- -fy  |
|      /   /         |      /   /         |      /   /         |      /   /         |
|    [A]  +fy    Y-  |    [B]  -fx    X+  |    [C]  -fy    Y+  |    [G]  -fx    Y+  |


The following table lists all fields of this config type.

Field Type Constraint Default
required width number
# >= 0

Width of rectangle.

required height number
# >= 0

Height of rectangle.

optional x number  

X-coordinate of top-left corner of rectangle.

optional y number  

Y-coordinate of top-left corner of rectangle.

optional face Face  

The cubemap face.


The following table shows all usages of this config type.

Used By: