Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface ICameraViewportDepth in Tinman.AddOns.Components

Base interface for classes that represent a camera-based viewport on the screen, with additional functionality regarding depth values.

interface ICameraViewportDepth extends ICameraViewport
  base of CameraViewport



The Camera object.

property Camera { get }
type Camera
value [not-null] The Camera object.
inherited ICameraViewport.Camera


Returns the screen coordinates that represent the camera direction.

property Center { get }
type Vec2F
value The screen coordinates that represent the camera direction.
inherited ICameraViewport.Center


Usually, this is the center of the screen, but might be a different location, for example to compensate for GUI overlays.


Returns the viewport height, in screen pixels.

property Height { get }
type int32
value [>0] The viewport height.
inherited ICameraViewport.Height


Defaults to 768.


Returns the viewport width, in screen pixels.

property Width { get }
type int32
value [>0] The viewport width.
inherited ICameraViewport.Width


Defaults to 1024.


The depth range to use for computing normalized depth values in the range [0..1].

property ZRange { get set }
type RangeD
value The depth range:
Start is the denormalized depth value of Near,
End is the denormalized depth value of Far


Defaults to [0.001..20000000].



Denormalizes the given depth value.

method DepthDenormalize (float32 z)
type float64
params z The normalized depth value, in the range [0..1].
returns The denormalized depth value (see ZRange).


Normalizes the given depth value.

method DepthNormalize (float64 z)
type float32
params z The denormalized depth value (see ZRange).
returns The normalized depth value, in the range [0..1].


Computes a viewport ray for the given screen coordinates.

method ScreenToWorld (float32 pixelX, float32 pixelY, out Vec3D origin, out Vec3D direction)
params pixelX The screen X-coordinate (see PerspectiveRay).
  pixelY The screen Y-coordinate (see PerspectiveRay).
  origin Output of viewport ray origin, in world-space.
  direction Output of unit-length viewport ray direction, in world-space.
inherited ICameraViewport.ScreenToWorld


Projects the given point onto the viewport plane.

method WorldToScreen (float64 x, float64 y, float64 z)
type Vec2F
params x The point X-coordinate, in world-space.
  y The point Y-coordinate, in world-space.
  z The point Z-coordinate, in world-space.
returns The screen coordinates or Undefined if the given point is undefined or behind the viewport plane.
inherited ICameraViewport.WorldToScreen


Projects the given point onto the screen.

method WorldToScreenDepth (float64 x, float64 y, float64 z, float64 offset = 0)
type Vec3F
params x The point X-coordinate, in world-space.
  y The point Y-coordinate, in world-space.
  z The point Z-coordinate, in world-space.
  offset Optional depth offset to use, given as a circle radius in screen-space. If positive, the projected depth will be decreased (i.e. nearer). If negative, the projected depth will be increased (i.e. farther). Default to 0.
returns The screen coordinates (see X and Y) and normalized depth value (see Z) in the range [0..1] or Undefined if the given point is undefined or behind the viewport plane.



Projects the given point onto the screen.

method WorldToScreenDepth (Vec3D point, float64 offset = 0)
type Vec3F
params point The point coordinates, in world-space.
  offset Optional depth offset to use, given as a circle radius in screen-space. If positive, the projected depth will be decreased (i.e. nearer). If negative, the projected depth will be increased (i.e. farther). Default to 0.
returns The screen coordinates (see X and Y) and normalized depth value (see Z) in the range [0..1] or Undefined if the given point is undefined or behind the viewport plane.

See also:
