Software Development Kit - User Manual

class BijectiveMap in Tinman.Core.Collections

Default implementation of the IBijectiveMap interface.

class BijectiveMap with <TLeft>  
  implements IBijectiveMap<TLeft, TRight>

Public / Attributes


The number of key/value pairs in the map.

public virtual property Count { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The number of map entries.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.Count


Returns a read-only set of all key/value pairs in this dictionary.

public virtual property Entries { get }
type IBagConst<MapEntry<TLeft, TRight>>
value [not-null] The set of key/value pairs.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.Entries


Returns a read-only set of all keys in this dictionary.

public virtual property KeysLeft { get }
type IBagConst<TLeft>
value [not-null] The set of keys.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.KeysLeft


Returns a read-only collection of all values in this dictionary.

public virtual property KeysRight { get }
type IBagConst<TRight>
value [not-null] The collection of values.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.KeysRight

Public / Constructors


Creates a new instance of BijectiveMap.

public constructor BijectiveMap (IMap<TLeft, TRight> left, IMap<TRight, TLeft> right)
params left [not-null] The left-side dictionary to use.
  right [not-null] The right-side dictionary to use.

Public / Methods


Removes all key/value pairs from the map.

public virtual method Clear ()
implements IBijectiveMap.Clear


Returns if this map contains an entry for the given key.

public virtual method ContainsLeft (TLeft left)
type bool
params left The key.
returns true if the map contains an entry for the key, false if it does not.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.ContainsLeft


Returns if this map contains an entry for the given key.

public virtual method ContainsRight (TRight right)
type bool
params right The key.
returns true if the map contains an entry for the key, false if it does not.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.ContainsRight


Returns the value that is currently mapped to the given key.

public virtual method GetLeft (TLeft left, TRight defaultValue)
type TRight
params left The key.
  defaultValue The default value to return in case the map does not contain an entry for left.
returns The entry value.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.GetLeft


Returns the value that is currently mapped to the given key.

public virtual method GetRight (TRight right, TLeft defaultValue)
type TLeft
params right The key.
  defaultValue The default value to return in case the map does not contain an entry for right.
returns The entry value.
implements IBijectiveMapConst.GetRight


Maps the given value to the specified key.

public virtual method Put (TLeft left, TRight right)
params left The left key (i.e. right value).
  right The left value (i.e. right key).
returns The previously mapped value.
implements IBijectiveMap.Put


Removes the mapping for the given key.

public virtual method RemoveLeft (TLeft left)
type TRight
params left The key.
returns The mapped value.
implements IBijectiveMap.RemoveLeft


Removes the mapping for the given key.

public virtual method RemoveRight (TRight right)
type TLeft
params right The key.
returns The mapped value.
implements IBijectiveMap.RemoveRight