Software Development Kit - User Manual

class GraphNode in Tinman.Core.Collections

Represents a node in a directed graph.

sealed class GraphNode with <TNode>  
  implements IDeletable

Public / Attributes


List of incoming links.

public property Incoming { get }
type IVectorConst<GraphLink<TNode>>
value [not-null] The list of incoming links.


List of outgoing links.

public property Outgoing { get }
type IVectorConst<GraphLink<TNode>>
value [not-null] The list of outgoing links.


The graph node value.

public property Value { get }
type TNode
value The graph node value.

Public / Methods


Deletes this object immediately.

public method Delete ()
implements IDeletable.Delete


Deletion is considered to be a notification that the object is no longer used. The implementation is then free to perform cleanup or pooling actions.

Using an object after Delete has been called will yield undefined results. The code that calls Delete must make sure that there are no shared usages of the object that is being deleted.


Returns a link from the given source node to this node, creating a new link if necessary.

public method From (GraphNode<TNode> source)
type GraphLink<TNode>
params source [not-null] The source node.
returns [not-null] The link.


Returns a link from the given source node to this node, if it exists.

public method FromNull (GraphNode<TNode> source)
type GraphLink<TNode>
params source [not-null] The source node.
returns The link or null.


Returns a link from this node to the given target node, creating a new link if necessary.

public method To (GraphNode<TNode> target)
type GraphLink<TNode>
params target [not-null] The target node.
returns [not-null] The link.


Returns a link from this node to the given target node, if it exists.

public method ToNull (GraphNode<TNode> target)
type GraphLink<TNode>
params target [not-null] The target node.
returns The link or null.