Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface IConfigValueBag in Tinman.Core.Config

An IConfigValueBag represents a scope of named ConfigValue s.

interface IConfigValueBag extends IConfigTypeBag
  base of ConfigValueBag


The set of existing config values is exposed via the base IConfigTypeBag interface. Value bags are used during runtime for evaluating expressions resp. functions and for storing values.



The number of named objects in the bag.

property Count { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The number of named objects.
inherited IConfigTypeBag.Count


The names of all objects in the bag.

property Names { get }
type IBagConst<string>
value [not-null] The object names.
inherited IConfigTypeBag.Names


Returns the current version of object.

property Version { get }
type int32
value The current version number.
inherited IVersioned.Version


For each modification, the version is incremented by at least one.



Checks if this bag contains an object of the given name.

method Contains (string name)
type bool
params name [not-null] The name.
returns true if the bag contains an object named name, false if it does not.
inherited IConfigTypeBag.Contains


Looks in the config domain of this bag and tries to find the bag of the given name.

method GetDomain (string name)
type IConfigValueBag
params name Name of the bag to find or null to return this bag.
returns [not-null] The type bag. Will be empty if not found.
inherited IConfigTypeBag.GetDomain


Returns the ConfigMember which corresponds to the given named config object.

method GetMemberNull (string name)
type ConfigMember
params name [not-null] The name.
returns The ConfigMember or null.


Returns the config type that is associated with the given name, for example the type of a script variable.

method GetTypeNull (string name)
type ConfigType
params name [not-null] The name.
returns The associated config type of null if not found.
inherited IConfigTypeBag.GetTypeNull


Returns the config value that has the given name.

method GetValueNull (string name, ConfigValue[] arguments = null)
type ConfigValue
params name [not-null] The name.
  arguments Optional arguments for function call. If null, a field value is accessed. When not null, a function call is performed. Defaults to null.
returns The object or null if there is no object named name.



Returns an argument value list for the given parameter list.

method GetArguments (IVectorConst<ConfigMember> parameters)
type IVectorConst<ConfigValue>
params parameters [not-null] The list of named parameters.
returns The list of argument values, fetched from this value bag.


Returns the config type that has the given name.

method GetValue (string name, ConfigValue[] arguments = null)
type ConfigValue
params name [not-null] The name.
  arguments Optional arguments. Defaults to null.
returns [not-null] The object.


Returns the config type that has the given name.

method GetValue (string name, ConfigExpression[] arguments, IConfigValueBag argumentScope = null)
type ConfigValue
params name [not-null] The name.
  arguments Optional arguments. Defaults to null.
  argumentScope Optional IConfigValueBag object to use for evaluating the given arguments. If null, this bag is used. Defaults to null.
returns [not-null] The object.



Returns the config value that has the given name.

method GetValueNull (string name, ConfigExpression[] arguments, IConfigValueBag argumentScope = null)
type ConfigValue
params name [not-null] The name.
  arguments Optional arguments for function call. If null a field value is accessed. When not null a function call is intended. Defaults to null.
  argumentScope Optional IConfigValueBag object to use for evaluating the given arguments. If null, this bag is used. Defaults to null.
returns The object or null if there is no object named name.