Software Development Kit - User Manual

enum CharacterCategory in Tinman.Core.Formatting

Enumeration of unicode categories.

enum CharacterCategory  


None = 0

No category.

Letter = 0x1F

Unicode character category: Letter (L*).

LetterUppercase = 0x01

Unicode character category: Letter, uppercase (Lu).

LetterLowercase = 0x02

Unicode character category: Letter, lowercase (Ll).

LetterTitlecase = 0x04

Unicode character category: Letter, titlecase (Lt).

LetterModifier = 0x08

Unicode character category: Letter, modifier (Lm).

LetterOther = 0x10

Unicode character category: Letter, other (Lo).

Mark = 0xE0

Unicode character category: Mark (M*).

MarkNonSpacing = 0x20

Unicode character category: Mark, non-spacing (Mn).

MarkSpacingCombining = 0x40

Unicode character category: Mark, space combining (Mc).

MarkEnclosing = 0x80

Unicode character category: Mark, enclosing (Me).

Number = 0x0700

Unicode character category: Number (N*).

NumberDecimalDigit = 0x0100

Unicode character category: Number, decimal digit (Nd).

NumberLetter = 0x0200

Unicode character category: Number, letter (Nl).

NumberOther = 0x0400

Unicode character category: Number, other (No).

Separator = 0x3800

Unicode character category: Separator (Z*).

SeparatorSpace = 0x0800

Unicode character category: Separator, space (Zs).

SeparatorLine = 0x1000

Unicode character category: Separator, line (Zl).

SeparatorParagraph = 0x2000

Unicode character category: Separator, paragraph (Zp).

Other = 0x0007C000

Unicode character category: Other (C*).

OtherControl = 0x4000

Unicode character category: Other, control (Cc).

OtherFormat = 0x8000

Unicode character category: Other, format (Cf).

OtherSurrogate = 0x00010000

Unicode character category: Other, surrogate (Cs).

OtherPrivateUse = 0x00020000

Unicode character category: Other, private use (Co).

OtherNotAssigned = 0x00040000

Unicode character category: Other, not assigned (Cn).

Puntuation = 0x03F80000

Unicode character category: Punctuation (P*).

PunctuationConnector = 0x00080000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, connector (Pc).

PunctuationDash = 0x00100000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, dash (Pd).

PunctuationOpen = 0x00200000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, open (Ps).

PunctuationClose = 0x00400000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, close (Pe).

PunctuationInitialQuote = 0x00800000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, initial quote (Pi).

PunctuationFinalQuote = 0x01000000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, final quote (Pf).

PunctuationOther = 0x02000000

Unicode character category: Punctuation, other (Po).

Symbol = 0x3C000000

Unicode character category: Symbol (S*).

SymbolMath = 0x04000000

Unicode character category: Symbol, math (Sm).

SymbolCurrency = 0x08000000

Unicode character category: Symbol, currency (Sc).

SymbolModifier = 0x10000000

Unicode character category: Symbol, modifier (Sk).

SymbolOther = 0x20000000

Unicode character category: Symbol, other (So).

LetterOrDigit = 0x011F

Unicode character categories: Letter and NumberDecimalDigit.

Whitespace = 0x7800

Unicode character categories: Separator and OtherControl.