Software Development Kit - User Manual

struct RangeI in Tinman.Core.Math

A half-closed range of numbers (32-bit integers): [Start..End[

struct RangeI implements IEquatable<RangeI>


                    Last := End - 1
| -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |-->  Number axis
     ^^^^^               ^^^^^
     Start (inclusive)   End (exclusive)
      Length := End - Start



The serialization helper object for values of RangeI.

public static readonly field Serializer
type ITypeSerializer<RangeI>

Public / Constants


The value of Max, with swapped start and end values.

public static readonly field Inv
type RangeI


This range can be used as the initial value for finding the minimum/maximum of a series of numbers (see Grow).


A range that contains all 32-bit integers.

public static readonly field Max
type RangeI


Note that the length of this range is 2^32 (4294967296), which cannot be expressed using 32-bits. So instead 0 is returned.


A range at offset zero with zero length.

public static readonly field Zero
type RangeI

Public / Attributes


End of number range (exclusive).

public property End { get }
type int32
value End of number range (exclusive).


Is this number range empty?

public property IsEmpty { get }
type bool
value true if this range is empty, false if it is not.


End of number range (inclusive).

public readonly field Last
type int32


Length of this number range.

public property Length { get }
type int32
value The range length.


Start of number range (inclusive).

public readonly field Start
type int32

Public / Methods


Clamps the given value to this range.

public method Clamp (int32 value)
type int32
params value The value to clamp.
returns The clamped value.


Returns a range that represents the closed interval [a..b] (i.e. both a and b are contained in the range).

public static method Closed (int32 a, int32 b)
type RangeI
params a Left value of interval.
  b Right value of interval.
returns The range value.


Checks if this range contains the given value.

public method Contains (int32 value)
type bool
params value The value.
returns true if value is contained in this range, false if not.

Checks if this range fully contains the given range.

public method Contains (RangeI range)
type bool
params range The range.
returns true if range is fully contained in this range, false if not.


public method Equals (RangeI other)
type bool
params other


Grows this range so that it contains the given value.

public method Grow (int32 value)
type RangeI
params value The value.
returns The resulting range.

Grows this range so that it fully contains the given range.

public method Grow (RangeI range)
type RangeI
params range The range.
returns The resulting range.


Intersects this range with the given one.

public method Intersection (RangeI other)
type RangeI
params other The other range.
returns The resulting range.


Checks if this range intersects with the given one.

public method Intersects (RangeI other)
type bool
params other The other range.
returns true if both ranges intersect, false if not.


Returns the shortest possible range that contains the given value.

public static method Of (int32 a)
type RangeI
params a The value to contains.
returns The range value.

Returns the shortest possible range that contains the given values.

public static method Of (int32 a, int32 b)
type RangeI
params a First value to contain.
  b Second value to contain.
returns The range value.

Returns the shortest possible range that contains the given values.

public static method Of (int32 a, int32 b, int32 c)
type RangeI
params a First value to contain.
  b Second value to contain.
  c Third value to contain.
returns The range value.


Returns a range that represents the open interval ]a..b[ (i.e. neither a nor b is contained in the range).

public static method Open (int32 a, int32 b)
type RangeI
params a Left value of interval.
  b Right value of interval.
returns The range value.


Returns a range that represents the half-open interval ]a..b] (i.e. a is not contained in the range but b is).

public static method OpenLeft (int32 a, int32 b)
type RangeI
params a Left value of interval.
  b Right value of interval.
returns The range value.


Returns a range that represents the half-open interval [a..b[ (i.e. a is contained in the range but b is not).

public static method OpenRight (int32 a, int32 b)
type RangeI
params a Left value of interval.
  b Right value of interval.
returns The range value.


public override method ToString ()
type string


Transforms the given value from this range to the given range.

public method Transform (float32 value, RangeF target)
type float32
params value The value to transform.
  target The target range.
returns The transformed value.


The method maps Start to target. Start and Last to target. End.
No clamping is performed by this method.