Software Development Kit - User Manual

struct Vec2I in Tinman.Core.Math.Vectors

A two-dimensional vector with 32-bit integer precision.

struct Vec2I implements IEquatable<Vec2I>


/     \
|  X  |
|  Y  |
\     /



The serialization helper object for values of Vec2I.

public static readonly field Serializer
type ITypeSerializerEx<Vec2I>

Public / Constants


The zero vector.

public static readonly field Zero
type Vec2I

Public / Attributes


Returns the length of this vector.

public property Length { get }
type float64
value [>=0] The vector length.


Returns the squared length of this vector.

public property LengthSqr { get }
type float64
value [>=0] The squared vector length.


X-coordinate of vector.

public readonly field X
type int32


Y-coordinate of vector.

public readonly field Y
type int32

Public / Constructors


Creates a new instance of Vec2I.

public constructor Vec2I (int32 x, int32 y)
params x X-coordinate of vector.
  y Y-coordinate of vector.

Public / Methods


Adds this vector and the given one.

public method Add (Vec2I v)
type Vec2I
params v The vector.
returns The resulting vector.

Adds this vector and the given one.

public method Add (int32 x, int32 y)
type Vec2I
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The resulting vector.


Computes the cross product between this vector and the given one: this x other.

public method Cross (int32 z)
type Vec2I
params z Z-component of vector (X- and Y-components are zero).
returns The cross product vector.

Computes the cross product between this vector and the given one: this x other.

public method Cross (Vec2I v)
type int32
params v The other vector.
returns The Z-component of the cross product vector (X- and Y-components are zero).

Computes the cross product between this vector and the given one: this x other.

public method Cross (int32 x, int32 y)
type int32
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The Z-component of the cross product vector (X- and Y-components are zero).


Computes the dot product between this vector and the given one.

public method Dot (Vec2I v)
type int32
params v The vector.
returns The resulting vector.

Computes the dot product between this vector and the given one.

public method Dot (int32 x, int32 y)
type int32
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The resulting vector.


Checks if this vector and the given one are equal.

public method Equals (Vec2I v)
type bool
params v The vector.
returns true if both vectors are equal, false if they are not.

Checks if this vector and the given one are equal.

public method Equals (int32 x, int32 y)
type bool
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns true if both vectors are equal, false if they are not.


public override method GetHashCode ()
type int32


Computes the component-wise maximum of this vector and the given one.

public method Max (Vec2I v)
type Vec2I
params v The vector.
returns The resulting vector.

Computes the component-wise maximum of this vector and the given one.

public method Max (int32 x, int32 y)
type Vec2I
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The resulting vector.


Computes the component-wise minimum of this vector and the given one.

public method Min (Vec2I v)
type Vec2I
params v The vector.
returns The resulting vector.

Computes the component-wise minimum of this vector and the given one.

public method Min (int32 x, int32 y)
type Vec2I
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The resulting vector.


Multiplies this vector with the given one.

public method Mul (Vec2I v)
type Vec2I
params v The vector.
returns The resulting vector.

Multiplies this vector with the given scalar value.

public method Mul (int32 v)
type Vec2I
params v The scalar value.
returns The resulting vector.

Multiplies this vector with the given one.

public method Mul (int32 x, int32 y)
type Vec2I
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The resulting vector.


Negates this vector.

public method Neg ()
type Vec2I
returns The resulting vector.


Performs a left bit shift on each component of this vector.

public method ShiftLeft (int32 v)
type Vec2I
params v The shift amount.
returns The resulting vector.


Performs a right bit shift on each component of this vector.

public method ShiftRight (int32 v)
type Vec2I
params v The shift amount.
returns The resulting vector.


Subtracts the given vector from this one.

public method Sub (Vec2I v)
type Vec2I
params v The vector.
returns The resulting vector.

Subtracts the given vector from this one.

public method Sub (int32 x, int32 y)
type Vec2I
params x X-component of vector.
  y Y-component of vector.
returns The resulting vector.


Returns a formatted string representation of this vector.

public override method ToString ()
type string
returns [not-null] The formatted string value.