Software Development Kit - User Manual

class Grammar in Tinman.Core.Parsing

Represents a grammar for structural parsing.

sealed class Grammar extends Disposable


The following code shows the grammar for defining grammars:

grammar       := (decl-skip | decl-rule)+ ;

decl-rule     := [!?] <! identifier ':=' rule ';' ;
decl-skip     := '#' ':=' rule ';' ;

rule          := rule-list ;
rule-ast      := '{' identifier ':' rule (('<!' | '!>') rule)? '}' ;
rule-brace    := '(' rule ')' ;
rule-choice   := rule-sequence !> ('|' rule-sequence)+ ;
rule-except   := rule-not !> '\\' rule-not ;
rule-list     := rule-choice !> '..' rule-choice ;
rule-not      := '~' <! rule-primary ;
rule-primary  := rule-char | rule-token | rule-name | rule-brace | rule-ast ;
rule-repeat   := rule-except !> '?' | '*' | '+' | '[' number ('..' number)? ']' ;
rule-sequence := rule-trim !> (rule-trim)+ ;
rule-trim     := '#' <! rule-repeat !> '#' ;

rule-char     := char-range | char-set | char-set-inv | char-eof ;

char-range    := char-one !> '..' char-one ;

char-one      := '\'' (char-esc | ]\\'[) '\'' ;
char-set      := '[' (char-esc | ]\]\\[)+ ']' ;
char-set-inv  := ']' (char-esc | ]\[\\[)+ '[' ;
rule-token    := '@' <! '\'' (char-esc | ]\\'[)* '\'' ;

char-esc      := '\\' ([t0\]nr\[\\'] | 'x' hexdigit[1..4]) ;
rule-name     := identifier ;

hexdigit      := digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' ;
identifier    := letter (letter | digit)* ;
number        := digit+ ;

char-eof      := @'<eof>' ;
digit         := '0'..'9' ;
letter        := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | [_-] ;
The above grammar describes itself in its very own grammar language, so it is by definition fully self-explanatory (but still non-comprehensible, so the documentation goes on).

A grammar contains one or more declarations, which can be one of the following:

These are the grammar rules, listed from lowest precedence to highest: These are the primary rules (same precedence):

Parsing is performed by the following steps.

  1. Write a grammar script (see above).
  2. Create a Grammar object from that script (see ParseGrammar).
  3. Create an ICodeInput object (e.g. FromString).
  4. Create or obtain some source code that follows the grammar.
  5. Use a grammar rule (see GetRule) to parse the source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
  6. Analyse the ParseResult object and do error handling if necessary.
  7. Process the resulting AST (see Ast), for example by creating a program structure information (PSI) model from it (see below).
  8. Create a program structure information (PSI) model from an AST node by calling the CreatePsi method.
The following method families provide shortcuts through the steps above:

Public / Constants


Type for default root AST nodes.

public constant AstRoot = "ROOT"
type string


When the result of a parsing process yielded more than one root AST node, an artificial root node of this type is created that holds the yielded nodes.

Public / Attributes


Returns the source code for grammars in the grammar language.

public static property GrammarCode { get }
type string
value [not-null] The grammar source code.


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

public virtual property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited Disposable.LifecycleState


The grammar rules.

public property Rules { get }
type IMapConst<string, IGrammarRule>
value [not-null] Mapping from grammar rule name (see RuleName) to grammar rules.

Public / Constructors


Creates a new Grammar object.

public static method ParseGrammar (string source)
type GrammarBuilder
params source [not-empty] The grammar source code.
returns [not-null] The GrammarBuilder object for building the grammar. Call Build to get the final Grammar object.

Creates a new Grammar object.

public static method ParseGrammar (int32 lockedSource)
type GrammarBuilder
params lockedSource The locked grammar source code.
returns [not-null] The GrammarBuilder object for building the grammar. Call Build to get the final Grammar object.

Public / Methods


Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
public method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited Disposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
public method Dispose ()
inherited Disposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Returns a rule of this grammar by its name.

public method GetRule (string name = null)
type IGrammarRule
params name The rule name or null to return the default rule.
returns The rule or null if no rule of the given name exists.


Parses the given source code using the specified grammar rule.

public method ParseAst (string input, string rule = null)
type AstNode
params input [not-null] The source code to parse.
  rule The rule name or null to use the default rule.
returns [not-null] The resulting AST.

See also:


Parses the given source code using the specified grammar rule.

public method ParseAst (ICodeInput input, string rule = null)
type AstNode
params input [not-null] The source code to parse.
  rule The rule name or null to use the default rule.
returns [not-null] The resulting AST.

See also:



Parses the given input data using the specified rule.

public method ParseInfo (string input, string rule = null)
type ParseResult
params input [not-null] The input data.
  rule The rule name or null to use the default rule.
returns [not-null] The parser result object.

See also:


Parses the given input data using the specified rule, returning a status object that contains additional information about the parsing process.

public method ParseInfo (ICodeInput input, string rule = null)
type ParseResult
params input [not-null] The input data.
  rule The rule name or null to use the default rule.
returns [not-null] The parser result object.

See also:



Parses the given source code using the specified grammar rule.

public method ParsePsi (string input, string rule = null)
type object
params input [not-null] The source code to parse.
  rule The rule name or null to use the default rule.
returns [not-null] The resulting AST.

Parses the given source code using the specified grammar rule.

public method ParsePsi (ICodeInput input, string rule = null)
type object
params input [not-null] The source code to parse.
  rule The rule name or null to use the default rule.
returns [not-null] The resulting AST.


Parses the given input, using the specified grammar.

public static method ParseWith (string grammar, string input)
type AstNode
params grammar [not-empty] The grammar to use.
  input [not-empty] The input to parse.
returns [not-null] The parsed AST.



Returns the grammar source code.

public method ToSource (RuleToSourceFlags flags = RuleToSourceFlags.None)
type string
params flags The format flags to use.
returns [not-null] The grammar source code.