Software Development Kit - User Manual

class LowLevel in Tinman.Core.System

This class provides methods for accessing low level native functions.

static class LowLevel  

Public / Attributes


Returns the estimated total CPU usage of the system.

public static property CpuTotal { get }
type int32
value [0..100] The estimated total CPU usage.


Returns the estimated CPU usage of the calling process.

public static property CpuUsed { get }
type int32
value [0..100] The estimated process CPU usage.


Checks if the underlying environment is 64-bit.

public static property Is64Bit { get }
type bool
value true if the underlying environment is 64-bit, false if not.


Checks if this binary has been compiled in debug mode.

public static property IsDebug { get }
type bool
value true if this binary has been compiled in debug mode, false if not.


Returns an estimate on the amount of unused physical memory that can be used by the process.

public static property MemoryFree { get }
type int64
value [>0] The amount of unused memory, in bytes.


Returns the total amount of physical memory that is available to the process.

public static property MemoryTotal { get }
type int64
value [>0] The total amount of available memory, in bytes.


Returns the amount of physical memory that is currently being used by the process.

public static property MemoryUsed { get }
type int64
value [>=0] The amount of used physical memory.


Returns the human-readable name of the underlying platform.

public static property PlatformName { get }
type string
value [not-null] The platform name.


Returns the number of (logical) processors on the system.

public static property ProcessorCount { get }
type int32
value [>=1] The number of processors.


This value does not represent physical CPU cores. Instead it is meant to be a guide for determining how many threads to run in parallel at a given point in time.


Returns the human-readable name of the underlying programming language.

public static property ProgrammingLanguageName { get }
type string
value [not-null] The programming language name.


Returns the UTC system time in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (for example 2014-01-31 15:56:30).

public static property SystemTimeString { get }
type string
value [not-null] The UTC system time string.


Returns the system tick count.

public static property TickCount { get }
type int32
value The current system tick, in milliseconds.


System tick count values should not be used across thread boundaries.

See also:



Returns the system tick count.

public static property TickCountPrecise { get }
type int64
value The current system tick, in microseconds.


System tick count values should not be used across thread boundaries.

See also:


Public / Methods


Interprets the given 64-bit floating point value as a 64-bit integer value.

public static method DoubleToLong (float64 value)
type int64
params value The floating point value.
returns The integer value, holding the IEEE 754 compliant bit pattern.


Interprets the given 64-bit floating point value as a 64-bit integer value.

public static method FloatToInt (float32 value)
type int32
params value The floating point value.
returns The integer value, holding the IEEE 754 compliant bit pattern.


Returns the value of an environment variable.

public static method GetVariable (string variable)
type string
params variable [not-empty] The variable name.
returns The variable value or null if not found.


The environment variable is retrieved from the user that is running the current process. If not found, the variable is retrieved from the current process.


Interprets the given 32-bit integer as a 32-bit floating point value.

public static method IntToFloat (int32 value)
type float32
params value The integer value, holding the IEEE 754 compliant bit pattern.
returns The floating point value.


Interprets the given 64-bit integer as a 64-bit floating point value.

public static method LongToDouble (int64 value)
type float64
params value The integer value, holding the IEEE 754 compliant bit pattern.
returns The floating point value.