Software Development Kit - User Manual

class ValidateMessage in Tinman.Core.Validating

Default implementation of the IValidateMessage interface.

class ValidateMessage implements IValidateMessage
  base of ParsingError

Public / Attributes


The context object.

public property MessageContext { get set }
type object
value The context object or null.
implements IValidateMessage.MessageContext


The model path that leads to the error source.

public property MessagePath { get set }
type ValidatePath
value The error path (will be None) if no path is available.
implements IValidateMessage.MessagePath


Message that describes this error.

public property MessageText { get }
type string
value [not-null] The error message.
implements IValidateMessage.MessageText


The message type.

public property MessageType { get }
type ValidateMessageType
value The message type.
implements IValidateMessage.MessageType

Public / Methods


Compares this object with the given one.

public virtual method CompareTo (IValidateMessage other)
type int32
params other The object to compare to.
returns < 0 : if this object is less than other,
= 0 : if this object is equal to other,
> 0 : if this object is greater than other.
implements IComparable.CompareTo


Creates a new custom validation message.

public static method Custom (string message, ValidateMessageType type = ValidateMessageType.Error)
type ValidateMessage
params message The message text.
  type The message type. Defaults to Error.
returns [not-null] The message object.


The path does not point to an existing file.

public static method DirectoryNotFound (Path path, bool error = false)
type ValidateMessage
params path The path.
  error Generate error message instead of warning? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The message object.


Compares this object with the given one.

public virtual method Equals (IValidateMessage other)
type bool
params other The object to compare to.
returns true if this object is equal to other, false if not.
implements IEquatable.Equals


The path does not point to an existing file.

public static method FileNotFound (Path path, bool error = false)
type ValidateMessage
params path The path.
  error Generate error message instead of warning? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The message object.


The element being validated has an invalid value.

public static method InvalidValue ()
type ValidateMessage
returns [not-null] The message object.


The element being validated does not have a value.

public static method MissingValue ()
type ValidateMessage
returns [not-null] The message object.


The path does not point to an existing file or directory.

public static method PathNotFound (Path path, bool error = false)
type ValidateMessage
params path The path.
  error Generate error message instead of warning? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The message object.


public method Throw (string source)
type ValidatingException
params source
implements IValidateMessage.Throw


public override sealed method ToString ()
type string

public virtual method ToString (IValidateMessage previous)
type string
params previous
implements IValidateMessage.ToString

Protected / Constructors


Creates a new instance of ValidateMessage.

protected constructor ValidateMessage (string messageText, ValidateMessageType messageType = ValidateMessageType.Error)
params messageText [not-null] The validation message text.
  messageType The validation message type. Defaults to Error.