Software Development Kit - User Manual

class Domain in Tinman.Licence

The Domain class provides low-level functions for checking licence keys and unlocking protected data.

abstract class Domain  

Public / Constants


Average number of seconds per month.

public constant SecondsPerMonth = 2629800
type int32


Number of timestamp ticks per year (rounded up).

public constant TimestampTicksPerYear = 54
type int32

Public / Attributes


Returns the system time.

public static property SystemTime { get }
type int64
value The system time, in milliseconds after 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC (i.e. the unix epoch).

Public / Constructors


public static method Tinman ()
type Domain

Public / Methods


Unlocks the given protected content.

public static method Content (int8[] input, int8[] key, int8[] output)
type int32
params input Input buffer holding the locked content bytes.
  key The binary licence key.
  output Output buffer for unlocked content bytes.
returns = 0: The number of bytes that have been written to output.
< 0: The required output buffer length (negated), if null or too small.


Tries to unlock this domain using the given binary licence key.

public method Key (int8[] key)
type int32
params key The binary licence key.
returns > 0: the domain has been unlocked.
= 0: the licence key is valid but cannot unlock this domain.
< 0: the licence key is invalid.


Returns a locked data item.

public abstract method Locked (int32 locked)
type string
params locked The data item ID.
returns The locked data item or null.


Converts the given UTC into timestamp ticks (weeks) to milliseconds since 1970/01/01.

public static method TimestampTicksToUtc (int32 ticks)
type int64
params ticks The timestamp ticks (weeks).
returns The millisecond ticks.


Converts the given milliseconds since 1970/01/01 UTC into timestamp ticks (weeks).

public static method TimestampUtcToTicks (int64 utc)
type int32
params utc The millisecond ticks.
returns The timestamp ticks (weeks).


Unlocks the given data item.

public method Unlock (int8[] input, int8[] output)
type int32
params input Input buffer holding the locked data item bytes.
  output Output buffer for unlocked data item bytes.
returns = 0: The number of bytes that have been written to output.
< 0: The required output buffer length (negated), if null or too small.

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor Domain ()