Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface IMeshDynamic in Tinman.Terrain.Kernel

Base interface for dynamic continuous level-of-detail terrain meshes that perform view-dependent refinement at runtime.

interface IMeshDynamic extends IMesh


The terrain mesh version (see Version) is incremented during MeshUpdate if the mesh structure has changed since the last call.



Allow refinement to sleep for a short period of time when little refinement work is necessary?

property AllowSleep { get set }
type bool
value true to allow sleeping, false to disallow it.


The default value is true.


Shall refinement be paused when it has finished?

property AutoPause { get set }
type bool
value true if refinement shall be paused when it has finished, false to keep background refinement active even if an optimal mesh structure has been reached.


When the background refinement has been paused, the application must explicitly resume it by calling Resume (usually when the visibility criterion parameters have changed).


The IGeometry object this terrain mesh uses.

property Geometry { get }
type IGeometry
value [not-null] The geometry object.
inherited IMesh.Geometry


The geometry object is used to compute actual vertex data from the terrain data that has been gathered from the heightmap.

See also:



The heightmap of this terrain mesh.

property Heightmap { get }
type IHeightmap
value [not-null] The heightmap.
inherited IMesh.Heightmap


The heightmap delivers terrain data, such as elevation and diffuse color.

See also:



Is this terrain mesh ready for traversal and triangulation?

property IsReady { get }
type bool
value true if this mesh is ready, false if not.
inherited IMesh.IsReady


When a mesh is not ready yet, calling GetRoot will always return Null.


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited ILifecycleState.LifecycleState


Returns the estimate progress of the refinement, in percent.

property Progress { get }
type int32
value [0..100] The refinement progress, in percent.


A value of 100 means that refinement has reached an optimal mesh structure, i.e. no more vertices will be added to or removed from any terrain meshes.


The quality setting for mesh refinement.

property QualityThreshold { get set }
type float64
value [>0] The quality threshold value.


The quality threshold value is passed to the IsVertexVisible method of the meshes Visibility check. Quality increases with smaller threshold values. The interpretation of this value depends on the used visibility check (e.g. screen-space pixels or terrain-space units). The default value is 2.5.


Returns the current refinement status.

property Status { get }
type RefinementStatus
value The current refinement status.


The task group that is used by this mesh for background computations.

property TaskGroup { get }
type TaskGroup
value [not-null] The task group.
inherited IMesh.TaskGroup


Returns the mesh quadtree object which can be used during traversals.

property Tree { get }
type MeshTree
value [not-null] The mesh structure helper object.
inherited IMesh.Tree


Each mesh face (see CubemapFace) represents the root of a quadtree structure. During mesh traversal (via the IMeshTraversal), the MeshTree object provides access to the underlying quadtree structure.


Specifies the target triangle count for mesh refinement.

property TriangleThreshold { get set }
type int32
value [>=0] The target triangle count.


When the target triangle count is greater than zero, mesh refinement automatically adjusts the internal quality threshold value, in order to reach resp. maintain the target triangle count. In this case, the configured quality threshold (see QualityThreshold) is used as the lower boundary; i.e. the internal value will always be greater than or equal to the configured value.

Defaults to 0.


Return the Triangulator object to use for mesh triangulation.

property Triangulator { get }
type Triangulator
value [not-null] The Triangulator instance.
inherited IMesh.Triangulator


Returns the current version of object.

property Version { get }
type int32
value The current version number.
inherited IVersioned.Version


For each modification, the version is incremented by at least one.


Returns the CPU vertex data collection of this terrain mesh.

property Vertices { get }
type VertexArrays
value [not-null] The vertex data collection.
inherited IMesh.Vertices


All meshes created by a single MeshBuffer share the same vertex data collection.


The vertex visibility check that is used for mesh refinement.

property Visibility { get set }
type IVisibleCheck
value [not-null] The visibility check.


The given IVisibleCheck object will be handed over to the refinement thread in the thread-safe manner. Then the SetVertexArrays will be called one and the IsVertexVisible method will be called repeatedly by the refinement thread. The implementation of IVisibleCheck should not allow modifications (thus making instances inherently thread-safe). Otherwise, the implementation is responsible for providing proper thread synchronization.



Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited IDisposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Marks the given heightmap coordinate region as dirty.

method DirtyRegion (int32 x1, int32 x2, int32 y1, int32 y2, int32 z1 = 0, int32 z2 = 0)
params x1 Minimum heightmap X-coordinate (inclusive).
  x2 Maximum heightmap X-coordinate (inclusive).
  y1 Minimum heightmap Y-coordinate (inclusive).
  y2 Maximum heightmap Y-coordinate (inclusive).
  z1 Minimum heightmap Z-coordinate (inclusive). Defaults to 0.
  z2 Maximum heightmap Z-coordinate (inclusive). Defaults to 0.


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
method Dispose ()
inherited IDisposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Resumes background refinement.

method Resume ()


This method must be called iff AutoPause has been set to true and background refinement has finished (i.e. when Status is Paused). Otherwise, refinement will not continue and the mesh structure will remain unchanged, even if the parameters of the visibility criterion are changed.

If this method is called in other cases it performs no action and silently returns.



Marks the given heightmap coordinate region as dirty.

method DirtyRegion (Box2I region)
params region The heightmap coordinate region.

Marks the given heightmap coordinate region as dirty.

method DirtyRegion (Box3I region)
params region The heightmap coordinate region.