Software Development Kit - User Manual

class DistanceToGround in Tinman.Terrain.Meshing

The DistanceToGround class traverses the filtered mesh (see FilterIn) and computes the smallest distance of a given point to the terrain surface.

sealed class DistanceToGround extends MeshTraversal


The following vertex data semantics are used by this class:

Public / Attributes


The mesh tree input filter to use for querying sector culling and marks.

public property FilterIn { get set }
type MeshTreeFilter
value The filter or null.
inherited MeshTraversal.FilterIn


The default value is null (i.e. all mesh sectors are visited).

See also:



The mesh tree output filter to use for performing sector culling and marking.

public property FilterOut { get set }
type MeshTreeFilter
value The mesh tree filter object.
inherited MeshTraversal.FilterOut


This MeshTreeFilter is not reset automatically. The application is responsible to call Reset.

The default value is null (i.e. the input filter is used in that case).

See also:



Has this object been bound to an IMesh object?

public property HasMesh { get }
type bool
value true if this object is currently bound to an IMesh, false if not.
inherited MeshBoundBase.HasMesh


The CLOD mesh this object is currently bound to.

public property Mesh { get }
type IMesh
value The CLOD mesh or null.
inherited MeshBoundBase.Mesh


The filtered MeshTree of this mesh traversal object.

public property Tree { get }
type MeshTree
value [not-null] The filtered MeshTree object or null if this object is not bound.
inherited MeshTraversal.Tree

Public / Methods


Computes the nearest distance from the given point in terrain-space to the current mesh.

public method Compute (Vec3D point)
type float64
params point Coordinates of the point in terrain-space.
returns The nearest distance to the terrain surface, in terrain-space. Will be 0 if the mesh is not ready.

Computes the nearest distance from the given point in terrain-space to the bound mesh.

public method Compute (float64 pointX, float64 pointY, float64 pointZ)
type float64
params pointX X-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  pointY Y-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  pointZ Z-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
returns The nearest distance to the terrain surface, in terrain-space. Will be 0 if the mesh is not ready.


Binds this object to the given IMesh.

public override method MeshBind (IMesh mesh)
params mesh The mesh object.
overrides MeshTraversal.MeshBind


Unbinds this object from its current IMesh.

public override method MeshUnbind ()
overrides MeshBoundBase.MeshUnbind


Visits the given mesh root sectors.

public method VisitFaces (CubemapFace meshFace = CubemapFace.All)
params meshFace The mesh face to traverse. Defaults to All.
inherited MeshTraversal.VisitFaces


Visits a quadrant of the given mesh sector on the current face, assuming that the corresponding child mesh sector does not exist.

public override method VisitQuadrant (int32 sector, int32 childIdx)
params sector Index of center vertex of sector to visit.
  childIdx Index of non-existing child sector in sector.
implements MeshTraversal.VisitQuadrant


The quadtree data structure for visiting the given sector can be obtained by getting the Tree property of the current mesh (see MeshBind.


Visits the given mesh sector on the current face.

public override method VisitSector (int32 sector)
params sector Index of center vertex of sector to visit.
implements MeshTraversal.VisitSector


The quadtree data structure for visiting the given sector can be obtained by getting the Tree property of the current mesh (see MeshBind.