Software Development Kit - User Manual

class HeightAboveGround in Tinman.Terrain.Meshing

The HeightAboveGround class traverses the filtered mesh (see FilterIn) and computes the height of a given point above the terrain surface, along to the up-vector of the terrain geometry (see ComputeUp).

sealed class HeightAboveGround extends MeshBoundBase


The term above in this context is dependent on the used IGeometry object: points that have a higher elevations value are considered to be above those points with lower elevation values.

The following vertex data semantics are used by this class:

Public / Attributes


Has this object been bound to an IMesh object?

public property HasMesh { get }
type bool
value true if this object is currently bound to an IMesh, false if not.
inherited MeshBoundBase.HasMesh


The CLOD mesh this object is currently bound to.

public property Mesh { get }
type IMesh
value The CLOD mesh or null.
inherited MeshBoundBase.Mesh

Public / Constructors


Creates a new instance of HeightAboveGround.

public constructor HeightAboveGround ()

Public / Methods


Computes the height above ground from the given point.

public method Compute (Vec3D point)
type float64
params point Coordinates of the point in terrain-space.
returns The height above ground, in terrain-space. If the given point is not located above the terrain, a negative value is returned. If the point is not above or below the terrain, NaN is returned.

Computes the height above ground from the given point.

public method Compute (Vec3D point, out Vec3D up)
type float64
params point Coordinates of the point in terrain-space.
  up Output for up-vector.
returns The height above ground, in terrain-space. If the given point is not located above the terrain, a negative value is returned. If the point is not above or below the terrain, NaN is returned.

Computes the height above ground from the given point in terrain-space.

public method Compute (float64 pointX, float64 pointY, float64 pointZ)
type float64
params pointX X-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  pointY Y-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  pointZ Z-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
returns The height above ground, in terrain-space. If the given point is not located above the terrain, a negative value is returned. If the point is not above or below the terrain, NaN is returned.

Computes the height above ground from the given point in terrain-space.

public method Compute (float64 pointX, float64 pointY, float64 pointZ, out Vec3D up)
type float64
params pointX X-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  pointY Y-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  pointZ Z-coordinate of the point in terrain-space.
  up Output for up-vector.
returns The height above ground, in terrain-space. If the given point is not located above the terrain, a negative value is returned. If the point is not above or below the terrain, NaN is returned.


Binds this object to the given IMesh.

public override method MeshBind (IMesh mesh)
params mesh The mesh object.
overrides MeshBoundBase.MeshBind


Unbinds this object from its current IMesh.

public override method MeshUnbind ()
overrides MeshBoundBase.MeshUnbind