Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface IVectorFunction in Tinman.Terrain.Procedural

Base interface for classes that compute procedural vector noise values.

interface IVectorFunction extends INoiseFunctionOps<Vec3D, IVectorFunction>
  base of VectorFunction



For constant noise functions, returns the constant value. For all others, the default value of TValue is returned.

property ConstantValue { get }
type TValue
value The constant value.
inherited INoiseFunction.ConstantValue


Does this noise function return a constant value?

property IsConstant { get }
type bool
value true if this noise function is constant, false if not.
inherited INoiseFunctionBase.IsConstant


A constant noise function computes the same value for all input coordinates.


Returns the serial type of this object.

property SerialType { get }
type ISerialTypeInfo
value [not-null] The serial type.
inherited ISerializable.SerialType


Returns the serial data version.

property SerialVersion { get }
type int32
value [>=1] The serial data version tag.
inherited ISerializable.SerialVersion


An ISerializable implementation is required to support all versions up to the one returned by SerialVersion.

See also:




Adds the vector values of this noise function and the given noise function.

method Add (IVectorFunction function)
type IVectorFunction
params function [not-null] The other noise function.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this + function


Computes the noise value for the given input vector.

method ComputeValue (Vec3D v)
type TValue
params v Coordinate of input vector.
returns The noise value.
inherited INoiseFunction.ComputeValue

Computes the noise value for the given input vector.

method ComputeValue (float64 x, float64 y, float64 z)
type TValue
params x X-coordinate of input vector.
  y Y-coordinate of input vector.
  z Z-coordinate of input vector.
returns The noise value.
inherited INoiseFunction.ComputeValue


Initializes the state of this object from the given data stream.

method Deserialize (int32 serialVersion, ISerializer data)
type ISerializable
params serialVersion [>=1] The serial data version.
  data [not-null] The serial data stream.
returns [not-null] The deserialized object. This will typically be this, but in some circumstances, another instance may be returned (e.g. singletons).
inherited ISerializable.Deserialize


The Deserialize method will be called immediately after the object has been instantiated via its default constructor.

The provided serialVersion number is guaranteed to be equal to or less than the SerialVersion returned by this object (i.e. ISerializable object must provide backwards compatibility).

See also:



Does this noise function have the given constant value?

method HasConstantValue (TValue value)
type bool
params value The constant value.
returns true if this noise function has the given constant value, false if not.
inherited INoiseFunction.HasConstantValue


Applies a linear transformation on the output value of this noise function.

method Linear (TValue scale, TValue offset)
type TNoise
params scale Linear coefficient of output transform.
  offset Linear coefficient of output transform.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.
inherited INoiseFunctionOps.Linear


result = noise * scale + offset
where noise is this noise function and result is the returned noise function.


Applies a linear transformation on the output value of this noise function.

method LinearBase (TValue scale, TValue offset)
type INoiseFunction<TValue>
params scale Linear coefficient of output transform.
  offset Linear coefficient of output transform.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.
inherited INoiseFunction.LinearBase


result = noise * scale + offset
where noise is this noise function and result is the returned noise function.


Multiplies the vector values of this noise function with the vector values of the the given noise function.

method Mul (IVectorFunction function)
type IVectorFunction
params function [not-null] The other noise function.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this * factor


Normalizes the vector values of this noise function.

method Norm ()
type IVectorFunction
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this / |this|


Serializes the current state of this object to the given data stream.

method Serialize (ISerializer data)
params data [not-null] The serial data stream.
inherited ISerializable.Serialize

See also:



Simplifies this noise function, if possible.

method Simplify ()
type TNoise
returns [not-null] The simplified noise function or this.
inherited INoiseFunctionOps.Simplify


Simplifies this noise function, if possible.

method SimplifyBase ()
type INoiseFunction<TValue>
returns [not-null] The simplified noise function or this.
inherited INoiseFunction.SimplifyBase


Subtracts the vector values of the given noise function from the vector values of this noise function.

method Sub (IVectorFunction function)
type IVectorFunction
params function [not-null] The other noise function.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this - function


Returns the configuration value that describes this object.

method ToConfig ()
type ConfigValue
returns [not-null] The configuration value.
inherited IConfigurable.ToConfig


All configurable objects need to implement this interface. For simple types, it is preferable to delegate to ToValue.

The returned value may be of type Invalid, which means that this object in its current state cannot be described with the configuration API.

Before returning the resulting configuration value, Cache must be called on it, passing this IConfigurable object as parameter.


Transforms the input coordinates using the given vector function before plugging them into this noise function.

method Transform (IVectorFunction function)
type TNoise
params function [not-null] The vector function to use for transforming the input coordinates.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.
inherited INoiseFunctionOps.Transform



Adds the vector values of this noise function and the given vector value.

method AddV (Vec3D value)
type IVectorFunction
params value The value to add.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this + value


Returns a multifractal noise function based on this noise function.

method MultiSum (int32 octaves, float64 amplitude = 0.5, float64 frequency = 2)
type IVectorFunction
params octaves [>=1] The number of octaves.
  amplitude Factor to apply to amplitude when going to the next octave. The amplitude of the first octave is 1.
  frequency Factor to apply to frequency when going to the next octave. The frequency of the first octave is 1.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


Multiplies the vector values of this noise function with the given scalar value.

method MulV (Vec3D value)
type IVectorFunction
params value The value to multiply with.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this * value


Applies the given function operator to this noise function and the given one (for binary operators only).

method Op (VectorFunctionOpCode op, IVectorFunction other = null)
type IVectorFunction
params op The operation to use.
  other The other noise function or null if op is unary.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


Applies the given function operator to this noise function and the given vector value (for binary operators only).

method OpV (VectorFunctionOpCode op, Vec3D value)
type IVectorFunction
params op The operation to use.
  value The vector value to combine with.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


Subtracts the given vector value from the vector values of this noise function.

method SubV (Vec3D value)
type IVectorFunction
params value The value to subtract.
returns [not-null] The resulting noise function.


result := this - value