Software Development Kit - User Manual

class ProjCoordinateTransform in Tinman.AddOns.GDAL

sealed class ProjCoordinateTransform extends CoordinateTransform

Public / Attributes


Does this coordinate system transform flip the handedness?

public virtual property IsFlip { get }
type bool
value true if the coordinate system handedness if flipped, false if not.
inherited CoordinateTransform.IsFlip

Public / Constructors


Creates a new instance of ProjCoordinateTransform.

public constructor ProjCoordinateTransform (string projDef)
params projDef [not-empty] The PROJ.4 definition string.

Public / Methods


Applies the given coordinate system flags to this transform.

public virtual method Flags (CoordinateSystemFlags flags)
type ICoordinateTransform
params flags The coordinate system flags to apply.
returns [not-null] The resulting coordinate transform.
inherited CoordinateTransform.Flags


The given flags will change the interpretation of easting and northing values that are passed to MapToGeographic or returned from GeographicToMap.


Checks if the given coordinates lie within a bad region of this transformation.

public virtual method GeographicClip (float64 latitude, float64 longitude)
type bool
params latitude Latitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of geodata.
  longitude Longitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of geodata.
returns true if the given coordinates are considered to be bad, false if they are ok.
inherited CoordinateTransform.GeographicClip


Bad regions are where heavy distortion or coordinate wrap-around occurs. This method is intended to be used for visualization. It should not be used for data processing.


Performs the forward calculation.

public override method GeographicToMap (float64 latitude, float64 longitude)
type Vec2D
params latitude Latitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of geodata.
  longitude Longitude in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of geodata.
returns The resulting easting (X) and northing (Y) values, in map units.
implements CoordinateTransform.GeographicToMap


Performs the reverse calculation.

public override method MapToGeographic (float64 easting, float64 northing)
type Vec2D
params easting The easting coordinate, in map units.
  northing The northing coordinate, in map units.
returns The resulting longitude (X) and latitude (Y) angles in radians, in terms of horizontal datum of geodata.
implements CoordinateTransform.MapToGeographic