Software Development Kit - User Manual

class BlockCodec in Tinman.Core.Codec

Abstract base class for IBlockCodec implementations.

abstract class BlockCodec implements IBlockCodec

Public / Attributes


Length of a single input block, in bytes.

public abstract property BlockLengthInput { get }
type int32
value [>0] The input block length, in bytes.
implements IBlockCodec.BlockLengthInput


This is the number of bytes that are read from the input during each call to ProcessBlock().


Length of a single output block, in bytes.

public abstract property BlockLengthOutput { get }
type int32
value [>0] The output block length, in bytes.
implements IBlockCodec.BlockLengthOutput


This is the number of bytes that are written to the output during each call to ProcessBlock().


The mode of this block codec.

public abstract property Mode { get }
type CodecMode
value The codec mode.
implements IBlockCodec.Mode


Name of this block codec.

public abstract property Name { get }
type string
value [not-null] The codec name.
implements IBlockCodec.Name

Public / Methods


Creates a new instance of IBlockCodec that implements the symmetric cipher AES.

public static method AES (CodecMode mode, int8[] keyData)
type IBlockCodec
params mode Encode or decode?
  keyData [not-null] Bytes of the cipher key. Must be 128, 192 or 256 bits in length.
returns [not-null] The created IBlockCodec instance.


Processes the given input data block.

public abstract method ProcessBlock (ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output)
params input [not-null] The input data block. Must have at least BlockLengthInput of Remaining bytes.
  output [not-null] The output data buffer. Must have at least BlockLengthOutput of Remaining bytes.
implements IBlockCodec.ProcessBlock

Processes the given input data block.

public abstract method ProcessBlock (int8[] input, int32 inputOffset, int8[] output, int32 outputOffset)
params input [not-null] The input data block. Must contain at least BlockLengthInput bytes starting at inputOffset.
  inputOffset [>=0] Offset into input to first byte of input data block.
  output [not-null] The output data buffer. Must contain at least BlockLengthOutput bytes starting at outputOffset.
  outputOffset [>=0] Offset into output to first byte of output data buffer.
implements IBlockCodec.ProcessBlock


Creates a new instance of IBlockCodec that implements the asymmetric cipher RSA.

public static method RSA (CodecMode mode, int32[] modulus, int32[] exponent = null)
type IBlockCodec
params mode Encode or decode?
  modulus [not-null] The shared modulus N of the key.
  exponent The exponent (e or d, depending on Mode) of the key. If null, the value 65537 will be used. Defaults to null.
returns [not-null] The created IBlockCodec instance.


Separate keys are used for encoding and decoding:

(e, N)
(d, N)
where e is the encoding exponent, d is the decoding exponent and N is the shared modulus. A plaintext message m (i.e. a single input block, interpreted as a big integer value) is encrypted into ciphertext c using this formula:
c = m^e % N
m = c^d % N
Big integer values are specified as arrays of 32-bit integers, in big-endian order.