Software Development Kit - User Manual

class ByteBuffer in Tinman.Core.System

Represents a byte buffer.

sealed class ByteBuffer extends Disposable


The following figure illustrates the concepts used by a byte buffer:

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  Absolute byte offset
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  Capacity = 16 bytes
          |                               |
     Position = 2                      Limit = 10
     (inclusive)                       (exclusive)
          Buffer range, Remaining = 10-2 = 8

Byte order for multibyte data types is platform specific (e.g. little-endian for Intel x86).

The maximum capacity of a byte buffer is 2^31 bytes (i.e. 2 GB).



The configurator object for this type.

public static readonly field ConfigByteOrder
type IConfigurator<ByteOrder>

Public / Attributes


Capacity of this byte buffer, in bytes.

public property Capacity { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The buffer capacity, in bytes.


Has this byte buffer some remaining bytes left (between current and limit position)?

public property HasRemaining { get }
type bool
value true if there is at least one remaining byte, false if there are no bytes remaining.


Is this a raw byte buffer?

public property IsRaw { get }
type bool
value true if this is a raw byte buffer, false if it is not.


Raw byte buffers are wrappers for memory regions that have been allocated by a third party (e.g. a locked vertex buffer region). The buffer itself does not hold ownership of the wrapped memory region and will hence perform no disposal whatsoever.


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

public virtual property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited Disposable.LifecycleState


Gets or sets the buffer limit. If the position is larger than the new limit then it is set to the new limit.

public property Limit { get set }
type int32
value [0..Capacity] Byte index of new limit position.


Returns the native byte order.

public static property NativeOrder { get }
type ByteOrder
value The native byte order.


Gets or sets the current position of this byte buffer.

public property Position { get set }
type int32
value [0..Limit] Byte index of new current position.


Sets the base pointer address of this byte buffer.

public property RawData { get set }
type IntPtr
value The base pointer address.


Setting the base pointer of a byte buffer (only for raw buffers, see IsRaw) will reset the Position to zero and the Limit to the buffers Capacity.


Returns a memory pointer to the buffers current limit.

public property RawLimit { get }
type IntPtr
value The memory pointer.


Use this property for interoperability with native code.


Returns a memory pointer to the buffers current position.

public property RawPosition { get }
type IntPtr
value The memory pointer.


Use this property for interoperability with native code.


Returns the number of bytes remaining between the current buffer position and its limit.

public property Remaining { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The number of remaining bytes.

Public / Constructors


Allocates a new byte buffer.

public static method Allocate (int32 size)
type ByteBuffer
params size [>=0] Size of the byte buffer, in bytes.
returns [not-null] The allocated byte buffer.


The Position of the newly created byte buffer will be zero and the Limit will be set to Capacity.


Creates an object pool for ByteBuffer objects of the given size.

public static method CreatePool (string name, int32 bufferSize, int32 poolSize)
type ByteBufferPool
params name [not-empty] Name of the object pool.
  bufferSize [>0] The size of each byte buffer, in bytes.
  poolSize [>0] The maximum size of all byte buffers in the pool, in bytes.
returns [not-null] The object pool.


Creates a raw byte pointer buffer.

public static method Raw (int32 size)
type ByteBuffer
params size [>=0] Size of buffer, in bytes.
returns [not-null] The raw byte buffer.


Raw byte buffer do not hold any real memory. They are placeholders for existing memory regions of the given size. The start address of a raw byte buffer must be specified via RawData.

Public / Methods


Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
public method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited Disposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Sets the position of this buffer to zero and the limit to its capacity.

public method Clear ()
type ByteBuffer
returns [not-null] this


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
public method Dispose ()
inherited Disposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Flips the buffer by setting the limit to the current position and resetting the position to zero.

public method Flip ()
type ByteBuffer
returns [not-null] this


Reads an 8-bit signed integer value from the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method Get ()
type int8
returns The read value.

Reads an 8-bit signed integer value from the given absolute position.

public method Get (int32 position)
type int8
params position The absolute position.
returns The read value.

Reads bytes from this buffer and stores them in the given array.

public method Get (int8[] buffer, int32 offset, int32 length)
params buffer [not-null] The array where to store the bytes.
  offset [0..buffer.Length] Offset into buffer to first byte to store.
  length [0..buffer.Length-offset] Total number of bytes to store.


Reads a 64-bit floating point value from the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method GetDouble ()
type float64
returns The read value.

Reads a 64-bit floating point value from the given position.

public method GetDouble (int32 position)
type float64
params position The absolute position.
returns The read value.


Reads a 32-bit floating point value from the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method GetFloat ()
type float32
returns The read value.

Reads a 32-bit floating point value from the given position.

public method GetFloat (int32 position)
type float32
params position The absolute position.
returns The read value.


Reads a 32-bit signed integer value from the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method GetInt ()
type int32
returns The read value.

Reads a 32-bit signed integer value from the given position.

public method GetInt (int32 position)
type int32
params position The absolute position.
returns The read value.


Reads a 64-bit signed integer value from the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method GetLong ()
type int64
returns The read value.

Reads a 64-bit signed integer value from the given position.

public method GetLong (int32 position)
type int64
params position The absolute position.
returns The read value.


Reads a 16-bit signed integer value from the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method GetShort ()
type int16
returns The read value.

Reads a 16-bit signed integer value from the given position.

public method GetShort (int32 position)
type int16
params position The absolute position.
returns The read value.


Sets the buffer position and limit.

public method PositionAndLimit (int32 position, int32 relativeLimit = -1)
type ByteBuffer
params position [0..Capacity] The new buffer position.
  relativeLimit [-1..Capacity-position] The new buffer limit, relative to position. If -1, the buffer limit will be set to the capacity. Defaults to -1.
returns [not-null] this


Writes an 8-bit signed integer value to the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method Put (int8 value)
params value The value to write.

Copies all bytes remaining in the given source buffer to this buffer.

public method Put (ByteBuffer source)
params source [not-null] The source byte buffer.

Writes an 8-bit signed integer value to the given position.

public method Put (int32 position, int8 value)
params position The absolute position.
  value The value to write.

Writes the given bytes into this buffer.

public method Put (int8[] buffer, int32 offset, int32 length)
params buffer [not-null] An array holding the bytes to write.
  offset [0..buffer.Length] Offset into buffer to first byte to write.
  length [0..buffer.Length-offset] Total number of bytes to write.


Writes a 64-bit floating point value to the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method PutDouble (float64 value)
params value The value to write.

Writes a 64-bit floating-point value to the given position.

public method PutDouble (int32 position, float64 value)
params position The absolute position.
  value The value to write.


Writes a 32-bit floating point value to the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method PutFloat (float32 value)
params value The value to write.

Writes a 32-bit floating-point value to the given position.

public method PutFloat (int32 position, float32 value)
params position The absolute position.
  value The value to write.


Writes a 32-bit signed integer value to the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method PutInt (int32 value)
params value The value to write.

Writes a 32-bit signed integer value to the given position.

public method PutInt (int32 position, int32 value)
params position The absolute position.
  value The value to write.
returns [not-null] this


Writes a 64-bit signed integer value to the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method PutLong (int64 value)
params value The value to write.

Writes a 64-bit signed integer value to the given position.

public method PutLong (int32 position, int64 value)
params position The absolute position.
  value The value to write.


Writes a 16-bit signed integer value to the current position and increases the position accordingly.

public method PutShort (int16 value)
params value The value to write.

Writes a 16-bit signed integer value to the given position.

public method PutShort (int32 position, int16 value)
params position The absolute position.
  value The value to write.


Fills a range of this buffer to 0.

public method Zero (int32 position = -1, int32 count = -1)
type ByteBuffer
params position Absolute offset of first buffer byte that will be filled. If less than 0, the current buffer Position will be used. Defaults to -1.
  count Number of bytes to fill. If less than 0, all bytes up to the buffer Limit will be filled. Defaults to -1.
returns [not-null] this

Public / Extensions


Copies count bytes from the given source buffer into the target buffer.

method CopyTo (ByteBuffer target, int32 count)
params target [not-null] The target buffer.
  count [>=0] The number of bytes to copy.


The method will read count bytes from source, starting at the current buffer Position and will write them to target, beginning at the current buffer position. The current position of both source and target buffers will be incremented by count. The buffer limits will not be modified.

Copies count bytes from the given source buffer into the target buffer.

method CopyTo (int32 sourcePosition, ByteBuffer target, int32 targetPosition, int32 count)
params sourcePosition [>=0] Absolute position of first byte to read from source.
  target [not-null] The target buffer.
  targetPosition [>=0] Absolute position of first byte to write to target.
  count [>=0] The number of bytes to copy.


The method will read count bytes from source, starting at sourcePosition and will write them to target, beginning at targetPosition. The current buffer positions and limits of both source and target will not be modified.


Fills the remaining bytes in this buffer.

method Fill (int8 value = 0)
type ByteBuffer
params value The clear value. Defaults to 0.
returns [not-null] this


This method will not modify the Position and Limit of the buffer.


Reads a signed 32-bit value from the given ByteBuffer using the given byte order.

method GetInt (ByteOrder order)
type int32
params order The byte order to use.
returns The read value.


Reads a signed 64-bit value from the given ByteBuffer using the given byte order.

method GetLong (ByteOrder order)
type int64
params order The byte order to use.
returns The read value.


Reads a signed 16-bit value from the given ByteBuffer using the given byte order.

method GetShort (ByteOrder order)
type int16
params order The byte order to use.
returns The read value.


Writes a signed 32-bit value to the given ByteBuffer using the given byte order.

method PutInt (int32 value, ByteOrder order)
params value The value to write.
  order The byte order to use.


Writes a signed 64-bit value to the given ByteBuffer using the given byte order.

method PutLong (int64 value, ByteOrder order)
params value The value to write.
  order The byte order to use.


Writes a signed 16-bit value to the given ByteBuffer using the given byte order.

method PutShort (int16 value, ByteOrder order)
params value The value to write.
  order The byte order to use.


Wraps this byte buffer in a data stream.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method ReadAsStream ()
type MemoryDataStream
returns [not-null] The memory data stream.


This byte buffer will end up as the InternalBuffer of the returned MemoryDataStream object.


Reads all remaining bytes from buffer and returns them as a byte array.

method ToArray ()
type int8[]
returns [not-null] The read bytes.


Reads all remaining bytes from buffer and returns them as a byte array.

method ToArrayOwn ()
type int8[]
returns [not-null] The read bytes.