Software Development Kit - User Manual

class BlockStorage in Tinman.Core.Database

A storage that uses a file and provides a generic allocation mechanism for blocks of persistent memory.

sealed class BlockStorage extends Disposable
  implements IBeginEndSync


The following table shows the binary layout of a block storage (multibyte values are encoded as LittleEndian).

Offset     | Type  | Count | Description
#0  ..  #7 |  int8 |     8 | Magic value that identifies a file used by a
           |       |       | persistent memory allocator:
           |       |       | 0x89 0x42 0x53 0x54 0x0D 0x0A 0x1A 0x0A
#8  ..  #9 | int16 |     1 | Binary format version (currently 1).
#10 .. #17 | int64 |     1 | Address of root node of allocations B-Tree, given
           |       |       | as a byte offset relative to file offset #0.
#18 .. #25 | int64 |     1 | Address of root node of free-chunks B-Tree, given
           |       |       | as a byte offset relative to file offset #0.
#26 .. #31 |  int8 |     6 | Reserved (must be all zero).
#32 .. EOF |  int8 |     ? | Data area of block storage.

Public / Attributes


Does this object support read access?

public property CanRead { get }
type bool
value true if this object supports reading, false if not.
implements ICanReadWrite.CanRead


Does this binary object support write access?

public property CanWrite { get }
type bool
value true if this object supports writing, false if not.
implements ICanReadWrite.CanWrite


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

public virtual property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited Disposable.LifecycleState


Returns a Path object that represents the file path this object is associated with.

public property PathInfo { get }
type Path
value [not-null] The path info.
implements IPathInfo.PathInfo


Objects that do not have a meaningful file path association simply return Unknown.

Public / Constructors


Creates a new block storage using the given file.

public static method Create ([Owner] IFile file, int64 offset)
type BlockStorage
params file [not-null] The file to use.
  offset [>=0] File offset of block storage.
returns [not-null] The created BlockStorage object.


Creates a new block storage using the given file.

public static method New (bool create, [Owner] IFile file, int64 offset)
type BlockStorage
params create Create a new block storage or open an existing one?
  file [not-null] The file to use.
  offset [>=0] File offset of block storage.
returns [not-null] The created BlockStorage object.


Opens an existing block storage using the given file.

public static method Open ([Owner] IFile file, int64 offset)
type BlockStorage
params file [not-null] The file to use.
  offset [>=0] File offset.
returns [not-null] The created BlockStorage object.

Public / Methods


Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
public method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited Disposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Allocates a persistent chunk of storage memory.

public method Allocate (int64 size)
type int64
params size [>0] Size of storage memory chunk, in bytes.
returns [>=0] The block ID of the allocated chunk.


Returns the block ID that would be allocated next for the given block size.

public method AllocateNext (int64 size)
type int64
params size [>0] Size of storage memory chunk, in bytes.
returns [>=0] The block ID of the allocated chunk.


This method does not perform any actual allocation. The returned block ID remains valid until End resp. WriteRelinquish is called.


Asserts that there is a pending read-only / read-write access to the block storage.

public method AssertReading (string source)
params source Error source tag.


Asserts that there is a pending read-write access to the block storage.

public method AssertWriting (string source)
params source Error source tag.


Begins an access to this object.

public method Begin ()
implements IBeginEnd.Begin


See the documentation of the class which implements this interface for details on the operations that must be wrapped in Begin and End calls.

See also:



Begins an exclusive read-write access.

public method BeginWrite ()
implements IBeginEndWrite.BeginWrite


Read-write access is acquired by calling BeginWrite or by calling Begin, followed by a later call to WriteAcquire.


Returns a list of all allocation blocks (free + used).

public method Blocks ()
type BlockInfo[]
returns [not-null] The array of allocation blocks.


This method is intended for informational and debugging purposes.


Clears all data from this block storage, including all block indexes.

public method Clear ()


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
public method Dispose ()
inherited Disposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Ends the current access to this object.

public method End ()
implements IBeginEnd.End


See the documentation of the class which implements this interface for details on the operations that must be wrapped in Begin and End calls.

See also:



Flushes all cached data.

public method Flush ()
implements IFlushable.Flush


Performing a flush may result in I/O work. Depending on the semantics of the implementing class, this work may need to be wrapped in special Begin / End method calls. See the documentation of the implementing classes for details.

In case this object represents a read-only resource, calling the Flush method has no effect.


Frees a persistent chunk of storage memory that has been allocated with Allocate

public method Free (int64 blockId)
params blockId The block ID, as returned by Allocate.


If the given block ID is unknown or invalid, the method returns silently.


Get all data of the given block.

[BeginEnd, OwnerReturn]
public method Get (int64 blockId)
type ByteBuffer
params blockId The block ID, as returned by Allocate.
returns The block data or null if blockId is InvalidId.


Notifies all threads currently blocked in a call to WaitForNotify.

public method NotifyWaiting ()
implements IBeginEndSync.NotifyWaiting


Reads a chunk of bytes from the given block.

public method Read (int64 blockId, int64 offset, ByteBuffer buffer, int32 bufferOffset = -1, int32 count = -1)
params blockId The block ID, as returned by Allocate.
  offset [>=0] Offset of first byte to read from block.
  buffer [not-null] The output buffer. The ByteBuffer object will not be modified by this method.
  bufferOffset [>=-1] Offset into output buffer. If set to -1, the current buffer position (see Position) will be used.
  count [>=-1] Total number of bytes to read. If set to -1, the remaining buffer bytes (see Remaining) will be used.


The maximum number of bytes that can be read with a single call is 2^31-1.


Sets all data of the given block.

[BeginWriteEnd, OwnerReturn]
public method Set ([Owner] ByteBuffer data, int64 blockId = DatabaseUtil.InvalidId)
type int64
params data [not-null] The new block data.
  blockId The block ID, as returned by Allocate, or InvalidId. Defaults to InvalidId.
returns The resulting block ID (may be different than blockId).


Returns the size of the given storage block.

public method Size (int64 blockId)
type int64
params blockId The block ID, as returned by Allocate.
returns [>=0] The storage block size, in bytes. Will be 0 iff blockId does not point to a valid storage block.


Waits until one of the events described below takes place and reacquires the lock on this monitor.

public method WaitForNotify (int32 timeout = 50)
params timeout [>0] The timeout value, in milliseconds. Defaults to 50.
implements IBeginEndSync.WaitForNotify


The calling thread will be blocked until one of the following events takes place:



Writes a chunk of bytes to the given block.

public method Write (int64 blockId, int64 offset, ByteBuffer buffer, int32 bufferOffset = -1, int32 count = -1)
params blockId The block ID, as returned by Allocate.
  offset [>=0] Offset of first byte to read from block.
  buffer [not-null] The input buffer. The ByteBuffer object will not be modified by this method.
  bufferOffset [>=-1] Offset into output buffer. If set to -1, the current buffer position (see Position) will be used.
  count [>=-1] Total number of bytes to read. If set to -1, the remaining buffer bytes (see Remaining) will be used.


The maximum number of bytes that can be written with a single call is 2^31-1. Writing past the end of the block is not allowed.


Acquires read-write access for the current read-only access.

public method WriteAcquire ()
implements IBeginEndWrite.WriteAcquire


After calling Begin, read-only access is allowed on the block storage. By calling the WriteAcquire method, the access is turned into read-write access (blocking may be necessary for this).

See also:



Returns to read-only access from the current read-write access.

public method WriteRelinquish ()
implements IBeginEndWrite.WriteRelinquish

See also:
