Software Development Kit - User Manual

class Format_StringBuilder in Tinman.Core.Formatting

sealed class Format_StringBuilder extends Format

Public / Methods


Appends the formatting result to the string builder.

public method Append ()
type StringBuilder
returns [not-null] The string builder.


Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Bool (bool value)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
returns [not-null] The resulting string.


Replaces the next placeholder with the characters that are appended to the returned string builder.

public method Builder ()
type StringBuilder
returns [not-null] The StringBuilder object.


Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Char (char value, int32 repeat = 1)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
  repeat Number of times to repeat value.
returns [not-null] this.


Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Int (int64 value, FormatFlags flags = FormatFlags.Default)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
  flags The number format flags to use.
returns [not-null] this.


Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Num (float64 value, FormatFlags flags = FormatFlags.Default)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
  flags The number format flags to use.
returns [not-null] this.


Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Obj (object value)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
returns [not-null] this.


Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Str (StringBuilder value)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
returns [not-null] this.

Replaces the next placeholder with the given value.

public method Str (string value, StringEscape escape = null)
type Format_StringBuilder
params value The replacement value.
  escape Optional escaping rules to apply to value. Defaults to null.
returns [not-null] this.