Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface IHeightmapOps in Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps

Defines common operations of IHeightmap objects.

interface IHeightmapOps base of IHeightmap


The IHeightmap object that is returned by the heightmap operation methods must be used by the caller instead of the IHeightmap on which the method has been called.



Pads this heightmap to the smallest fitting size of 2^n+1.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Border (HeightmapSample borderSample, int32 borderFalloff)
type IHeightmap
params borderSample The border heightmap sample.
  borderFalloff [>0] Width of the border falloff region, in heightmap samples.
returns [not-null] The padded heightmap.


This method will add a border region at the right and bottom edges of a rectangular heightmap (see Rect). A smooth falloff is computed at the heightmap edges in order to avoid unnecessary triangles being created by CLOD mesh refinement for overly sharp corners.


Clips away portions of this heightmap, according to the Coverage layer of the given heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Clip ([Owner] IHeightmap mask, bool inverse = false)
type IHeightmap
params mask [not-null] The heightmap that is used as the clip mask (see remarks).
  inverse Invert the coverage values in mask before clipping? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.


The coverage values of the returned heightmap are computed like this:

inverse == false : c_out = c_in * c_mask
inverse == true  : c_out = in * (1 - c_mask)
where c_out is the normalized coverage value (i.e. in the range [0..1]) of the returned heightmap, c_in is the normalized coverage value of this heightmap and c_arg is the normalized coverage value of mask.


Adds detail to this heightmap by combining it with the given heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Combine ([Owner] IHeightmap detail, ColorOp textureOp = ColorOp.Blend)
type IHeightmap
params detail [not-null] The detail heightmap.
  textureOp The color operation to apply to the Texture layer, if present. Defaults to Blend.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.


The heightmap samples of this heightmap (source) are modified using the samples of the given detail heightmap (detail) according to these rules:


Merges the given heightmap with this one. The coverage of both heightmaps will be taken into account during merging.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Merge ([Owner] IHeightmap second)
type IHeightmap
params second [not-null] The second heightmap.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.


Merged heightmaps fill data into heightmap samples in order, with heightmaps at a later stage overwriting sample data written by heightmaps of an earlier stage.

Both heightmaps (this one and second) will be scaled to the maximum possible size.


Returns a scaled version of this heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Scale (int32 newSize)
type IHeightmap
params newSize [pow2+1] The scaled internal size (see Type). The minimum internal size is MinSize.
returns [not-null] The scaled heightmap.


The maximum upscaling factor for heightmaps is 65536, so the given condition should be met when upscaling a heightmap (otherwise only the 16 most significant bits of the interpolation factor will be used):

(newSize - 1) / (Size - 1) <= 65536
where newSize is the new heightmap size and Type is the current size of this heightmap.


Splits the layers of this heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Split (HeightmapLayer layers)
type IHeightmap
params layers The heightmap layers to retain in the split heightmap.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.


Wraps this heightmap in a pixel pyramid.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method ToPyramid (int32 tileSize = 256, int32 tilePad = 0, int32 levels = 0, IPixelLayer pixelLayer = null, PyramidFlags flags = PyramidFlags.None)
type IPixelPyramid
params tileSize [pow2] The tile size. Defaults to 256.
  tilePad [>=0] The tile padding. Defaults to 0.
  levels [>=0] Defines how many pyramid levels (starting at the bottommost level) shall contain data. The heightmap sample step is 1 for the bottommost level and is multiplied by two for each parent level. If 0, all pyramid levels will contain data. Defaults to 0.
  pixelLayer Optional pixel layer to use. Defaults to null.
  flags Optional pyramid flags. Defaults to None.
returns [not-null] The pixel pyramid.


Translates the normalized elevation values of this heightmap to the given range.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method TransformRange (VerticalRange range, UnitOfMeasure unit = null, bool reinterpret = false)
type IHeightmap
params range The range to translate to (see Vertical).
  unit The vertical unit of range. If null, Metre will be used. Defaults to null.
  reinterpret Keep elevation values of this heightmap and reinterpret them according to range and unit, instead of scaling them? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.


Return a heightmap that computes texture colors using an elevation-based color ramp.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method UseColorRamp (IColorRamp colorRamp)
type IHeightmap
params colorRamp [not-null] The color ramp to use.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.


The terrain-space values of the Elevation layer (according to the vertical range and unit of the heightmap) are fed into the color ramp. The resulting diffuse color is used as the Texture layer.