Software Development Kit - User Manual

class PixelLayer in Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.Painting

Abstract base class for IPixelLayer implementations.

abstract class PixelLayer implements IPixelLayer



The configurator object for this type.

public static property Config { get }
type IConfigurator<IPixelLayer>
value [not-null] The configurator object.


Returns the configuration value that describes this object.

public virtual method ToConfig ()
type ConfigValue
returns [not-null] The configuration value.
implements IConfigurable.ToConfig


All configurable objects need to implement this interface. For simple types, it is preferable to delegate to ToValue.

The returned value may be of type Invalid, which means that this object in its current state cannot be described with the configuration API.

Before returning the resulting configuration value, Cache must be called on it, passing this IConfigurable object as parameter.

Public / Attributes


The mask of heightmap layers this object uses.

public abstract property LayerMask { get }
type HeightmapLayer
value Bitwise combination of HeightmapLayer values.
implements IHeightmapLayers.LayerMask


These heightmap layers store actual terrain data:

Missing data is represented with the Coverage layer. It describes how much information is present in a stored heightmap sample. The semantics of coverage with heightmap samples is the same as premultiplied alpha with texture samples. A LayerMask without Coverage means that all samples are fully solid. If a LayerMask contains the Coverage layer but no others, the coverage values are used to represent 'holes' in the terrain (e.g. creating holes for caves, tunnels, etc.).


The amount of padding pixels this layer requires.

public abstract property Padding { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The number of padding pixels.
implements IPixelLayer.Padding

Public / Constructors


Creates a pixel layer that renders the coverage layer (see Coverage) into Pixels.

public static method Coverage (IColorRamp colorRamp = null, bool adjustRange = false)
type IPixelLayer
params colorRamp The color ramp to use. If null, a default black/white color ramp will be used. Defaults to null.
  adjustRange Transform the given colorRamp to the input range [0..1]? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The pixel layer.


Creates a default pixel layer for the given heightmap.

public static method Default (IHeightmap heightmap, bool lit = true)
type IPixelLayer
params heightmap [not-null] The heightmap.
  lit Use baked lighting? Defaults to true.
returns [not-null] The default pixel layer.


Creates a pixel layer that reads Displacement samples, applies a color-ramp to them and stores the resulting pixels in Pixels.

public static method Displacement (IColorRamp colorRamp = null, bool adjustRange = false)
type IPixelLayer
params colorRamp The colors to use. If null, a simple black/white ramp is used. Defaults to null.
  adjustRange Transform the given colorRamp to the vertical range (see Vertical)? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The pixel layer.


Creates a pixel layer that reads Elevation samples, applies a color-ramp to them and stores the resulting pixels in Pixels.

public static method Elevation (IColorRamp colorRamp = null, bool adjustRange = false)
type IPixelLayer
params colorRamp The colors to use. The color ramp input coordinates are terrain-space elevation values in metres. If null, a simple black/white ramp is used. Defaults to null.
  adjustRange Transform the given colorRamp to the vertical range (see Vertical)? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The pixel layer.


Creates a pixel layer that renders the material layer (see Material) into Pixels, using the given material color keys.

public static method Material (MaterialKeys materials)
type IPixelLayer
params materials [not-null] The material keys to use.
returns [not-null] The pixel layer.

See also:


Creates a pixel layer that renders the given materials of the material layer (see Material) into Pixels.

public static method Material (int32 materialRed = 0, int32 materialGreen = 1, int32 materialBlue = 2, int32 materialAlpha = 3)
type IPixelLayer
params materialRed ID of material which weight to encode in the Red channel. Defaults to 0.
  materialGreen ID of material which weight to encode in the Green channel. Defaults to 1.
  materialBlue ID of material which weight to encode in the Blue channel. Defaults to 2.
  materialAlpha ID of material which inverse weight to encode in the Alpha channel. Defaults to 3.

See also:



Renders normal vectors (see Normals) into Pixels.

public static method Normals ()
type IPixelLayer
returns [not-null] The resulting pixel layer.


Renders slope angles (see Slopes) into Pixels.

public static method Slopes (IColorRamp colors = null)
type IPixelLayer
params colors The colors to use. Slope values (between 0° and 90°) are passed to the color ramp.
returns [not-null] The resulting pixel layer.


Creates a pixel layer that copies the texture layer (if materials is null) to Pixels or renders the material layer using the given material color-keys.

public static method Texture (MaterialKeys materials = null)
type IPixelLayer
params materials The material keys or null.
returns [not-null] The pixel layer.


Returns a pixel layer that initializes all pixels in Pixels to the given color.

public static method Uniform (int64 color = ~0)
type IPixelLayer
params color The color to clear to. Defaults to White.
returns [not-null] The pixel layer.

Public / Methods


Computes the pixels of this layer using the given buffers.

public abstract method ComputeLayerPixels (PixelLayerBuffers buffers)
params buffers [not-null] The pixel layer buffers.
implements IPixelLayer.ComputeLayerPixels


Applies a lambertian lighting term to the target pixels in Pixels.

public virtual method LightAmbient (int64 lightColor)
type IPixelLayer
params lightColor The ambient light color (the alpha channel is ignored).
returns [not-null] The resulting pixel layer.
implements IPixelLayerOps.LightAmbient

See also:



Applies a lambertian lighting term to the target pixels in Pixels.

public virtual method LightDirectional (Vec3F lightDirection, int64 lightColor)
type IPixelLayer
params lightDirection The light direction vector.
  lightColor The directional light color (the alpha channel is ignored).
returns [not-null] The resulting pixel layer.
implements IPixelLayerOps.LightDirectional


The X and Y refer to pixel coordinates, Z is pointing downwards.

See also:
