Software Development Kit - User Manual

class ModelGeometry in Tinman.AddOns.Models

Abstract base class for IModelGeometry implementations.

abstract class ModelGeometry extends ModelGeometryBase

Public / Attributes


The vertex index count.

public abstract property IndexCount { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The vertex index count. Will be 0 iff ReadIndices returns null.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.IndexCount


The resource handle that returns an IGeometryBuffer object that holds instance data to use for this model geometry object.

public virtual property InstanceBuffer { get }
type IResourceHandle
value The instance buffer to use for geometry instancing or null if geometry instancing is disabled for this model geometry object.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.InstanceBuffer


The vertex count.

public abstract property VertexCount { get }
type int32
value [>0] The vertex count.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.VertexCount


The vertex format flags.

public abstract property VertexFormat { get }
type ModelVertexFormat
value The format flags.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.VertexFormat

Public / Constructors


An axis-aligned box.

public static method Box (Box3D box, int32 normals = 0, int32 texCoords = 0)
type IModelGeometrySimple
params box The box coordinates.
  normals Generate normal vectors? Defaults to 0.
> 0: Generate normals by right-hand rule for CCW faces (see figure).
< 0: Generate normals by right-hand rule for CW faces (see figure).
= 0: Do not generate normals.
  texCoords [>=0] The texture coordinate repeat count per face. Set to 0 to disable texture coordinates. Defaults to 0.
returns [not-null] The box model.


The following figure shows the mapping from the given box to the 3D model:

   /|      /|
  / |     / |
122-----222 |
 | 111---|-211
 | /     | /
 |/      |/
where 111 maps to X1, Y1, Z1 and 222 maps to X2, Y2, Z2.


public static method Build ()
type ModelGeometryBuilder


A sphere, built from an icosahedron by subdivision.

public static method Sphere (Vec3D center, float64 radius, int32 levels, int32 levelsEdges)
type IModelGeometrySimple
params center The sphere center.
  radius The sphere radius. If negative, the sphere will be mirrored at center, making the normals point inwards.
  levels [>=0] Subdivisions to perform for faces (see Triangles ).
  levelsEdges [0..levels] Subdivisions to perform for edges (see Lines).


public static method Wrap (VertexArrays vertices, int32[] indices)
type IModelGeometry
params vertices

Public / Methods


Creates a new resource object, using the given graphics context.

public method CreateResource (Graphics graphics)
type IResource
params graphics [not-null] The graphics context to use.
returns The resource object or null.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.CreateResource


Resource objects may implement the IMemoryConsumption interface. In this case, the reported memory consumption will be interpreted as an estimate on how much GPU memory is consumed by the resource. This estimate can then be used for resource caching (e.g. CacheMemory).


Compares this object with the given one.

public method Equals (IResourceHandle other)
type bool
params other The object to compare to.
returns true if this object is equal to other, false if not.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.Equals


public override sealed method GetHashCode ()
type int32
inherited ModelGeometryBase.GetHashCode


Read vertex index data.

public abstract method ReadIndices ()
type int32[]
returns The vertex index data or null iff IndexCount returns 0 (i.e. the geometry is not indexed).
inherited ModelGeometryBase.ReadIndices


Reads vertex data.

public abstract method ReadVertices ()
type VertexArrays
returns [not-null] The vertex data array.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.ReadVertices


Configures geometry instancing for this model geometry.

public virtual method UseGeometryInstancing (IResourceHandle instanceBuffer)
type IModelGeometry
params instanceBuffer The resource handle that returns an IVertexBuffer object that holds instance data to use for this model geometry object or null to disable geometry instancing. The instanceBuffer value will be returned by the IModelGeometry property of the returned model geometry object.
returns [not-null] The resulting model geometry.
inherited ModelGeometryBase.UseGeometryInstancing

See also:
