Software Development Kit - User Manual

class TextureData2D in Tinman.AddOns.Rendering

sealed class TextureData2D extends Disposable
  implements IResourceData

Public / Attributes


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

public virtual property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited Disposable.LifecycleState

Public / Constructors


Creates a new instance of TextureData2D.

public constructor TextureData2D ([Owner] TexelBuffer texels)
params texels [not-null] The texel buffer.

Public / Methods


Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
public method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited Disposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Creates a new resource object, using the given graphics context.

public method CreateResource (Graphics graphics)
type IResource
params graphics [not-null] The graphics context to use.
returns The resource object or null.
implements IResourceHandle.CreateResource


Resource objects may implement the IMemoryConsumption interface. In this case, the reported memory consumption will be interpreted as an estimate on how much GPU memory is consumed by the resource. This estimate can then be used for resource caching (e.g. CacheMemory).


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
public method Dispose ()
inherited Disposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Compares this object with the given one.

public method Equals (IResourceHandle other)
type bool
params other The object to compare to.
returns true if this object is equal to other, false if not.
implements IEquatable.Equals


public override method GetHashCode ()
type int32