Software Development Kit - User Manual

class TexelBuffer in Tinman.Terrain.Rendering

TexelBuffer objects are used to generate texel data for updating textures.

abstract class TexelBuffer extends Disposable
  implements IBitsPerTexel
  base of TexelBufferBitPattern

See also:


Public / Attributes


The number of bits per texture pixel.

public property BitsPerTexel { get }
type int32
value [>0] The number of bits per pixel.
implements IBitsPerTexel.BitsPerTexel


Returns the size in bytes of the uncompressed samples in this buffer.

public property BufferSize { get }
type int32
value [>0] The uncompressed buffer size, in bytes.
implements IBufferCodec.BufferSize


The texture format of this texel buffer.

public property Format { get }
type TextureFormat
value The texture format.
implements ITexelBufferInfo.Format


Returns if texture pixels carry transparency data.

public property HasAlpha { get }
type bool
value true if texture pixels can be transparent, false if all texture pixels will always be fully opaque.
implements IBitsPerTexel.HasAlpha


The texel buffer height.

public property Height { get }
type int32
value [>0] The buffer height, in texels.
implements ITexelBufferInfo.Height


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

public virtual property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited Disposable.LifecycleState


Returns the estimated memory consumption of this object.

public property MemoryConsumption { get }
type int64
value [>=0] The estimated memory consumption, in bytes.
implements IMemoryConsumption.MemoryConsumption


Returns the next smaller mipmap level of this texel buffer.

public property Mipmap { get }
type TexelBuffer
value The next smaller mipmap level buffer or null if this texel buffer is the last one in the mipmap chain.


The number of mipmap levels.

public property MipmapCount { get }
type int32
value [>=1] The mipmap level count.
implements ITexelBufferInfo.MipmapCount


Returns a pointer to the first texel.

public property RawTexels { get }
type IntPtr
value Pointer to first texel.


Returns the stride of RawTexels.

public property RawTexelsStride { get }
type int32
value [>0] The stride, in bytes.


The stride is the byte size of one row of texel blocks (see BlockSize.


Does this object store or process compressed sRGB pixel channel values?

public property Srgb { get set }
type bool
value true if the pixel channel values are compressed false if pixel channel values are linear.
implements ISrgb.Srgb


This flag is taken into account when pixels are encoded resp. decoded from resp. to a ColorBuffer, which always stores linear sRGB pixels: This object will only perform sRGB conversion if this flag is set to true.

The default value is true.

See also:



The texel buffer width.

public property Width { get }
type int32
value [>0] The buffer width, in texels.
implements ITexelBufferInfo.Width

Public / Constructors


Reads a texel buffer in TXB file format from the given file.

public static method ReadTXB (Path file, bool gamma = true)
type TexelBuffer
params file [not-null] The input file.
  gamma Perform gamma correction? Defaults to true.
returns [not-null] The TexelBuffer object.

Reads a texel buffer in TXB file format from the given data stream.

public static method ReadTXB ([Owner] IDataStream stream, bool gamma = true)
type TexelBuffer
params stream [not-null] The input data stream.
  gamma Perform gamma correction? Defaults to true.
returns [not-null] The TexelBuffer object.

Reads a texel buffer in TXB file format from the given binary reader.

public static method ReadTXB (IBinaryReader reader, IPathInfo pathInfo = null, bool gamma = true)
type TexelBuffer
params reader [not-null] The binary reader.
  pathInfo Optional IPathInfo object to use for error reporting. Defaults to null.
  gamma Perform gamma correction? Defaults to true.
returns [not-null] The TexelBuffer object.

Public / Methods


Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
public method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited Disposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Decodes a block of samples in this buffer.

public method BufferDecode (ByteBuffer input, int32 x, int32 y)
params input [not-null] The input buffer.
  x [0..Width] X-coordinate of top-left sample of block to decode.
  y [0..Height] Y-coordinate of top-left sample of block to decode.
implements IBufferCodec.BufferDecode


Encodes a block of samples in this buffer as a sequence of bytes, using lossless compression.

public method BufferEncode (ByteBuffer output, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 height)
type int32
params output [not-null] The output buffer.
  x [0..Width] X-coordinate of top-left sample of block to encode.
  y [0..Height] Y-coordinate of top-left sample of block to encode.
  width [0..Width-x] Width of pixel block.
  height [0..Height-y] Height of pixel block.
returns >0: The number of bytes that have been written to output.
<0: The output buffer is too small, at least -1-n bytes are required, where n is the return value.
implements IBufferCodec.BufferEncode


Converts this texel buffer to the given format.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
public method Convert (TextureFormat format)
type TexelBuffer
params format [not-null] The target format.
returns [not-null] The converted texel buffer.


Copies texel data to the given buffer.

public method CopyBytes (ByteBuffer target, int32 targetBlockStride, int32 targetX = 0, int32 targetY = 0)
params target [not-null] The target buffer.
  targetBlockStride [>0] The target buffer stride, in bytes. This value gives the distance between two adjacent texel block rows.
  targetX [>=0] X-coordinate of top-left texel in target buffer. Defaults to 0.
  targetY [>=0] Y-coordinate of top-left texel in target buffer. Defaults to 0.


The given target X- and Y-coordinates must be a multiple of the texture format block size (see BlockSize).


Copies all samples from this buffer to the given one.

public method CopyTexels (TexelBuffer target, int32 targetX = 0, int32 targetY = 0)
params target [not-null] The target buffer.
  targetX [0..target.Width-Width] X-coordinate to top-left corner of target region. Defaults to 0.
  targetY [0..target.Height-Height] Y-coordinate to top-left corner of target region. Defaults to 0.
returns [not-null] The target buffer.


The given target X- and Y-coordinates must be a multiple of the texture format block size (see BlockSize).


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
public method Dispose ()
inherited Disposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Compares this object with the given one.

public method Equals (TexelBuffer other)
type bool
params other The object to compare to.
returns true if this object is equal to other, false if not.
implements IEquatable.Equals


Returns an operation that imports image pixels into a TXB texture file.

public static method ImportPixels (IImage input, TextureFormat format, int32 mipmaps = 0, Path path = null, bool srgb = true)
type IOperation
params input [not-null] The input image.
  format [not-null] The texture format.
  mipmaps [>=0] Number of mipmap levels to compute. If 0, all mipmap levels will be computed. Defaults to 0.
  path Output path of texture file. If null, the file path of input will be used, having the file suffix replaced with .txb. Defaults to null.
  srgb The Srgb flag of the importing texel buffer. Defaults to true.
returns The import operation.


Decodes the texels in this buffer into the given pixel buffer.

public abstract method PixelDecode (ColorBuffer target, int32 targetX = 0, int32 targetY = 0)
params target [not-null] The color buffer that holds the decoded pixels.
  targetX [0..target.Width-Width] X-coordinate of top-left target pixel. Defaults to 0.
  targetY [0..target.Height-Height] Y-coordinate of top-left target pixel. Defaults to 0.

See also:



Encodes a block of pixels into this texel buffer.

public abstract method PixelEncode (ColorBuffer source, int32 sourceX = 0, int32 sourceY = 0)
params source [not-null] The color buffer that holds the source pixels.
  sourceX [0..source.Width-Width] X-coordinate of top-left source pixel. Defaults to 0.
  sourceY [0..source.Height-Height] Y-coordinate of top-left source pixel. Defaults to 0.

See also:



Encodes the given pixels and fills all texels in all mipmap levels.

public method PixelEncodeMipmaps (ColorBuffer pixels, DownsampleFilter filter = DownsampleFilter.Average)
params pixels [not-null] The pixel buffer.
  filter The filter to use for downsampling. Defaults to Average.

See also:



Reads a texel buffer metadata in TXB file format from the given file.

public static method ReadTXBInfo (Path file)
type ITexelBufferInfo
params file [not-null] The input file.
returns [not-null] The texel buffer metadata.

Reads a texel buffer metadata in TXB file format from the given data stream.

public static method ReadTXBInfo ([Owner] IDataStream stream)
type ITexelBufferInfo
params stream [not-null] The input data stream.
returns [not-null] The texel buffer metadata.

Reads a texel buffer metadata in TXB file format from the given binary reader.

public static method ReadTXBInfo (IBinaryReader reader, IPathInfo pathInfo = null)
type ITexelBufferInfo
params reader [not-null] The binary reader.
  pathInfo Optional IPathInfo object to use for error reporting. Defaults to null.
returns [not-null] The texel buffer metadata.


Writes the texel data in this buffer to the given file, using the TXB file format.

public method WriteTXB (Path file)
params file [not-null] The output file.

Writes the texel data in this buffer to the given data stream, using the TXB file format.

public method WriteTXB ([Owner] IDataStream stream)
params stream [not-null] The output data stream.

Writes the texel data in this buffer to the given binary writer, using the TXB file format.

public method WriteTXB (IBinaryWriter writer)
params writer [not-null] The output data stream.

Protected / Attributes


Number of bits per texel.

protected readonly field bitsPerTexel
type int32


The texture format.

protected field format
type TextureFormat


The buffer height, in texels.

protected readonly field height
type int32


The number of mipmap levels (including this).

protected readonly field mipmaps
type int32


Does this texel buffer store compressed sRGB pixel channel values?

protected field srgb
type bool


Distance between scanlines, in bytes.

protected readonly field stride
type int32


This value is computed as follows:
width*bitsPerTexel/ 8


The texel buffer.

protected field texels
type ByteBuffer


The buffer width, in texels.

protected readonly field width
type int32

Protected / Constructors


Creates a new instance of TexelBuffer.

protected constructor TexelBuffer (int32 width, int32 height, TextureFormat format, [Owner] TexelBuffer mipmap)
params width [>0] The buffer width, in texels.
  height [>0] The buffer height, in texels.
  format [not-null] The texture format.
  mipmap Texel buffer of next mipmap or null.

Protected / Methods


protected method BufferCreateTemp ()
type ByteBuffer


protected abstract method BufferDecodeInternal (ByteBuffer input, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 height, ByteBuffer temp)
params input


protected abstract method BufferEncodeInternal (ByteBuffer output, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 height, ByteBuffer temp)
type int32
params output


Disposes the managed resources held by a concrete subclass. This method will be called at most once per subclass.

protected override method DisposeManaged ()
overrides Disposable.DisposeManaged


This method will only be called when a disposable object is explicitly destroyed by user code calling the Dispose method. It will not be called when the object is collected as garbage by the system.

Overriding methods must call the DisposeManaged method of their base class. The base call should be the last statement.

The DisposeManaged method is called before the DisposeUnmanaged method.


Disposes the unmanaged resources held by a concrete subclass. This method will be called exactly once per subclass.

protected virtual method DisposeUnmanaged ()
inherited Disposable.DisposeUnmanaged


Overriding methods must call the DisposeUnmanaged method of their base class. The base call should be the last statement.

The DisposeUnmanaged method is called after the DisposeManaged method.