Software Development Kit - User Manual

class CharacterEncoding in Tinman.Core.Formatting

Base class for single-byte and multi-byte character encodings.

abstract class CharacterEncoding base of CharacterEncodingSimple


Only non-surrogate (see OtherSurrogate) Unicode characters in the range [0..65535] may be encoded to resp. decoded from a byte sequence. All other characters will result in Unprintable s.

Public / Constants


public constant Unprintable =
type char


Character encoding UTF-16 (big-endian).

public static readonly field UTF_16_BE
type CharacterEncoding


Character encoding UTF-16 (little-endian).

public static readonly field UTF_16_LE
type CharacterEncoding


Character encoding UTF-8.

public static readonly field UTF_8
type CharacterEncoding

Public / Attributes


Returns the number of bytes per character.

public abstract property BytesPerCharacter { get }
type int32
value [>=0] The number of bytes per character or 0 if this encoding uses variable byte counts (e.g. UTF-8).


Returns the name of this character encoding.

public abstract property Name { get }
type string
value [not-null] The encoding name.

Public / Constructors


Returns a character encoding by its name.

public static method For (string name, CharacterEncoding defaultEncoding = null)
type CharacterEncoding
params name The name or null.
  defaultEncoding The default encoding to return in case name is not recognized. Defaults to null.
returns The found encoding or null.


The given name is normalized before trying to find a character encoding: First, the name is converted to lower-case. Then, all characters that are neither letters nor digits are removed (i.e. only '0'..'9', 'a'..'z' are retained). The resulting normalized name is then tested against the following values in order to find a character encoding:

Public / Methods


Decodes a single unicode character.

public abstract method Decode (ByteBuffer input)
type int32
params input [not-null] The input buffer.
returns The decoded unicode character or -1 if the given buffer does not contain any more characters.

Decodes a single unicode character.

public abstract method Decode (IDataStream input)
type int32
params input [not-null] The input buffer.
returns The decoded unicode character or -1 if the given buffer does not contain any more characters.


Converts the given encoded string to unicode.

public method DecodeString (ByteBuffer bytes)
type string
params bytes The single-byte encoded string.
returns The unicode string or null iff bytes is null.


Encodes the given unicode character.

public abstract method Encode (char character, ByteBuffer output)
type int32
params character The unicode character.
  output [not-null] The output buffer.
returns The number of bytes that have been written to output if there was enough space left; -n if the buffer does not have enough space left, where n is then the number of bytes that would have been written.


Characters that cannot be encoded will be replaced with '?'.

Encodes the given unicode character.

public abstract method Encode (char character, IDataStream output)
type int32
params character The unicode character.
  output [not-null] The output buffer.
returns The number of bytes that have been written to output.


Characters that cannot be encoded will be replaced with '?'.


Encodes the given unicode character.

public abstract method EncodeCount (char character)
type int32
params character The unicode character.
returns The number of bytes that would have been written to an output buffer.


Characters that cannot be encoded will be replaced with '?'.


Converts the given unicode string to this encoding.

public method EncodeString (string str, [Owner] ByteBuffer bytes = null)
type ByteBuffer
params str The unicode string.
  bytes The output buffer (can be null). Defaults to null.
returns The resulting buffer or null iff str is null.


The encoded bytes will be written to bytes beginning at the current buffer position. Before returning, this method sets the Position and Limit to the range of encoded bytes that have been output.


Returns the number of encoded bytes for the given string.

public method GetByteCount (char[] str)
type int32
params str [not-null] The string.
returns [>=0] The number of encoded bytes.

Returns the number of encoded bytes for the given string.

public method GetByteCount (string str)
type int32
params str [not-null] The string.
returns [>=0] The number of encoded bytes.

Returns the number of encoded bytes for the given string.

public method GetByteCount ([] char[] str, int32 offset, int32 count)
type int32
params str [not-null] The string.
  offset [>=0] Offset to first character in string.
  count [>=0] Number of characters in string.
returns [>=0] The number of encoded bytes.

Returns the number of encoded bytes for the given string.

public method GetByteCount (string str, int32 offset, int32 count)
type int32
params str [not-null] The string.
  offset [>=0] Offset to first character in string.
  count [>=0] Number of characters in string.
returns [>=0] The number of encoded bytes.