Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface IHeightmapDataset in Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps

interface IHeightmapDataset extends IDataset



Does this map allow updates to its content (i.e. sample data and/or metadata)?

property CanUpdate { get }
type bool
value true if the map content can be updated, false if not.
inherited IMapEntity.CanUpdate


Returns a unique identifier for this dataset.

property DataId { get }
type DatasetId
value The unique dataset identifier.
inherited IDataset.DataId


Returns georeferencing information.

property Georef { get }
type Raster
value The georeferencing object or null if no georeferencing is available.
inherited IGeorefInfo.Georef


Number of heightmap samples along the Y-axis.

property Height { get }
type int32
value [>0] Heightmap height, in samples.
inherited IHeightmap.Height


Returns the estimated horizontal resolution in terrain-space.

property Horizontal { get }
type float64
value [>0] The ground sample distance, in Metre.
inherited IHeightmap.Horizontal

See also:



Returns dataset metadata information.

property Info { get }
type IDatasetInfo
value [not-null] The metadata information object.
inherited IDataset.Info


Is this an immutable heightmap which only contains default sample data?

property IsEmpty { get }
type bool
value true if all samples of this heightmap are equal to Default, false if not.
inherited IHeightmap.IsEmpty


Has this heightmap been scaled (either directly or indirectly)?

property IsScaled { get }
type bool
value true if the heightmap contains scaled data, false if not.
inherited IHeightmap.IsScaled

See also:



The mask of heightmap layers this object uses.

property LayerMask { get }
type HeightmapLayer
value Bitwise combination of HeightmapLayer values.
inherited IHeightmapLayers.LayerMask


These heightmap layers store actual terrain data:

Missing data is represented with the Coverage layer. It describes how much information is present in a stored heightmap sample. The semantics of coverage with heightmap samples is the same as premultiplied alpha with texture samples. A LayerMask without Coverage means that all samples are fully solid. If a LayerMask contains the Coverage layer but no others, the coverage values are used to represent 'holes' in the terrain (e.g. creating holes for caves, tunnels, etc.).


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited ILifecycleState.LifecycleState


Returns a MapInfo value that describes the used map raster.

property Map { get }
type MapInfo
value The map info value.
inherited IMapInfo.Map


Event for listening to updates made to this heightmap.

property OnUpdated { get }
type IEventGeneric<HeightmapEventArgs>
value [not-null] The event object.
inherited IHeightmap.OnUpdated


This event will be fired by the thread that performs the map update.


Returns a Path object that represents the file path this object is associated with.

property PathInfo { get }
type Path
value [not-null] The path info.
inherited IPathInfo.PathInfo


Objects that do not have a meaningful file path association simply return Unknown.


The heightmap sample format of this heightmap dataset.

property SampleFormat { get }
type IHeightmapFormat
value [not-null] The sample format.


Cubemap size of heightmap.

property Size { get }
type int32
value [pow2+1] Heightmap size, in samples.
inherited IHeightmap.Size


The heightmap type (rectangular or cubic).

property Type { get }
type MapType
value The heightmap type.
inherited IHeightmap.Type


Returns the terrain-space range of elevation values.

property Vertical { get }
type VerticalRange
value The terrain-space elevation range, in vertical units (see VerticalUnit).
inherited IHeightmap.Vertical


The default value is Default if Elevation or Displacement is present and None otherwise.


Number of heightmap samples along the X-axis.

property Width { get }
type int32
value [>0] Heightmap width, in samples.
inherited IHeightmap.Width



Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited IDisposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Pads this heightmap to the smallest fitting size of 2^n+1.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Border (HeightmapSample borderSample, int32 borderFalloff)
type IHeightmap
params borderSample The border heightmap sample.
  borderFalloff [>0] Width of the border falloff region, in heightmap samples.
returns [not-null] The padded heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.Border


This method will add a border region at the right and bottom edges of a rectangular heightmap (see Rect). A smooth falloff is computed at the heightmap edges in order to avoid unnecessary triangles being created by CLOD mesh refinement for overly sharp corners.


Clips away portions of this heightmap, according to the Coverage layer of the given heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Clip ([Owner] IHeightmap mask, bool inverse = false)
type IHeightmap
params mask [not-null] The heightmap that is used as the clip mask (see remarks).
  inverse Invert the coverage values in mask before clipping? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.Clip


The coverage values of the returned heightmap are computed like this:

inverse == false : c_out = c_in * c_mask
inverse == true  : c_out = in * (1 - c_mask)
where c_out is the normalized coverage value (i.e. in the range [0..1]) of the returned heightmap, c_in is the normalized coverage value of this heightmap and c_arg is the normalized coverage value of mask.


Adds detail to this heightmap by combining it with the given heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Combine ([Owner] IHeightmap detail, ColorOp textureOp = ColorOp.Blend)
type IHeightmap
params detail [not-null] The detail heightmap.
  textureOp The color operation to apply to the Texture layer, if present. Defaults to Blend.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.Combine


The heightmap samples of this heightmap (source) are modified using the samples of the given detail heightmap (detail) according to these rules:


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
method Dispose ()
inherited IDisposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Flushes all cached data.

method Flush ()
inherited IFlushable.Flush


Performing a flush may result in I/O work. Depending on the semantics of the implementing class, this work may need to be wrapped in special Begin / End method calls. See the documentation of the implementing classes for details.

In case this object represents a read-only resource, calling the Flush method has no effect.


Reads a block of samples from the heightmap.

method GetRegion (CubemapFaceRect region, HeightmapLayer layers = HeightmapLayer.All, int32 step = 1, HeightmapRegion buffer = null, int32 bufferX = 0, int32 bufferY = 0, bool smooth = false)
type HeightmapRegion
params region The rectangular cubemap face region to fetch.
  layers The heightmap layers to fetch. Defaults to All.
  step [pow2] Step distance between samples in region. Defaults to 1.
  buffer The output heightmap sample buffer. If null or too small, a new buffer will be created. Defaults to null.
  bufferX [>=0] X-coordinate of top-left corner of target rectangle in buffer. Defaults to 0.
  bufferY [>=0] Y-coordinate of top-left corner of target rectangle buffer. Defaults to 0.
  smooth Apply smooth filtering?
returns The heightmap buffer or null if there are no samples to fetch and buffer is null.
inherited IHeightmap.GetRegion


The region coordinates will be aligned to the closest multiple of the step distance. See StepAlign for details.

All heightmap samples that lie outside of the valid coordinate range of this heightmap have a Coverage of 0.

Only the heightmap layers (excluding Coverage) present in layers and the LayerMask of this heightmap will be filled in buffer. The Coverage layer will be filled if it is contained in layers, regardless of whether it is defined by LayerMask or not.

This method will not set Horizontal or Vertical in buffer resp. the returned buffer. The calling code is responsible for doing so if necessary.

See also:



Reads a single sample from the heightmap.

method GetSample (int32 x, int32 y, int32 z = 0)
type HeightmapSample
params x X-coordinate of sample.
  y Y-coordinate of sample.
  z Z-coordinate of sample. Defaults to 0 (i.e. NegZ).
inherited IHeightmap.GetSample


The returned heightmap sample will store values for each layer in LayerMask, all other values will have their respective default value. If the heightmap sample lies outside of the valid coordinate range of this heightmap, it will have a Coverage of 0, even if LayerMask does not contain the Coverage layer.


Reads multiple samples from the heightmap in a bulk operation.

method GetSamples (Vec3I[] xyz, int32 count, HeightmapSamples buffer, HeightmapLayer layers = HeightmapLayer.All)
params xyz [not-null] Array of cubemap coordinates of heightmap map samples to fetch. The coordinates must be specified for a heightmap of size MaxSize. Each heightmap implementation will translate these normalized coordinates into its own size using bit shifting. This way the coordinates array can be shared by heightmaps of different sizes.
  count [>=0] Total number of heightmap samples to fetch.
  buffer [not-null] The heightmap sample buffer to use. If null or too small, a new buffer will be created.
  layers The heightmap layers to fetch. Defaults to All.
inherited IHeightmap.GetSamples


All heightmap samples that lie outside of the valid coordinate range of this heightmap will have a Coverage or 0.

Only the heightmap layers (excluding Coverage) present in layers and the LayerMask of this heightmap will be filled in buffer. The Coverage layer will be filled if it is contained in layers, regardless of whether it is defined by LayerMask or not.


Determines if this heightmap contains data in the given region.

method HasRegion (CubemapFaceRect region, CoverageFlags flags = CoverageFlags.Some)
type CoverageFlags
params region The region to check for data.
  flags The coverage flags that need to be determined. Using specific flags here will allow implementations to early-exit. Defaults to Some (i.e. all flags).
returns The resulting flag bits (contains at least those bits defined by flags ).
inherited IHeightmap.HasRegion


The following semantic relaxations can be exploited by implementing methods in order to improve performance:


Merges the given heightmap with this one. The coverage of both heightmaps will be taken into account during merging.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Merge ([Owner] IHeightmap second)
type IHeightmap
params second [not-null] The second heightmap.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.Merge


Merged heightmaps fill data into heightmap samples in order, with heightmaps at a later stage overwriting sample data written by heightmaps of an earlier stage.

Both heightmaps (this one and second) will be scaled to the maximum possible size.


Returns a scaled version of this heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Scale (int32 newSize)
type IHeightmap
params newSize [pow2+1] The scaled internal size (see Type). The minimum internal size is MinSize.
returns [not-null] The scaled heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.Scale


The maximum upscaling factor for heightmaps is 65536, so the given condition should be met when upscaling a heightmap (otherwise only the 16 most significant bits of the interpolation factor will be used):

(newSize - 1) / (Size - 1) <= 65536
where newSize is the new heightmap size and Type is the current size of this heightmap.


Splits the layers of this heightmap.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method Split (HeightmapLayer layers)
type IHeightmap
params layers The heightmap layers to retain in the split heightmap.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.Split


Returns the configuration value that describes this object.

method ToConfig ()
type ConfigValue
returns [not-null] The configuration value.
inherited IConfigurable.ToConfig


All configurable objects need to implement this interface. For simple types, it is preferable to delegate to ToValue.

The returned value may be of type Invalid, which means that this object in its current state cannot be described with the configuration API.

Before returning the resulting configuration value, Cache must be called on it, passing this IConfigurable object as parameter.


Wraps this heightmap in a pixel pyramid.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method ToPyramid (int32 tileSize = 256, int32 tilePad = 0, int32 levels = 0, IPixelLayer pixelLayer = null, PyramidFlags flags = PyramidFlags.None)
type IPixelPyramid
params tileSize [pow2] The tile size. Defaults to 256.
  tilePad [>=0] The tile padding. Defaults to 0.
  levels [>=0] Defines how many pyramid levels (starting at the bottommost level) shall contain data. The heightmap sample step is 1 for the bottommost level and is multiplied by two for each parent level. If 0, all pyramid levels will contain data. Defaults to 0.
  pixelLayer Optional pixel layer to use. Defaults to null.
  flags Optional pyramid flags. Defaults to None.
returns [not-null] The pixel pyramid.
inherited IHeightmapOps.ToPyramid


Translates the normalized elevation values of this heightmap to the given range.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method TransformRange (VerticalRange range, UnitOfMeasure unit = null, bool reinterpret = false)
type IHeightmap
params range The range to translate to (see Vertical).
  unit The vertical unit of range. If null, Metre will be used. Defaults to null.
  reinterpret Keep elevation values of this heightmap and reinterpret them according to range and unit, instead of scaling them? Defaults to false.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.TransformRange


Updates the binary format of this heightmap by adding new heightmap layers.

method UpdateFormat (IHeightmapFormat format)
params format [not-null] The heightmap format used for adding new heightmap layers.


The given format is split into single components (via Collect), so that each component represents a single heightmap layer. Then, all those components are dropped which layer is already contained in this heightmap. The remaining components are then appended to the heightmap format.

See also:



Updates georeferencing data of this heightmap.

method UpdateGeoref (Raster georef)
params georef The new georeferencing data or null.
inherited IMapEntity.UpdateGeoref

See also:



Updates metadata information of this heightmap.

method UpdateInfo (IDatasetInfo info)
params info [not-null] The new metadata information.
inherited IDataset.UpdateInfo

See also:



Updates the vertical range of this heightmap.

method UpdateRange (VerticalRange range)
params range The new vertical range.
inherited IHeightmap.UpdateRange

See also:



Updates a region of this heightmap in an atomic operation.

method UpdateRegion (CubemapFaceRect region, HeightmapRegion buffer, HeightmapRegionDelegate combine = null, HeightmapLayer layers = HeightmapLayer.All, int32 bufferX = 0, int32 bufferY = 0, object userData = null)
params region The cubemap face region to update.
  buffer [not-null] The heightmap sample buffer to use (see remarks).
  combine Optional delegate for combining source and target heightmap samples. Defaults to null.
  layers The heightmap layers to update.
  bufferX [>=0] X-coordinate of top-left sample in buffer to use. Defaults to 0.
  bufferY [>=0] Y-coordinate of top-left sample in buffer to use. Defaults to 0.
  userData Optional user data object to pass to combine. Defaults to null.
inherited IHeightmap.UpdateRegion


Depending on the values passed to buffer and combine, the following operation is performed by this method:

See also:



Tells this dataset instance to make use of the given dataset file cache.

method UseCache (DatasetFileCache cache)
params cache The dataset file cache or null to disable file caching.
inherited IDataset.UseCache


File-based dataset caching is usually performed when streaming datasets over the internet.


Return a heightmap that computes texture colors using an elevation-based color ramp.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method UseColorRamp (IColorRamp colorRamp)
type IHeightmap
params colorRamp [not-null] The color ramp to use.
returns [not-null] The resulting heightmap.
inherited IHeightmapOps.UseColorRamp


The terrain-space values of the Elevation layer (according to the vertical range and unit of the heightmap) are fed into the color ramp. The resulting diffuse color is used as the Texture layer.