Software Development Kit - User Manual

class ImageFormat in Tinman.Terrain.Imaging

The supported image file formats.

abstract class ImageFormat extends FileFormat
  base of GdalImageFormat

Public / Constants


The file format is unknown and will be determined automatically.

public static readonly field Any
type ImageFormat


Use Next to walk through all registered formats.


The BMP image file format.

public static readonly field BMP
type ImageFormat


The DDS image file format.

public static readonly field DDS
type ImageFormat


The JPEG image file format.

public static readonly field JPEG
type ImageFormat


The PNG image file format.

public static readonly field PNG
type ImageFormat


The PXB image file format ('PiXel Buffer', proprietary).

public static readonly field PXB
type ImageFormat

See also:



The TGA image file format.

public static readonly field TGA
type ImageFormat


The TIFF image file format.

public static readonly field TIFF
type ImageFormat


The TXB image file format ('TeXel Buffer', proprietary).

public static readonly field TXB
type ImageFormat

See also:


Public / Attributes


Long description of this file format.

public virtual property Description { get }
type string
value [not-null] The description string.
inherited FileFormat.Description


The file format name.

public property Name { get }
type string
value [not-null] The file format name.
inherited FileFormat.Name


Returns the next file format.

public property Next { get }
type IFileFormat
value The next file format or null.
inherited FileFormat.Next


The first file format can be obtained from implementing classes. This property can be used to cycle all available file formats of the same type.


The type of this file format (e.g. images, shapes, 3D models).

public property Type { get }
type string
value [not-null] The human-readable type name.
inherited FileFormat.Type

Public / Methods


Can this file format object be used to read the given path?

public virtual method CanRead (string suffix, bool directory = false)
type bool
params suffix [not-null] The lower-case pathname suffix (without '.'). Will be empty if the path does not have a pathname suffix.
  directory Does the path refer to a directory (true) or to a file (false)? Defaults to false.
returns true if this file format can be used, false if not.
inherited FileFormat.CanRead


Returns the first file format in the chain (see IFileFormat) that can read the given path.

public method CanReadFind (string suffix, bool directory = false)
type IFileFormat
params suffix [not-null] The lower-case pathname suffix (without '.'). Will be empty if the path does not have a pathname suffix.
  directory Does the path refer to a directory (true) or to a file (false)? Defaults to false.
returns The found file format or null.
inherited FileFormat.CanReadFind


Can this file format object be used to write the given path?

public virtual method CanWrite (string suffix)
type bool
params suffix [not-null] The lower-case pathname suffix (without '.'). Will be empty if the path does not have a pathname suffix.
returns true if this file format can be used, false if not.
inherited FileFormat.CanWrite


Returns a file image format by its Name.

public static method ForName (string name)
type ImageFormat
params name [not-empty] The file image format name.
returns [not-null] The file image format or Any if not found.


This is a no-op method that forces the compiler / linker to include this type in the resulting binary.

public virtual method PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks ()
inherited FileFormat.PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks


Calling this stub method makes sure that all lazy constructor calls have been made.

To initialize everything, an application needs to call this method on its root module(s) (see TinmanModule), followed by a call to PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanksAll.


Reads the given image.

public abstract method ReadImage (IFileData data, ReadImageFlags flags)
type IImageReader
params data [not-null] The image data provider.
  flags The image reading flags.
returns [not-null] The IImageReader for reading the image data.


Tries to read the given image data as a texture.

public virtual method ReadTexture (IFileData data, CubemapFace face)
type TexelBuffer
params data [not-null] The image data provider.
  face The cubemap face.
returns The read TexelBuffer or null if the given image data cannot be interpreted as a texture (pixels must be read separately and then encoded as texels).


public override method ToString ()
type string
inherited FileFormat.ToString


Writes an image to the given file.

public virtual method WriteImage (Path file)
type IImageWriter
params file [not-null] The output image file.
returns [not-null] The image writer object to use.


Protected / Attributes


Has this file format been registered?

protected property IsRegistered { get }
type bool
value true if this file format has been registered, false if not.
inherited FileFormat.IsRegistered

See also:


Protected / Constructors


Creates a new instance of ImageFormat.

protected constructor ImageFormat (string name, string description, bool isAny = false)
params name [not-empty] Value for Name
  description [not-empty] Value for Description
  isAny Is this an automatic file format?

Protected / Methods


protected static method CannotWrite (string source, Path file)
type TinmanException
params source


Finds the IFileFormat that has the given name.

protected method NameFind (string name)
type IFileFormat
params name [not-empty] The file format name.
returns The found file format or null.
inherited FileFormat.NameFind


Appends this file format to the chain of the given file format.

protected method Register (FileFormat any)
params any [not-null] The file format chain to append to.
inherited FileFormat.Register


protected method ThrowIfNotRegistered ()
inherited FileFormat.ThrowIfNotRegistered