Software Development Kit - User Manual

class TextureAtlas in Tinman.Terrain.Rendering

The TextureAtlas class provides GPU-cache for texture tiles that have been fetched from one or more texel pyramids.

sealed class TextureAtlas extends Disposable
  implements IEventListenerGeneric<PyramidEventArgs>


A texture atlas maintains a series of square textures, all having the same size, mipmap level count and texture format. Each texture is divided into equally sized slots, which store tiles that have been fetched from texel pyramids.

      | V | S | T | U |
   +---+---+---+---+ -+
   | R | W | N | P |  |       A..X := Texel pyramid tiles,
+---+---+---+---+ -+ -+               stuffed into cache textures
| A | D | F | I |  |  |
+---+---+---+---+ -+ -+
| J | B | C | H |  |  |
+---+---+---+---+ -+ -+    \
| K | E | G | L |  |       |
+---+---+---+---+ -+       |  textureCount
| X | M | O | Q |          |
+---+---+---+---+          /
Texel pyramids must be registered with a texture atlas before they can be used (see PyramidIdAllocate and PyramidIdRelease). Pyramid tiles can then be requested via TileLookup. For rendering, use the TileSetup method to obtain texturing coefficients. Tiles are loaded in background tasks; call the TextureUpdate method from the render thread to incrementally upload new texture data to the GPU.

Public / Attributes


Is this texture atlas idle?

public property IsIdle { get }
type bool
value true if the texture atlas is idle, false if not.


Idle means that there are no buffered texture tile updates (i.e. the next call to TextureUpdate will do nothing and always return true), that there are no pending background tasks which are loading texture tiles from a ITexelPyramid (i.e. TileLookup will never return -2).


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

public virtual property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited Disposable.LifecycleState


Returns the estimated memory consumption of this object.

public property MemoryConsumption { get }
type int64
value [>=0] The estimated memory consumption, in bytes.
implements IMemoryConsumption.MemoryConsumption


The number of cache textures.

public property TextureCount { get }
type int32
value [>=1] The number of cache textures.


Uniform color to use for the special NULL texture, which will be used by TileSetup if the given tile is invalid.

public property TextureNullColor { get set }
type int64
value The uniform texture color.


The default value is 0 (i.e. transparent black).


The size of each cache texture.

public property TextureSize { get }
type int32
value [pow2] The cache texture size.


Duration of fade-in effect for newly loaded texture tiles.

public property TileFadeTime { get set }
type float32
value [>=0] The fade-in time, in seconds.


Defaults 0.25 seconds.


The size of each tile texture.

public property TileSize { get }
type int32
value [pow2] The tile texture size.

See also:



Specifies the maximum overall frequency of texture tile updates during calls to TextureUpdate.

public property TileUpdateFrequency { get set }
type int32
value [>=0] The maximum texture tile update frequency, in Hz. Set to 0 to disable the limit.


The default value is 0 (no limit).


Returns the current version of object.

public property Version { get }
type int32
value The current version number.
implements IVersioned.Version


For each modification, the version is incremented by at least one.

Public / Constructors


Creates a new instance of TextureAtlas.

public static method Create ([Owner] ITexelPyramid pyramid, ITextureFactory textureFactory, int32 videoMemoryMaximum = 0, int32 videoMemoryPercentage = 50, int32 maxTextureSize = 4096)
type TextureAtlas
params pyramid [not-null] The texture tile pyramid to use (will always have the pyramid ID 0).
  textureFactory [not-null] The texture factory to use.
  videoMemoryMaximum [>=0] Maximum amount of video memory to use, in megabytes. If 0, no upper limit is applied. Defaults to 0.
  videoMemoryPercentage [0..100] Amount of available video memory to use, in percent. Defaults to 50.
  maxTextureSize [pow2] Maximum cache texture size. Defaults to 4096.
returns [not-null] The created TextureAtlas object.


Values for TextureCount and TextureSize will be inferred from the given parameters. The TileSize and TextureFormat will be taken from the given pyramid.

See also:


Creates a new instance of TextureAtlas.

public static method Create (int32 tileSize, ITextureFactory textureFactory, TextureFormat textureFormat, int32 videoMemoryMaximum = 0, int32 videoMemoryPercentage = 50, int32 maxTextureSize = 4096)
type TextureAtlas
params tileSize [pow2] The tile size, in texels.
  textureFactory [not-null] The texture factory to use.
  textureFormat [not-null] The texture format to use.
  videoMemoryMaximum [>=0] Maximum amount of video memory to use, in megabytes. If 0, no upper limit is applied. Defaults to 0.
  videoMemoryPercentage [0..100] Amount of available video memory to use, in percent. Defaults to 50.
  maxTextureSize [pow2] Maximum cache texture size. Defaults to 4096.
returns [not-null] The created TextureAtlas object.


Values for TextureCount and TextureSize will be inferred from the given parameters.

See also:



Creates a new instance of TextureAtlas.

public constructor TextureAtlas (int32 tileSize, ITextureFactory textureFactory, TextureFormat textureFormat, int32 textureSize, int32 textureCount)
params tileSize [pow2] The tile size, in texels.
  textureFactory [not-null] The texture factory to use.
  textureFormat [not-null] The texture format to use.
  textureSize [pow2] The cache texture size.
  textureCount [>=1] The number of cache textures.

Public / Methods


Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
public method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited Disposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Clears the texture atlas.

public method Clear ()


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
public method Dispose ()
inherited Disposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


The event has been triggered.

public method NotifyEvent (PyramidEventArgs argument)
params argument The event argument.
implements IEventListenerGeneric.NotifyEvent


Returns the tile pyramid for the given pyramid ID.

public method PyramidGet (int32 pyramidId = 0)
type ITexelPyramid
params pyramidId The pyramid ID.
returns [not-null] The tile pyramid.

See also:



Returns the pyramid ID of the given tile pyramid.

public method PyramidId (ITexelPyramid pyramid)
type int32
params pyramid The tile pyramid.
returns [-1..1023] The pyramid ID or -1 if pyramid is null or not allocated.


Allocates a pyramid ID for the given tile pyramid.

public method PyramidIdAllocate ([Owner] ITexelPyramid pyramid)
type int32
params pyramid [not-null] The tile pyramid.
returns [0..1023] The pyramid ID.


The first pyramid ID is always 0. Pyramid IDs that have been released can be reused later.

If a pyramid ID has already been allocated for the given tile pyramid, the same ID will be returned. The PyramidIdRelease must be called once for each call to PyramidIdAllocate in this case.

Pyramid ID can be allocated and released in any order.

See also:




Releases a previously allocated pyramid ID.

public method PyramidIdRelease (int32 pyramidId)
type bool
params pyramidId The pyramid ID.
returns true if the given pyramidId is invalid, false if the pyramidId is still valid and needs to be release at least once more (because PyramidIdAllocate has been called more than once).


If the given pyramid ID is not valid, the method silently returns.

Pyramid ID can be allocated and released in any order.

See also:



Returns the index-th atlas texture.

public method TextureGet (int32 index)
type ITexture2D
params index [0..TextureCount-1] Index of atlas texture.
returns [not-null] The atlas texture.


Returns the index of the atlas texture that contains the given tile texture.

public method TextureIndex (int32 tile)
type int32
params tile The tile texture handle, as returned by TileLookup.
returns [-1..TextureCount-1] The atlas texture index or -1 if the given tile texture handle is invalid.


Updates texture data.

public method TextureUpdate (bool force = false)
type bool
params force Force a full update, regardless of the TileUpdateFrequency setting? Defaults to false.
returns true if all texture updates have been performed, false if not.


This method is typically called once per frame.


Returns the bounds of the given tile in the containing atlas texture.

public method TileBounds (int32 tile)
type Box2I
params tile The tile texture handle, as returned by TileLookup.
returns The tile bounds.


Computes the fade-in factor for the given texture tile, based on its birthday.

public method TileFadeFactor (int32 tile)
type float32
params tile The tile texture handle, as returned by TileLookup.
returns [0..1] The blend factor: 0 means fully faded out, 1 is fully faded in.

See also:



Resets the birthday of the given texture tile to now (see TickCount).

public method TileFadeReset (int32 tile)
params tile The tile texture handle, as returned by TileLookup.


Performs a tile texture lookup for the given pyramid tile.

public method TileLookup (int32 pyramidId, PyramidCoords coords, bool doNotLoad = false)
type int32
params pyramidId The pyramid ID (see PyramidIdAllocate). If invalid, all pyramid tiles will be assumed to be Void.
  coords Coordinates of pyramid tile to lookup.
  doNotLoad If set to true, only existing tiles will be returned. When set to false, non-existing tiles will be scheduled for being loaded asynchronously. Defaults to false.
returns >=0: Handle of the pyramid tile in the texture atlas.
-1: The pyramid tile is not present in the texture atlas.
-2: The pyramid tile is being loaded into the texture atlas.
-3: The pyramid tile is empty (see Empty).
-4: The pyramid tile does not exist (see Void).


The tile texture handles that are returned by this method are valid until the next call to TextureUpdate is made.


Sets up texturing coefficients for the given tile texture.

public method TileSetup (int32 tile)
type TextureTile
params tile The tile texture handle (as returned by TileLookup).
returns The texture tile. If tile is invalid (e.g. less than zero), the texturing coefficients will be all-zero and Texture will point to a 1x1 transparent black texture.



The logger object of this class.

public static readonly field Logger
type ILogger