Software Development Kit - User Manual

interface IWidget in Tinman.AddOns.Widgets

Base interface for generic application widgets.

interface IWidget extends IConfigurable
  base of Widget


Usually, an IApplication hosts one or more IWidget objects. Application input events are forwarded to widgets unmodified, i.e. the widget is responsible for translating them to its Bounds as necessary (e.g. using a BoundedInput object). Widgets are not required to limit their rendering to their bounds.



Returns the actual pixel bounds of this widget.

property ActualBounds { get }
type Box2I
value The actual pixel bounds or Empty.


The pixel bounds of this widget.

property Bounds { get set }
type IWidgetBounds
value [not-null] The pixel bounds.


Defaults to FullScreen.


Returns the lifecycle state of this object.

property LifecycleState { get }
type LifecycleState
value The lifecycle state.
inherited ILifecycleState.LifecycleState


The mouse cursor to show for this widget.

property MouseCursor { get }
type MouseCursor
value The mouse cursor


Returns the central part of the actual pixel bounds of this widget which is not occluded by the widget user interface.

property NonUserInterfaceBounds { get }
type Box2I
value The non-UI pixel bounds.

See also:



Path to a directory that this widget can use to store own data and settings.

property SettingsPath { get set }
type Path
value Canonical path to the settings directory or null.


The settings path must be set before Initialize is called on the widget. Afterwards, the settings path cannot be changed.


Should the mouse be captured, because this input consumer only processes relative input?

property ShouldCaptureMouse { get }
type bool
value true if the mouse should be captured, false if not.
inherited IInputConsumerEx.ShouldCaptureMouse

See also:




Acquires a strong reference to this disposable object.

[OwnerReturn, ThreadSafe]
method AcquireTry ()
type IDisposable
returns this if a new strong reference has been acquired, null if this object is already being disposed.
inherited IDisposable.AcquireTry


The object will not be actually disposed by calls to Dispose when there is at least one strong reference left. Code that calls the AcquireTry method is responsible for calling the Dispose method accordingly.

This method is not intended to be used in performance-critical code. It should only be used to high-level resource management.


Adds a GUI panel to this widget.

method AddUserInterface (WidgetSlot slot, [Owner] Panel panel)
params slot The widget GUI slot where the given GUI panel will be put.
  panel [not-null] The GUI panel to add.


Consumes the given user input event.

method ConsumeInput (InputEvent inputEvent)
type bool
params inputEvent The user input event.
returns true if the input event has been consumed, false if not.
inherited IInputConsumer.ConsumeInput


Input events are provided to an IInputConsumer object only if it has the input focus (see FocusGained and FocusLost). Mouse events are provided when the mouse cursor is inside of the input bounds (MouseEnter and MouseLeave). The Closing event can be provided at any time.

  1. FocusGained: gained input focus
  2. Keyboard events:
  3. Mouse events:
    1. MouseEnter
    2. Mouse events:
    3. MouseLeave
  4. FocusLost: lost input focus
  5. Closing: user request to shut down


Releases all resources held by this object if there are no more strong references to it, decrements the reference counter by one otherwise.

[Dispose, OwnerThis, ThreadSafe]
method Dispose ()
inherited IDisposable.Dispose


The Dispose method silently returns if the object has already been disposed.


Attaches this component to the given Graphics context.

method GraphicsAttach (Graphics graphics)
params graphics [not-null] The graphics context.
inherited IGraphicsComponent.GraphicsAttach


All graphics-related resources should be created here.


Detaches this user interface component from its Graphics context.

method GraphicsDetach ()
inherited IGraphicsComponent.GraphicsDetach


All graphics-related resources should be disposed here.


The screen size has changed.

method GraphicsResize (Vec2I screenSize)
params screenSize The new screen size, in pixels.
inherited IGraphicsComponent.GraphicsResize


The given screen size is equal to the value of ScreenSize of the Graphics object that has been passed to GraphicsAttach earlier.


Initializes the object, if necessary

method Initialize ()
inherited IInitializable.Initialize


The Initialize method returns silently if the object is already in the state Initialized.


Attaches this input consumer to the given input state object.

method InputAttach (IInputState input)
params input [not-null] The input state object.
inherited IInputConsumerEx.InputAttach


The input state object provides a snapshot of the input keys and buttons. It should not be used to detect up/down/click events.


Detached this input consumer from its input state object.

method InputDetach ()
inherited IInputConsumerEx.InputDetach


Restores the object state from the given JSON value.

method JsonDeserialize (JsonValue value)
params value [not-null] The input JSON value.
inherited IJsonizable.JsonDeserialize


Implementations of this method must be able to consume malformed JSON values, without corrupting the object state.


Serializes the object state to an JSON value.

method JsonSerialize (JsonValue value)
params value [not-null] The output JSON value.
inherited IJsonizable.JsonSerialize


Performs rendering.

method Render ()
inherited IRenderable.Render


Implementing methods must not assume that any specific render state is in place when being called. Instead, the implementing method is responsible for setting up all state that is required for rendering.

Usually, implementing classes receive their current graphics context directly or indirectly from GraphicsContextAttach or GraphicsAttach.

In order to maximize parallelism between the CPU and GPU, only actual rendering (using the current graphics context) should be performed here. All other preparation resp. setup should be done in RenderPrepare instead.

See also:



Performs 2D rendering.

method Render2D (Graphics g)
params g [not-null] The graphics object to use.
inherited IRenderable2D.Render2D


When this method is called, the given Graphics object has already been initialized for 2D rendering:

Usually, Render2D is called from within Render.


Prepares rendering.

method RenderPrepare ()
inherited IRenderPreparable.RenderPrepare


This method is called before Render, when the graphics context has not yet begun to render the scene.

All setup work that does not require a graphics context (e.g. matrix computation, per-frame visibility determination) should be done here. This can help to maximize parallelism between the CPU and the GPU.


Takes a screenshot the next time this widget is rendered.

method Screenshot (WidgetScreenshotDelegate result)
params result [not-null] The screenshot pixels will be passed to this delegate.


Returns the configuration value that describes this object.

method ToConfig ()
type ConfigValue
returns [not-null] The configuration value.
inherited IConfigurable.ToConfig


All configurable objects need to implement this interface. For simple types, it is preferable to delegate to ToValue.

The returned value may be of type Invalid, which means that this object in its current state cannot be described with the configuration API.

Before returning the resulting configuration value, Cache must be called on it, passing this IConfigurable object as parameter.


This method is called once per application frame.

method UpdateFrameTime (float32 time)
type bool
params time [>0] The amount of time that has elapsed since the last frame, in seconds.
returns true if the object needs to be presented again, false if the current presentation is still valid.
inherited IUpdateableFrameTime.UpdateFrameTime


method UpdateGui ()
inherited IUpdateableGui.UpdateGui



Runs this IWidget in a separate window.

method Run (string source, IGraphicsContextFactory context, string title = null, Vec2I size = default(Vec2I), int32 frameRateLimit = 100)
type TinmanError
params source [not-empty] The error source to use in case an exception is thrown.
  context [not-null] The graphics context factory to use.
  title The window title or null.
  size The window client size. If Zero, the window will be full-screen.
  frameRateLimit Frame rate limit (see FrameRateLimit). Defaults to 100.
returns The error in case of a crash, null if the application has ended normally.

Runs this IWidget in a separate window.

method Run (string source, IVectorConst<IGraphicsContextFactory> contexts, string title = null, Vec2I size = default(Vec2I), int32 frameRateLimit = 100)
type TinmanError
params source [not-empty] The error source to use in case an exception is thrown.
  contexts [not-empty] The graphics context factories to use.
  title The window title or null.
  size The window client size. If Zero, the window will be full-screen.
  frameRateLimit Frame rate limit (see FrameRateLimit). Defaults to 100.
returns The error in case of a crash, null if the application has ended normally.


Loads the settings of this widget.

method SettingsLoad (string name = null)
type Path
params name Name of the JSON configuration file. If null or empty, 'Settings.json' will be used. Defaults to null.
returns Canonical path of the settings file that has been loaded or null if there were no previously saved settings or if the widget does not have a settings directory.


Saves the settings of this widget.

method SettingsSave (string name = null)
type Path
params name Name of the JSON configuration file. If null or empty, 'Settings.json' will be used. Defaults to null.
returns Canonical path of the settings file that has been loaded or null if the widget does not have a settings directory.


Wraps this IWidget in an IApplication object.

[OwnerReturn, OwnerThis]
method ToApplication (int32 frameRateLimit = 100)
type WidgetApplication
params frameRateLimit Frame rate limit (see FrameRateLimit). Defaults to 100.
returns [not-null] The application object.