

sealed class Tinman.AddOns.Editors.QuantityEditor

Full source code is included in the Tinman 3D SDK download.

A GUI component for editing a numeric quantity.

The following default Layout settings are defined for InputField objects:

Public / Constructors


public constructor QuantityEditor → ()

Creates a new instance of QuantityEditor.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Increment → (get,set)

value : ValueIncrement

The quantity value increment.

The value increment to use for the quantity.

Defaults to ValueIncrement.Zero.


public attribute Label → (get,set)

value : string

The label or null for none.

The human-readable quantity label.

Defaults to 'Quantity'.


public attribute LabelMeasure → (get,set)

value : string

The label width measurement text or null for none.

The text to use for measuring the label width.

Defaults to null.


public attribute Rounding → (get,set)

value : int32

The number of decimal digits to round to or -1 to disable rounding. Defaults to -1.

The numeric rounding to apply.


public attribute ValueMeasure → (get,set)

value : string

The value width measurement text or null for none.

The text to use for measuring the value width.

Defaults to null.