

sealed class Tinman.Engine.API.WGLContext

Derived from

RenderContext abstract

A render context for WGL.

The INativeHandle.NativeHandle property returns the HGLRC value.

Public / Constructors


public constructor WGLContext → (5)

wgl in : WGL own

The WGL object to use.

deviceContext in : IntPtr

The device context (HDC) to use for creating the render context. If IntPtr.Zero, an invisible window will be created in order to obtain a new device context.

pixelFormatExpected in : int32

The expected pixel format for deviceContext in. If 0, the current pixel format of deviceContext in is used, if present. Otherwise, a suitable pixel format is chosen automatically.

api opt : GLApi = GLApi.Unspecified

The API to use.

flags opt : RenderContextFlags = RenderContextFlags.None

The render context creation flags.

Creates a new instance of WGLContext.


If the given render api opt is not supported.


If context creation has failed because of an unexpected error.



public static readonly attribute Logger → (ILogger)

The logger object of this class.