

enum Tinman.Engine.Application.InputEventType

Enumeration of input event types.

Public / Constants


public constant None → (0:int32)

No input event.


public constant Character → (1:int32)

A character has been typed in.

The typed character can be read from InputEvent.Character.


public constant Clicked → (2:int32)

A key or button has been clicked (i.e. pressed down and released quickly).


public constant Closing → (3:int32)

The user has requested to close the window.


public constant FocusGained → (4:int32)

The application window has gained input focus.

For each keyboard key that is currently being pressed down, a Pressed event generated after FocusGained.


public constant FocusLost → (5:int32)

The application window has lost input focus.

For each keyboard key that is currently being pressed down, a Released event generated before FocusLost.


public constant MouseEnter → (6:int32)

The mouse cursor has entered the application windows client area.

For each mouse button that is currently being pressed down, a Pressed event is generated after MouseEnter.


public constant MouseLeave → (7:int32)

The mouse cursor has left the application windows client area.

For each mouse button that is currently being pressed down, a Released event is generated before MouseLeave.


public constant MouseMove → (8:int32)

The mouse has moved or the mouse wheel has rotated.


public constant Pressed → (9:int32)

A key or button has been pressed down.

One of InputEvent.Key or InputEvent.Button depicts the pressed key resp. button. The other one will be KeyboardKey.None resp. MouseButton.None.

The state of a key or button (down or up) can be tracked solely with Pressed and Released events.


public constant Released → (10:int32)

A key or button has been released.

One of InputEvent.Key or InputEvent.Button depicts the released key resp. button. The other one will be KeyboardKey.None resp. MouseButton.None.

The state of a key or button (down or up) can be tracked solely with Pressed and Released events.


public constant Repeated → (11:int32)

A keyboard key is being held down.

Events of this type will only be sent between Pressed and Released.

See also
