

abstract class Tinman.AddOns.OpenGLES.Effects.OpenGLESEffect
<TParameters : RenderEffectParameters>

Derived from

GLEffect<TParameters> abstract

Extended by

Example_Demo_GLES_A sealed
Example_Demo_GLES_B sealed
Example_Demo_GLES_C sealed

Full source code is included in the Tinman 3D SDK download.

Abstract base class for IRenderEffect implementations that use an OpenGLES 3.0 context (or newer).

These are the default render state values that are set by the GLEffect.RenderStateDefault method; (!) means that the value differs from the standard value that is defined by OpenGLES:

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor OpenGLESEffect → (4)

parameters in : TParameters

The render effect parameters object.

owner in : OpenGLESContext

The owning context.

repositoryPrivate in : Path

The private GPU shader repository path or Path.Unknown if none.

parameterDeclareWithFlags opt : int32 = -1

The flags to use for calling RenderEffectParameters.Declare or -1 to not perform the call.

Creates a new instance of OpenGLESEffect.


If an error has occurred while declaring low-level render effect parameter slots.

Protected / Attributes


protected attribute gl → (GLES)

The GLES wrapper.