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  \     | .'     `-'/      Realtime terrain processing, rendering and analysis
   `.   ;/        .'            
     `'-._____.-'`             http://www.tinman3d.com - info@tinman3d.com

Tinman 3D SDK - Changelog - SDK API

Previous: Tinman 3D SDK - v1.0 RC2
Current:  Tinman 3D SDK - v1.0 RC3

Release Notes - Scripting API Reference - Issue Tracker
Changelog Syntax: 

[-]        : Item has been removed.
[!]        : Item has been renamed (also might have been changed).
[*]        : Item has been changed (but has not been renamed).
[+]        : Item has been added.
[-] Tinman.AddOns.Kernel.MaterialDisplacement           (MaterialDisplacement)           <class>
[-] Tinman.AddOns.Kernel.MaterialPadding                (MaterialPadding)                <class>
[-] Tinman.Core.Logging.ILogMessageOutput               (ILogMessageOutput)              <interface>
[-] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.IMeshDisplacement             (IMeshDisplacement)              <interface>
[-] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.IMeshPadding                  (IMeshPadding)                   <interface>
[-] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.IMapShape<TShape>            (IMapShape<TShape>)              <interface>
[-] Tinman.Terrain.Procedural.ColorFunctionOpCode       (ColorFunctionOpCode)            <enum>
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Application.ApplicationBase           (ApplicationBase)                <class>
[+] RunOperation <sealed method>  : RunningOperation
[+] ToConfig     <virtual method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Application.ApplicationLoop           (ApplicationLoop)                <class>
[+] ContextFactories <setter>                    : IVectorConst<IGraphicsContextFactory>
[+] ContextFactory   <setter>                    : IGraphicsContextFactory
[+] Logger           <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Application.ApplicationUtil           (ApplicationUtil)                <class>
[+] InputNone <static readonly field> : IInputState
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Application.ConfigValueBrowser        (ConfigValueBrowser)             <class>
[-] Unregister                  <method>           : void
[*] Browse                      <abstract method>  : IApplication !
[+] #2 validator <in> : Validator = null
[*] Register                    <method>           : void
    Register                    <protected method> : void
[+] CanInspect                  <abstract method>  : bool
[+] Inspect                     <abstract method>  : object !
[+] PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks <sealed method>    : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Application.IApplication              (IApplication)                   <interface>
[+] RunOperation <abstract method> : RunningOperation
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Application.TestApplication           (TestApplication)                <class>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Assimp.AssimpModelFormat              (AssimpModelFormat)              <class>
[*] ReadModel                   <sealed method>         : ModelReader
    ReadModel                   <sealed method>         : IModelReader
[+] Instance3                   <static readonly field> : ModelFormat
[+] Instance4                   <static readonly field> : ModelFormat
[+] PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks <sealed method>         : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Components.TerrainBufferOptions       (TerrainBufferOptions)           <class>
[*] CacheOptions <getter>   : PyramidFileCacheOptions
    CacheOptions <property> : PyramidFileCacheOptions
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Components.TerrainDecal               (TerrainDecal)                   <class>
[*] Texture <property> : IResourceHandle
    Texture <property> : IModelTexture
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Components.TerrainLayer               (TerrainLayer)                   <class>
[*] RegionDataset  <property> : IHeightmap
    RegionDataset  <property> : IHeightmap <!
[+] PixelPyramidId <getter>   : int
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Components.TerrainMesh                (TerrainMesh)                    <class>
[!] MaterialOrigin <property>    : double
    MaterialChunks <property>    : double
[*] TerrainMesh    <constructor>
[+] #3 gravity <in> : IHeightmap = null
[+] Geocentric     <getter>      : Geocentric
[+] Gravity        <getter>      : IHeightmap
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Components.TerrainModel               (TerrainModel)                   <class>
[-] Pose       <property>      : ModelPose
[+] IsValid    <getter>        : bool
[+] MeshBind   <sealed method> : void
[+] MeshUnbind <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Components.TerrainView                (TerrainView)                    <class>
[-] StatsCount       <static readonly constant> : int = 9
[+] ConeCulling      <getter>                   : ConeCulling
[+] HasLevelOfDetail <getter>                   : bool
[+] MaterialOffset   <property>                 : Vec3D
[+] ModeRendererPose <getter>                   : ModelPose
[*] Tinman.AddOns.DirectX.DirectXContext                (DirectXContext)                 <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.DirectX11.DirectX11Context            (DirectX11Context)               <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.DirectX9.DirectX9Context              (DirectX9Context)                <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.GUI.Component                         (Component)                      <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.GUI.Shared.LightingGui                (LightingGui)                    <class>
[*] LightingGui       <constructor>
[-] #1 metric <in> : bool
[+] LightMetricEnable <property>    : bool
[*] Tinman.AddOns.GUI.Shared.SettingsGui                (SettingsGui)                    <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.IModel                         (IModel)                         <interface>
[+] HasWind <static extension> : bool
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.IModelTexture                  (IModelTexture)                  <interface>
[!] ReadDisplacement <abstract method>  : ElevationBuffer
    ReadElevation    <abstract method>  : ElevationBuffer
[*] NormalMap        <static extension> : IModelTexture
[*] #2 height <in> : float = 0.01f
    #2 height <in> : double = 0.01
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.Material                       (Material)                       <class>
[+] Config   <static getter> : IConfigurator<IMaterial>
[+] Equals   <sealed method> : bool
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.Model                          (Model)                          <class>
[-] Config                         <static getter> : IConfigurator<IModel>
[-] ToConfig                       <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[!] Load(IFileData,ReadModelFlags) <static method> : IModel
    Load(IFileData)                <static method> : IModel
[-] #2 flags <in> : ReadModelFlags = ReadModelFlags.None
[!] Load(Path,ReadModelFlags)      <static method> : IModel
    Load(Path)                     <static method> : IModel
[-] #2 flags <in> : ReadModelFlags = ReadModelFlags.None
[*] Read(IFileData)                <static method> : ModelReader !
    Read(IFileData)                <static method> : IModelReader !
[*] Read(Path)                     <static method> : ModelReader !
    Read(Path)                     <static method> : IModelReader !
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.ModelFormat                    (ModelFormat)                    <class>
[*] ReadModel <abstract method> : ModelReader !
    ReadModel <abstract method> : IModelReader !
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.ModelReader                    (ModelReader)                    <class>
[-] data                             <protected field>           : IFileData
[-] DoReadModel                      <protected abstract method> : IModel
[-] PostProcessors                   <getter>                    : IVector<IModelPostProcessor>
[-] ReadModel                        <method>                    : IModel
[-] TextureCache                     <property>                  : IMap<Path, IModelTexture>
[-] TextureFor(Path,bool)            <protected method>          : IModelTexture
[-] TextureFor(string,bool)          <protected method>          : IModelTexture
[-] TextureMapping                   <getter>                    : IMap<string, string>
[*] ModelReader                      <protected constructor>
[+] #2 modelFormatName <in> : string
[+] BadTextureNames                  <getter>                    : string[]
[+] Config                           <static getter>             : IConfigurator<IModelReader>
[+] ConfigReadModelFlags             <static readonly field>     : IConfigurator<ReadModelFlags>
[+] PostProcess(IModelPostProcessor) <method>                    : void
[+] ResolveTexturePath               <method>                    : Path
[+] ResolveTexturePathReverse        <method>                    : Path
[+] TextureFile                      <protected method>          : IModelTexture
[+] TextureFileReplace               <method>                    : void
[+] TextureName                      <protected method>          : IModelTexture
[+] TextureNameReplace               <method>                    : void
[+] ToConfig                         <sealed method>             : ConfigValue
[+] ValidateFlush                    <protected virtual method>  : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.ModelTexture                   (ModelTexture)                   <class>
[!] ReadDisplacement <virtual method>        : ElevationBuffer
    ReadElevation    <virtual method>        : ElevationBuffer
[+] Config           <static getter>         : IConfigurator<IModelTexture>
[+] DisplacementZero <static readonly field> : IModelTexture
[+] ToConfig         <abstract method>       : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.ModelTexture_Image             (ModelTexture_Image)             <class>
[!] ReadDisplacement <sealed method> : ElevationBuffer
    ReadElevation    <sealed method> : ElevationBuffer
[+] ToConfig         <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[+] ToString         <sealed method> : string
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Models.PlantProcessor                 (PlantProcessor)                 <class>
[*] PlantProcessor <constructor>
[!] #1 occlusionMin <in> : float = 0.1f
    #1 occlusion    <in> : double = 0.1
[!] #2 windPower    <in> : float = 2.5f
    #2 wind         <in> : double = 2.5
[!] #4 randomness   <in> : float = 0.25f
    #4 random       <in> : double = 0.25
[*] #3 pivot        <in> : float = 0.5f
    #3 pivot        <in> : double = 0.5
[*] #5 y            <in> : float = 1f
    #5 y            <in> : double = 1
[+] ToConfig       <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.BingMapsPyramid              (BingMapsPyramid)                <class>
[+] Config   <new static getter> : IConfigurator<IPixelPyramid>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method>     : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.GoogleMapsPyramid            (GoogleMapsPyramid)              <class>
[*] GoogleMapsPyramid(ISimpleHttp,int) <constructor>
[*] #2 version <in> : int = 722
    #2 version <in> : int = Version
[+] Config                             <new static getter>        : IConfigurator<IPixelPyramid>
[+] ToConfig                           <sealed method>            : ConfigValue
[+] Version                            <static readonly constant> : int = 739
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.MandelbrotPyramid            (MandelbrotPyramid)              <class>
[+] Config   <new static getter> : IConfigurator<IPixelPyramid>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method>     : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.OpenStreetMapPyramid         (OpenStreetMapPyramid)           <class>
[+] Config   <new static getter> : IConfigurator<IPixelPyramid>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method>     : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.TestPatternPyramid           (TestPatternPyramid)             <class>
[+] Config   <new static getter> : IConfigurator<IPixelPyramid>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method>     : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Rendering.GraphicsContext             (GraphicsContext)                <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Rendering.GraphicsContextFactory      (GraphicsContextFactory)         <class>
[+] CannotCreateGraphicsContext <static method> : bool
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Rendering.IResourceCache              (IResourceCache)                 <interface>
[+] Clear <abstract method> : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Rendering.IShaderParameter            (IShaderParameter)               <interface>
[+] SetVector2Extra <static extension> : void
[+] SetVector4Extra <static extension> : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Rendering.ResourceCache               (ResourceCache)                  <class>
[+] Clear <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Rendering.ResourceLoader              (ResourceLoader)                 <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Shaders.MaterialState                 (MaterialState)                  <class>
[!] MaterialScale                  <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
    MaterialS                      <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
[*] MaterialTexture                <method>         : IShaderParameter
[!] #3 ar    <in> : bool
    #3 which <in> : int
[+] HasMaterialTextureDisplacement <getter>         : bool
[+] MaterialD                      <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
[+] MaterialOriginExtra            <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
[+] MaterialTextureCount           <getter>         : int
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Shaders.TerrainState                  (TerrainState)                   <class>
[+] LodBlend        <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
[+] TerrainTangentX <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
[+] TerrainTangentY <readonly field> : IShaderParameter
[*] Tinman.AddOns.TinmanAddOnsModule                    (TinmanAddOnsModule)             <class>
[+] DoShutdown <protected sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.CanvasWidget                  (CanvasWidget)                   <class>
[*] CanvasWidget    <constructor>
[+] #1 factory <in> : ICanvasFactory ! = null
[*] Factory         <property>                : ICanvasFactory
    Factory         <property>                : ICanvasFactory <!
[+] DoInitialize    <protected sealed method> : void
[+] JsonDeserialize <sealed method>           : void
[+] JsonSerialize   <sealed method>           : void
[+] NotifyEvent     <sealed method>           : void
[+] ToConfig        <sealed method>           : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.IWidget                       (IWidget)                        <interface>
[*] ToApplication <static extension> : WidgetApplication
    ToApplication <static extension> : WidgetApplication !
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.ModelWidget                   (ModelWidget)                    <class>
[+] ModelReader <property>      : IModelReader <!
[+] ToConfig    <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.TerrainViewWidget             (TerrainViewWidget)              <class>
[!] TerrainView      <property>      : TerrainView <!
    Terrain          <property>      : TerrainView <!
[+] CreateOwnTerrain <method>        : TerrainMesh
[+] ToConfig         <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.TestWidget                    (TestWidget)                     <class>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.Widget                        (Widget)                         <class>
[+] Config         <static getter>             : IConfigurator<IWidget>
[+] Initialized    <protected virtual method>  : void
[+] inputModifiers <protected field>           : InputModifiers
[+] Logger         <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] SettingsAuto   <property>                  : int
[+] ToConfig       <virtual method>            : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.AddOns.Widgets.WidgetApplication             (WidgetApplication)              <class>
[+] Logger   <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] ToConfig <virtual method>            : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Core.Caching.DataCache                       (DataCache)                      <class>
[-] OnOrphaned <getter>                    : IEventGeneric<DataCache>
[+] Logger     <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.Collections.BijectiveMap<TLeft,TRight>  (BijectiveMap<TLeft,TRight>)     <class>
[*] ContainsLeft  <virtual method> : bool
[!] #1 key  <in> : TLeft
    #1 left <in> : TLeft
[*] ContainsRight <virtual method> : bool
[!] #1 key   <in> : TRight
    #1 right <in> : TRight
[*] GetLeft       <virtual method> : TRight
[!] #1 key  <in> : TLeft
    #1 left <in> : TLeft
[*] GetRight      <virtual method> : TLeft
[!] #1 key   <in> : TRight
    #1 right <in> : TRight
[*] Put           <virtual method> : void
[!] #1 key   <in> : TLeft
    #1 left  <in> : TLeft
[!] #2 value <in> : TRight
    #2 right <in> : TRight
[*] RemoveLeft    <virtual method> : TRight
[!] #1 key  <in> : TLeft
    #1 left <in> : TLeft
[*] RemoveRight   <virtual method> : TLeft
[!] #1 key   <in> : TRight
    #1 right <in> : TRight
[*] Tinman.Core.Collections.CollectionsUtil<T>          (CollectionsUtil<T>)             <class>
[!] Sort(IVector<T>,CompareDelegate<T>)             <static method> : IVector<T>
    SortList(IVector<T>,CompareDelegate<T>)         <static method> : IVector<T>
[!] Sort(IVector<T>,int,int,CompareDelegate<T>)     <static method> : IVector<T>
    SortList(IVector<T>,int,int,CompareDelegate<T>) <static method> : IVector<T>
[*] GrowTo                                          <static method> : T[]
[*] #3 length <in> : int
    #3 length <in> : long
[*] GrowUntil                                       <static method> : T[]
[*] #3 length <in> : int
    #3 length <in> : long
[*] Tinman.Core.Collections.IBijectiveMap<TLeft,TRight> (IBijectiveMap<TLeft,TRight>)    <interface>
[*] Put         <abstract method> : void
[!] #1 key   <in> : TLeft
    #1 left  <in> : TLeft
[!] #2 value <in> : TRight
    #2 right <in> : TRight
[*] RemoveLeft  <abstract method> : TRight
[!] #1 key  <in> : TLeft
    #1 left <in> : TLeft
[*] RemoveRight <abstract method> : TLeft
[!] #1 key   <in> : TRight
    #1 right <in> : TRight
[*] Tinman.Core.Collections.IBijectiveMapConst<TLeft,TRight> (IBijectiveMapConst<TLeft,TRight>) <interface>
[*] ContainsLeft  <abstract method> : bool
[!] #1 key  <in> : TLeft
    #1 left <in> : TLeft
[*] ContainsRight <abstract method> : bool
[!] #1 key   <in> : TRight
    #1 right <in> : TRight
[*] GetLeft       <abstract method> : TRight
[!] #1 key  <in> : TLeft
    #1 left <in> : TLeft
[*] GetRight      <abstract method> : TLeft
[!] #1 key   <in> : TRight
    #1 right <in> : TRight
[*] Tinman.Core.Collections.MapConstBase<TKey,TValue>   (MapConstBase<TKey,TValue>)      <class>
[+] MapConstBase() <protected constructor>
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.Binding.ConfiguratorBase<T>      (ConfiguratorBase<T>)            <class>
[-] DoFromValueDelegate <protected virtual method> : T !
[-] DoFromValueNull     <protected virtual method> : T !
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.Binding.IConfiguratorObject      (IConfiguratorObject)            <interface>
[*] FromValuePlain <abstract method> : object !
    FromValuePlain <abstract method> : IConfigurable !
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ClassType                        (ClassType)                      <class>
[*] ConfigureDelegate <method> : object !
    ConfigureDelegate <method> : IConfigurable !
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigDomain                     (ConfigDomain)                   <class>
[+] Get     <method> : ConfigScript
[+] GetNull <method> : ConfigScript
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigException                  (ConfigException)                <class>
[+] CannotImplement <static method> : ConfigException
[+] InfiniteLoop    <static method> : ConfigException
[+] NoSuchScript    <static method> : ConfigException
[+] OutOfRange      <static method> : ConfigException
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigExpression                 (ConfigExpression)               <class>
[*] Parse    <static method>  : ConfigExpression
[+] #4 current <in> : Path = null
[*] ParseAst <static method>  : ConfigExpression
[+] #5 current <in> : Path = null
[+] IsCall   <virtual getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigItem                       (ConfigItem)                     <class>
[+] FindAt <virtual method> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigMember                     (ConfigMember)                   <class>
[+] FindAt <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigNode                       (ConfigNode)                     <class>
[+] Begin      <method>         : void
[+] ClearRange <method>         : void
[+] End        <method>         : void
[+] FindAt     <virtual method> : void
[+] HasBegun   <getter>         : bool
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigScope                      (ConfigScope)                    <class>
[*] GetDomain <sealed method> : IConfigTypeBag
    GetDomain <sealed method> : IConfigValueBag
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigScript                     (ConfigScript)                   <class>
[+] Evaluate          <method>                : ConfigValue
[+] FindAt            <sealed method>         : void
[+] ImplementFunction <method>                : void
[+] Logger            <static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] MemberAt          <method>                : ConfigMember
[+] Tinman            <static readonly field> : ConfigScript
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigType                       (ConfigType)                     <class>
[!] FixTry(ConfigValue)            <method> : bool
    FixTry(ConfigValue,ConfigType) <method> : bool
[+] #2 superType <in> : ConfigType = null
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfiguratorObject<T>            (ConfiguratorObject<T>)          <class>
[-] DoFromValueDelegate <protected sealed method>  : T
[-] DoFromValueNull     <protected sealed method>  : T
[*] FromValuePlain      <sealed method>            : object
    FromValuePlain      <sealed method>            : IConfigurable
[+] DoFromValue         <protected virtual method> : T
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigUtil                       (ConfigUtil)                     <class>
[-] GrammarRuleQualifiedIdentifier <static getter> : IGrammarRule
[+] IsSetOpType                    <static method> : bool
[+] Resolver(Context)              <static method> : Path
[+] Resolver(Context,Path)         <static method> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigValue                      (ConfigValue)                    <class>
[*] Configure    <method>        : object !
    Configure    <method>        : IConfigurable !
[*] GetField     <method>        : ConfigValue
[+] #2 notNull <in> : bool = false
[*] GetFieldPath <method>        : Path
[+] #2 notNull <in> : bool = false
[*] GetFieldStr  <method>        : string
[+] #2 notNull <in> : bool = false
[+] CanConfigure <getter>        : bool
[+] EvaluatedBy  <getter>        : ConfigExpression
[+] NotNull      <method>        : ConfigValue
[+] Range        <sealed getter> : RangeI
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigValueBag                   (ConfigValueBag)                 <class>
[*] GetDomain <sealed method> : IConfigTypeBag
    GetDomain <sealed method> : IConfigValueBag
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.Docs.ConfigDoc                   (ConfigDoc)                      <class>
[+] Logger <static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.IConfigTypeBag                   (IConfigTypeBag)                 <interface>
[*] GetDomain <abstract method> : IConfigTypeBag
    GetDomain <abstract method> : IConfigValueBag
[*] Tinman.Core.Config.IConfigValueBag                  (IConfigValueBag)                <interface>
[!] GetValue(IConfigValueBag,string,ConfigExpression[])      <static extension> : ConfigValue
    GetValue(IConfigValueBag,string,ConfigExpression[],IConfigValueBag) <static extension> : ConfigValue
[+] #4 argumentScope <in> : IConfigValueBag = null
[!] GetValueNull(IConfigValueBag,string,ConfigExpression[])  <static extension> : ConfigValue
    GetValueNull(IConfigValueBag,string,ConfigExpression[],IConfigValueBag) <static extension> : ConfigValue
[+] #4 argumentScope <in> : IConfigValueBag = null
[+] GetArguments                                             <static extension> : IVectorConst<ConfigValue>
[*] Tinman.Core.Database.DatabaseUtil                   (DatabaseUtil)                   <class>
[+] CacheObject <static getter> : IDisposable !
[*] Tinman.Core.Formatting.JsonValue                    (JsonValue)                      <class>
[*] IsArray       <getter>        : bool
    IsArray       <method>        : bool
[+] #1 length <in> : int = -1
[+] Elements      <getter>        : IVectorConst<JsonValue>
[+] SerialType    <sealed getter> : ISerialTypeInfo
[+] SerialVersion <sealed getter> : int
[*] Tinman.Core.Formatting.Label                        (Label)                          <class>
[+] Any <static readonly field> : Label
[*] Tinman.Core.Formatting.LabelFormat                  (LabelFormat)                    <struct>
    Tinman.Core.Formatting.LabelFormat                  (LabelFormat)                    <class>
[*] ToString <method>         : string
    ToString <sealed method>  : string
[+] End      <virtual method> : string
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Files.LocalFileSystem                (LocalFileSystem)                <class>
[+] FileTempPath <static method>             : Path !
[+] Logger       <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Files.VirtualFileSystem              (VirtualFileSystem)              <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.IOException                          (IOException)                    <class>
[+] NeedsStacktrace <protected sealed getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Path                                 (Path)                           <class>
[-] IsLeading    <getter>                : bool
[*] Finder       <static extension>      : PathFinder
[*] #2 pattern <in> : string
    #2 pattern <in> : string = null
[+] MakeRelative <static extension>      : Path
[+] Parent       <static readonly field> : Path
[+] ToTrailing   <method>                : Path
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.PathFinder                           (PathFinder)                     <class>
[-] Config <static getter> : IConfigurator<PathFinder>
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.SimpleHttp                           (SimpleHttp)                     <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.SimpleHttpResult                     (SimpleHttpResult)               <struct>
[+] Error <readonly field> : IOError
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Streams.BufferDataStreamBase         (BufferDataStreamBase)           <class>
[*] Buffer <sealed method> : IDataStream
[+] #1 bufferSize <in> : int = 65536
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Streams.DataStreamBase               (DataStreamBase)                 <class>
[*] Background <virtual method> : IDataStream
[+] #1 bufferSize  <in> : int = 65536
[+] #2 bufferCount <in> : int = 16
[*] Buffer     <virtual method> : IDataStream
[+] #1 bufferSize <in> : int = 65536
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Streams.IDataStreamOps               (IDataStreamOps)                 <interface>
[*] Background <abstract method> : IDataStream !
[+] #1 bufferSize  <in> : int = 65536
[+] #2 bufferCount <in> : int = 16
[*] Buffer     <abstract method> : IDataStream !
[+] #1 bufferSize <in> : int = 65536
[*] Tinman.Core.IO.Streams.MemoryDataStream             (MemoryDataStream)               <class>
[*] Background <sealed method> : IDataStream
[+] #1 bufferSize  <in> : int = 65536
[+] #2 bufferCount <in> : int = 16
[*] Buffer     <sealed method> : IDataStream
[+] #1 bufferSize <in> : int = 65536
[*] Tinman.Core.Licensing.LicenceDomain                 (LicenceDomain)                  <class>
[+] LicenceKeyNormalize <static method>         : string
[+] Logger              <static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.Logging.ILogger                         (ILogger)                        <interface>
[-] UniqueTag        <abstract method>  : ILogMessageOutput
[+] Common           <static extension> : void
[+] Debug            <static extension> : void
[+] Error            <static extension> : void
[+] Fatal            <static extension> : void
[+] Info             <static extension> : void
[+] IsCommonEnabled  <static extension> : bool
[+] IsDebugEnabled   <static extension> : bool
[+] IsEnabled        <abstract method>  : bool
[+] IsErrorEnabled   <static extension> : bool
[+] IsFatalEnabled   <static extension> : bool
[+] IsInfoEnabled    <static extension> : bool
[+] IsTraceEnabled   <static extension> : bool
[+] IsWarningEnabled <static extension> : bool
[+] Message          <abstract method>  : void
[+] MessageAt        <abstract method>  : ILogMessage
[+] MessageCount     <abstract getter>  : int
[+] MessagePrepare   <abstract method>  : ILogMessage
[+] Trace            <static extension> : void
[+] Warning          <static extension> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.Logging.ILoggerCategory                 (ILoggerCategory)                <interface>
[+] ChildAt     <abstract method> : ILoggerCategory
[+] ChildCount  <abstract getter> : int
[+] LoggerAt    <abstract method> : ILogger
[+] LoggerCount <abstract getter> : int
[*] Tinman.Core.Math.Maths                              (Maths)                          <class>
[*] MaxFloat <static readonly constant> : float = 3.402823466E+38f
    MaxFloat <static readonly constant> : float = 3.4028235E+38f
[*] MinFloat <static readonly constant> : float = -3.402823466E+38f
    MinFloat <static readonly constant> : float = -3.4028235E+38f
[*] Tinman.Core.Parsing.Grammar                         (Grammar)                        <class>
[+] ParseWith <static method> : AstNode
[*] Tinman.Core.Parsing.GrammarBuilder                  (GrammarBuilder)                 <class>
[*] Build <method> : Grammar !
[+] #1 dependencyGraph <in> : Graph<IGrammarRule> = null
[*] Tinman.Core.Parsing.IGrammarRule                    (IGrammarRule)                   <interface>
[+] IsRedundant <static extension> : bool
[*] Tinman.Core.Parsing.IGrammarRuleProxy               (IGrammarRuleProxy)              <interface>
[*] SetProxyTarget <abstract method> : void
[*] #2 flags <in> : GrammarRuleFlags
    #2 flags <in> : GrammarRuleFlags = GrammarRuleFlags.None
[*] Tinman.Core.Parsing.ParserContext                   (ParserContext)                  <class>
[-] RulePositionPop   <method> : int
[-] RulePositionPush  <method> : bool
[+] RulePositionStack <method> : ParserContextStack
[*] Tinman.Core.StringUtil                              (StringUtil)                     <class>
[+] Hash <static method> : int
[*] Tinman.Core.System.Disposable                       (Disposable)                     <class>
[+] Logger <static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.System.Initializable                    (Initializable)                  <class>
[+] Initialized <protected virtual method> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.System.ObjectPoolBase                   (ObjectPoolBase)                 <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.System.SystemUtil                       (SystemUtil)                     <class>
[+] GrowCapacity <static method> : int
[*] Tinman.Core.Threading.Operations.IOperation         (IOperation)                     <interface>
[+] ShallCancel <abstract getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Core.Threading.Operations.Operation          (Operation)                      <class>
[*] ShallCancel <protected getter> : bool
    ShallCancel <sealed getter>    : bool
[+] Copy        <static method>    : IOperation !
[+] ToConfig    <abstract method>  : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Core.Threading.Pooling.TaskResultVoid        (TaskResultVoid)                 <class>
[*] Logger <protected static readonly field> : ILogger
    Logger <static readonly field>           : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Core.Threading.RingBuffer                    (RingBuffer)                     <class>
[*] DisposeManaged <protected virtual method> : void
    DisposeManaged <protected sealed method>  : void
[*] Tinman.Core.Threading.Thread                        (Thread)                         <class>
[+] Logger     <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] LogOnError <property>                  : bool
[*] Tinman.Core.TinmanCoreModule                        (TinmanCoreModule)               <class>
[+] DoShutdown <protected sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.TinmanException                         (TinmanException)                <class>
[+] CannotGrow      <static method>            : TinmanException
[+] NeedsStacktrace <protected virtual getter> : bool
[+] Source          <new getter>               : string
[*] Tinman.Core.TinmanModule                            (TinmanModule)                   <class>
[-] AddNativeLibraryPath <static method> : void
[*] Dependencies         <static getter> : Graph<TinmanModule> !
    Dependencies         <static method> : Graph<TinmanModule> !
[+] OrderShutdownDispose <static method> : void
[*] Tinman.Core.Util.ColorF                             (ColorF)                         <struct>
[+] Opaque <method> : ColorF
[+] Round  <method> : ColorF
[*] Tinman.Core.Util.Colors                             (Colors)                         <class>
[+] Zero <static readonly constant> : long = 0
[*] Tinman.Core.Util.Event                              (Event)                          <class>
[-] Deferred <static method> : IEvent !
[*] Tinman.Core.Util.GUID                               (GUID)                           <struct>
[+] Digest <static method> : GUID
[*] Tinman.Core.Validating.ValidatePath                 (ValidatePath)                   <class>
[*] Culprit <getter> : object
    Culprit <getter> : ICodeRange
[*] Tinman.Core.Validating.Validator                    (Validator)                      <class>
[*] BeginEntry    <method> : void
[*] #2 culprit <in> : object = null
    #2 culprit <in> : ICodeRange = null
[*] BeginIndex    <method> : void
[*] #2 culprit <in> : object = null
    #2 culprit <in> : ICodeRange = null
[*] BeginMember   <method> : void
[*] #2 culprit <in> : object = null
    #2 culprit <in> : ICodeRange = null
[*] MessageEntry  <method> : void
[*] #3 culprit <in> : object = null
    #3 culprit <in> : ICodeRange = null
[*] MessageIndex  <method> : void
[*] #3 culprit <in> : object = null
    #3 culprit <in> : ICodeRange = null
[*] MessageMember <method> : void
[*] #3 culprit <in> : object = null
    #3 culprit <in> : ICodeRange = null
[*] Tinman.Demo.DemoApplication                         (DemoApplication)                <class>
[-] ContextFactories <getter>                    : IVectorConst<IGraphicsContextFactory>
[-] DisposeManaged   <protected sealed method>   : void
[*] DemoApplication  <constructor>
[!] #1 widget <in> : IWidget ! = null
    #2 widget <in> : IWidget ! = null
[+] #1 config <in> : DemoApplicationConfig
[+] Logger           <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] LogMessage_Crash <static readonly field>     : ILogMessage
[*] Tinman.Demo.TinmanDemoModule                        (TinmanDemoModule)               <class>
[+] PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Framework.Tutorial            (Tutorial)                       <class>
[*] Logger <protected static readonly field> : ILogger
    Logger <new static readonly field>       : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Framework.TutorialBrowser     (TutorialBrowser)                <class>
[-] DoInitialize <protected sealed method>   : void
[+] Logger       <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] Render2D     <sealed method>             : void
[*] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Tutorial_01_TerrainMesh       (Tutorial_01_TerrainMesh)        <class>
[*] CreateTerrain             <protected method>        : TerrainView
[+] #2 gravity <in> : IHeightmap = null
[+] CreateTexture             <protected static method> : TerrainTexture
[+] PlantModel(string)        <protected static method> : IModel
[+] PlantModel(string,string) <protected static method> : IModel
[*] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Tutorial_02_Rect              (Tutorial_02_Rect)               <class>
[+] Initialized <protected sealed method> : void
[+] ModifyMesh  <sealed method>           : void
[*] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Tutorial_03_Cube              (Tutorial_03_Cube)               <class>
[+] Initialized <protected sealed method>   : void
[+] Logger      <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Licence.Domain                               (Domain)                         <class>
[+] SecondsPerMonth <static readonly constant> : int = 2629800
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Buffers.ColorBuffer                  (ColorBuffer)                    <class>
[+] DrawCircle <method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Datasets.DatasetCollection<T>        (DatasetCollection<T>)           <class>
[+] Remove <method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Datasets.DatasetFileCache            (DatasetFileCache)               <class>
[*] Open <static method> : DatasetFileCache !
[+] #2 readOnly <in> : bool = false
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Datasets.DatasetInfo                 (DatasetInfo)                    <class>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Geometries.GeometryBase              (GeometryBase)                   <class>
[!] ComputeCoordinates                             <abstract method> : double
    ComputeCoordinates(double,double,double,Vec3D) <abstract method> : double
[+] ComputeCoordinates(LatLon)                     <virtual method>  : Vec3D
[+] ComputeLatLon                                  <virtual method>  : LatLon
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Geometries.IGeometry                 (IGeometry)                      <interface>
[!] BoundingSphere(IGeometry,VerticalRange)               <static extension> : Sphere
    BoundingSphere(IGeometry,VerticalRange,UnitOfMeasure) <static extension> : Sphere
[+] #3 unit <in> : UnitOfMeasure = null
[+] ComputeCoordinates(LatLon)                            <abstract method>  : Vec3D
[+] ComputeLatLon(double,double,double)                   <abstract method>  : LatLon
[+] ComputeLatLon(IGeometry,Vec3D)                        <static extension> : LatLon
[+] ComputeLatLon(IGeometry,Vec3I)                        <static extension> : LatLon
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Georef.CoordinateSystem              (CoordinateSystem)               <class>
[+] ToVertical <method> : CoordinateSystem
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Georef.Ellipsoid                     (Ellipsoid)                      <class>
[+] EccentricitySqr <getter>                : double
[+] GSK_2011        <static readonly field> : Ellipsoid
[+] Zach_1812       <static readonly field> : Ellipsoid
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Georef.GeoObjectId                   (GeoObjectId)                    <class>
[-] Lookup(ConfigValue) <static method> : IGeoObject
[!] Lookup(IGeoObject)  <static method> : GeoObjectId
    Lookup              <static method> : GeoObjectId
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Georef.Raster                        (Raster)                         <class>
[*] WholeEquator <method> : bool
[+] #2 height <in> : int
[+] Vertical     <method> : Raster
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.Formats.HeightmapFormat   (HeightmapFormat)                <class>
[+] ToConfig <virtual method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.Heightmap                 (Heightmap)                      <class>
[*] Combine        <sealed method>  : IHeightmap
[+] #2 textureOp <in> : ColorOp = ColorOp.Blend
[*] ToPyramid      <virtual method> : IPixelPyramid
[+] #5 flags <in> : PyramidFlags = PyramidFlags.None
[*] TransformRange <virtual method> : IHeightmap
[+] #3 reinterpret <in> : bool = false
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.HeightmapRegion           (HeightmapRegion)                <class>
[+] Displacement <getter> : ElevationBuffer
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.HeightmapSample           (HeightmapSample)                <struct>
[*] HeightmapSample <constructor>
[+] #5 displacement <in> : int = 0
[+] Displacement    <readonly field> : int
[+] SetDisplacement <method>         : HeightmapSample
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.HeightmapSamples          (HeightmapSamples)               <class>
[+] Displacement <field> : int[]
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.HeightmapShape            (HeightmapShape)                 <class>
[!] Falloff           <method>        : HeightmapShape
    FalloffSet        <method>        : HeightmapShape
[!] ShapeSet          <method>        : HeightmapShape
    MapShapeSet       <sealed method> : HeightmapShape
[+] Config            <static getter> : IConfigurator<HeightmapShape>
[+] Falloff           <getter>        : double
[+] Layer             <sealed getter> : int
[+] LayerSet          <sealed method> : HeightmapShape
[+] MapShape          <sealed getter> : IShape
[+] MapShapeCubemap   <sealed method> : HeightmapShape
[+] MapShapeTransform <sealed method> : HeightmapShape
[+] ToConfig          <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.HeightmapsUtil            (HeightmapsUtil)                 <class>
[*] ComputeSize(int,int) <static method>         : int
[*] #2 height <in> : int
    #2 height <in> : int = 0
[+] CacheObject          <static getter>         : IDisposable !
[+] Logger               <static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.IHeightmap                (IHeightmap)                     <interface>
[!] ImportPixels(IHeightmap,IImage,bool)                          <static extension> : IOperation !
    ImportPixels(IHeightmap,IImage,bool,Vec4I)                    <static extension> : IOperation !
[+] #4 materials <in> : Vec4I = default(Vec4I)
[!] ImportPixels(IHeightmap,IImage,bool,CubemapFaceCoordsI,Transform) <static extension> : IOperation !
    ImportPixels(IHeightmap,IImage,bool,CubemapFaceCoordsI,Transform,Vec4I) <static extension> : IOperation !
[+] #6 materials <in> : Vec4I = default(Vec4I)
[*] CopySamples                                                   <static extension> : IOperation !
[*] #3 info <in> : IDatasetInfo
    #3 info <in> : IDatasetInfo = null
[*] ReadAsImage                                                   <static extension> : IImageReader !
    ReadAsImage                                                   <static extension> : IHeightmapReader !
[+] VerticalMetre                                                 <static extension> : VerticalRange
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.IHeightmapOps             (IHeightmapOps)                  <interface>
[*] Combine        <abstract method> : IHeightmap !
[+] #2 textureOp <in> : ColorOp = ColorOp.Blend
[*] ToPyramid      <abstract method> : IPixelPyramid !
[+] #5 flags <in> : PyramidFlags = PyramidFlags.None
[*] TransformRange <abstract method> : IHeightmap !
[+] #3 reinterpret <in> : bool = false
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.Painting.PixelLayer       (PixelLayer)                     <class>
[*] Coverage     <static method> : IPixelLayer
[+] #2 adjustRange <in> : bool = false
[*] Elevation    <static method> : IPixelLayer
[!] #1 colors      <in> : IColorRamp = null
    #1 colorRamp   <in> : IColorRamp = null
[+] #2 adjustRange <in> : bool = false
[*] Uniform      <static method> : IPixelLayer
[*] #1 color <in> : long = 0
    #1 color <in> : long = ~0
[+] Default      <static method> : IPixelLayer
[+] Displacement <static method> : IPixelLayer
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.ProceduralHeightmapBuilder (ProceduralHeightmapBuilder)    <class>
[+] Displacement <method> : ProceduralHeightmapBuilder
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.VerticalRange             (VerticalRange)                  <struct>
[+] Range     <getter> : double
[+] Scale     <method> : VerticalRange
[+] Transform <method> : VerticalRange
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.IImage                       (IImage)                         <interface>
[+] Write <abstract method> : IOperation !
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.IImageOps<T>                 (IImageOps<T>)                   <interface>
[-] Write    <abstract method> : IOperation !
[+] Function <abstract method> : T !
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.IImageWriter                 (IImageWriter)                   <interface>
[+] HasGeoref <abstract getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.Image                        (Image)                          <class>
[*] Write    <sealed method> : IOperation
[+] #2 geo <in> : bool = true
[+] Function <sealed method> : IImage
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.ImageReaderBase              (ImageReaderBase)                <class>
[-] Write    <sealed method> : IOperation
[+] Function <sealed method> : IImageReader
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Imaging.ImageWriter                  (ImageWriter)                    <class>
[+] Config    <static getter>   : IConfigurator<IImageWriter>
[+] HasGeoref <abstract getter> : bool
[+] ToConfig  <abstract method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.IMesh                         (IMesh)                          <interface>
[-] VertexDataPositionRaw <abstract getter> : Double3
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.IMeshDynamic                  (IMeshDynamic)                   <interface>
[-] GetVisibilityCameraPosition <static extension>  : CameraInfo
[-] GetVisibilityViewport       <static extension>  : Viewport
[+] TriangleThreshold           <abstract property> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.MeshOptions                   (MeshOptions)                    <class>
[-] Displacement <property> : IMeshDisplacement
[-] Padding      <property> : IMeshPadding
[+] Modifier     <property> : IMeshModifier
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.MeshTree                      (MeshTree)                       <class>
[-] N <static field> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.Cubemap                      (Cubemap)                        <class>
[*] GetTangentSpace <static method> : int
    GetTangentSpace <static method> : void
[-] #2 component    <in>  : int
[+] #2 tangentFaceX <out> : Vec3I
[+] #3 tangentFaceY <out> : Vec3I
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.CubemapFaceCoordsD           (CubemapFaceCoordsD)             <struct>
[+] Equals <method> : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.CubemapFaceCoordsI           (CubemapFaceCoordsI)             <struct>
[+] Serializer <static readonly field> : ITypeSerializerEx<CubemapFaceCoordsI>
[+] Shift      <method>                : CubemapFaceCoordsI
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.MapInfo                      (MapInfo)                        <struct>
[+] ComputeShiftTo <method> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.MappingUtil                  (MappingUtil)                    <class>
[*] ComputeSize <static method> : int
[*] #2 height  <in> : int
    #2 height  <in> : int = 0
[+] #3 minSize <in> : int = MinSize
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.MapProjectionFactory         (MapProjectionFactory)           <class>
[+] CreateMapProjection_Supported <protected abstract getter> : int
[+] ToConfig                      <abstract method>           : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.Batching                     (Batching)                       <class>
[*] ComputeBatches <method>        : void
    ComputeBatches <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.Chunking                     (Chunking)                       <class>
[-] Origin         <property>      : double
[*] ComputeBatches <method>        : void
    ComputeBatches <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.ChunkingBatch                (ChunkingBatch)                  <struct>
[-] Origin <readonly field> : Vec3D
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.Decaling                     (Decaling)                       <class>
[*] ComputeBatches <method>        : void
    ComputeBatches <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.DistanceCulling              (DistanceCulling)                <class>
[*] Perform    <method>        : void
    Perform    <sealed method> : void
[+] CanPerform <sealed getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.FrustumCulling               (FrustumCulling)                 <class>
[*] Perform    <method>        : void
    Perform    <sealed method> : void
[+] CanPerform <sealed getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.HorizonCulling               (HorizonCulling)                 <class>
[*] Perform    <method>        : void
    Perform    <sealed method> : void
[+] CanPerform <sealed getter> : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.HullFrustum                  (HullFrustum)                    <class>
[*] Compute <method> : void
[*] #1 pointSoup     <in> : IVectorConst<Vec3D>
    #1 pointSoup     <in> : IArrayVector<Vec3D>
[*] #2 maxPlaneCount <in> : int = 31
    #2 maxPlaneCount <in> : int = 30
[+] Hull    <getter> : IVectorConst<Vec2D>
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.IBatchContainer<TBatch>      (IBatchContainer<TBatch>)        <interface>
[-] BatchCount <abstract getter> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.IBatchRenderer<TBatch,TState> (IBatchRenderer<TBatch,TState>) <interface>
[-] ClearBatches <abstract method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.MeshTraversal                (MeshTraversal)                  <class>
[+] face <protected field> : CubemapFace
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.Regions                      (Regions)                        <class>
[*] ComputeBatches <method>        : void
    ComputeBatches <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.SectorBatch                  (SectorBatch)                    <struct>
[+] Face <readonly field> : CubemapFace
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.Texturing                    (Texturing)                      <class>
[-] VisitFaceBegin    <protected sealed method> : bool
[*] ComputeBatches    <method>                  : void
    ComputeBatches    <sealed method>           : void
[+] UpdateSectorBatch <method>                  : TexturingBatch
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Procedural.IColorFunction            (IColorFunction)                 <interface>
[*] Op  <static extension> : IColorFunction
[*] #2 op <in> : ColorFunctionOpCode
    #2 op <in> : ColorOp
[*] OpC <static extension> : IColorFunction
[*] #2 op <in> : ColorFunctionOpCode
    #2 op <in> : ColorOp
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Procedural.IScalarFunction           (IScalarFunction)                <interface>
[*] MultiRidged <static extension> : IScalarFunction
[*] #3 amplitude <in> : double
    #3 amplitude <in> : double = 0.5
[*] #4 frequency <in> : double
    #4 frequency <in> : double = 2
[*] #5 offset    <in> : double
    #5 offset    <in> : double = 1
[*] #6 gain      <in> : double
    #6 gain      <in> : double = 2
[*] MultiSum    <static extension> : IScalarFunction
[*] #3 amplitude <in> : double
    #3 amplitude <in> : double = 0.5
[*] #4 frequency <in> : double
    #4 frequency <in> : double = 2
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Procedural.IVectorFunction           (IVectorFunction)                <interface>
[*] MultiSum <static extension> : IVectorFunction
[*] #3 amplitude <in> : double
    #3 amplitude <in> : double = 0.5
[*] #4 frequency <in> : double
    #4 frequency <in> : double = 2
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.HeightmapRegionPyramid      (HeightmapRegionPyramid)         <class>
[!] Set         <method>        : void
    LayerAdd    <method>        : void
[*] #1 heightmap <in> : IHeightmap
    #1 heightmap <in> : IHeightmap !
[*] #2 color     <in> : long = 0
    #2 color     <in> : long
[+] LayerClear  <method>        : void
[+] LayerRemove <method>        : void
[+] ToConfig    <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.HttpPyramid                 (HttpPyramid)                    <class>
[+] Logger <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] Solid  <property>                  : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.ITexelPyramid               (ITexelPyramid)                  <interface>
[*] Cache <abstract method> : ITexelPyramid !
[*] #2 pyramidId <in> : int = 0
    #2 pyramidId <in> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.PixelPyramid                (PixelPyramid)                   <class>
[-] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.PixelPyramidShape           (PixelPyramidShape)              <class>
[-] Contains          <method>         : bool
[-] Group             <method>         : PixelPyramidShape
[-] Next              <readonly field> : PixelPyramidShape
[!] Shape             <readonly field> : IShape
    MapShape          <sealed getter>  : IShape
[!] ShapeCubemap      <method>         : PixelPyramidShape
    MapShapeCubemap   <sealed method>  : PixelPyramidShape
[!] ShapeSet          <method>         : PixelPyramidShape
    MapShapeSet       <sealed method>  : PixelPyramidShape
[!] ShapeTransform    <method>         : PixelPyramidShape
    MapShapeTransform <sealed method>  : PixelPyramidShape
[*] Layer             <readonly field> : int
    Layer             <sealed getter>  : int
[*] Levels            <readonly field> : RangeI
    Levels            <getter>         : RangeI
[*] Mode              <readonly field> : ColorOp
    Mode              <getter>         : ColorOp
[*] Rasterizer        <readonly field> : IShapeRasterizer<ColorBuffer>
    Rasterizer        <getter>         : IShapeRasterizer<ColorBuffer>
[+] Config            <static getter>  : IConfigurator<PixelPyramidShape>
[+] LayerSet          <sealed method>  : PixelPyramidShape
[+] ToConfig          <sealed method>  : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.Pyramid<TData>              (Pyramid<TData>)                 <class>
[+] CanUpdate    <abstract getter> : bool
[+] ToConfig     <abstract method> : ConfigValue
[+] UpdateGeoref <abstract method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.PyramidFileCache            (PyramidFileCache)               <class>
[*] Open     <static method> : PyramidFileCache !
[+] #2 readOnly <in> : bool = false
[+] Config   <static getter> : IConfigurator<PyramidFileCache>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.PyramidFileCacheOptions     (PyramidFileCacheOptions)        <class>
[+] Config   <static getter> : IConfigurator<PyramidFileCacheOptions>
[+] Equals   <sealed method> : bool
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.PyramidsUtil                (PyramidsUtil)                   <class>
[+] CacheObject          <static getter>         : IDisposable !
[+] ConfigPyramidFlags   <static readonly field> : IConfigurator<PyramidFlags>
[+] ConfigUrlPatternMode <static readonly field> : IConfigurator<UrlPatternMode>
[+] Logger               <static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.TexelPyramid                (TexelPyramid)                   <class>
[+] CanUpdate    <sealed getter> : bool
[+] Config       <static getter> : IConfigurator<ITexelPyramid>
[+] UpdateGeoref <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.UrlPatternPyramid           (UrlPatternPyramid)              <class>
[-] UrlPatternPyramid(Label,int,IVectorConst<string>,bool,PyramidFlags,Raster,ISimpleHttp) <constructor>
[!] UrlPatternPyramid(Label,int,int,bool,PyramidFlags,Raster,ISimpleHttp)  <constructor>
    UrlPatternPyramid                                                      <constructor>
[-] #4 nonSquare <in> : bool
[+] #4 mode      <in> : UrlPatternMode
[+] Bounds                                                                 <property>  : Box2D
[+] TileMatrixCount                                                        <getter>    : int
[+] TileMatrixId(int)                                                      <method>    : string
[+] TileMatrixId(int,string)                                               <method>    : void
[+] ToConfig                                                               <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.ITextureFactory            (ITextureFactory)                <interface>
[!] CreateTexture2D(TexelBuffer)      <abstract method> : ITexture2D !
    CreateTexture2D(TexelBuffer,bool) <abstract method> : ITexture2D !
[+] #2 warn <in> : bool = true
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.RenderingUtil              (RenderingUtil)                  <class>
[+] MemoryConsumptionOfTexture <static method> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.Texture2D                  (Texture2D)                      <class>
[*] DoCopyTexels <protected abstract method> : void
[+] #8 mipmaps <in> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.TextureAtlas               (TextureAtlas)                   <class>
[*] PyramidIdRelease  <method>                    : void
    PyramidIdRelease  <method>                    : bool
[*] TextureAtlas      <constructor>
[-] #6 mipmaps <in> : int = 0
[+] Logger            <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[+] MemoryConsumption <sealed getter>             : long
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.TextureAtlasOptions        (TextureAtlasOptions)            <class>
[-] Mipmaps <getter> : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.TextureFactory             (TextureFactory)                 <class>
[!] CreateTexture2D(TexelBuffer)      <sealed method>             : ITexture2D
    CreateTexture2D(TexelBuffer,bool) <sealed method>             : ITexture2D
[+] #2 warn <in> : bool = true
[+] Logger                            <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Rendering.TextureFormat              (TextureFormat)                  <class>
[+] R16      <static readonly field> : TextureFormat
[+] R8       <static readonly field> : TextureFormat
[+] ToConfig <sealed method>         : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.IShape                        (IShape)                         <interface>
[-] EdgeCount                 <abstract getter>  : int
[-] EdgeParity                <abstract getter>  : int
[-] Georef                    <abstract getter>  : CoordinateSystem
[-] IsCubemap                 <abstract getter>  : bool
[-] Metadata                  <abstract getter>  : ShapeInfo
[-] Simplify                  <abstract method>  : IShape
[-] TransformVertices         <abstract method>  : IShape
[-] TriangleCount             <abstract getter>  : int
[-] Type                      <abstract getter>  : ShapeType
[-] VertexCount               <abstract getter>  : int
[*] ImportCSH                 <static extension> : IOperation !
[-] #3 cubemap  <in> : bool = true
[-] #4 georef   <in> : CoordinateSystem = null
[-] #5 accuracy <in> : double = 0
[+] Compile                   <abstract method>  : IShape
[+] TransformCoordinateSystem <abstract method>  : IShape
[+] TransformGeometry         <abstract method>  : IShape
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.Shape                         (Shape)                          <class>
[-] Metadata                                   <virtual getter>        : ShapeInfo
[*] Box                                        <static method>         : IShape
[-] #3 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo = null
[*] CheckerBoard                               <static method>         : IShape
[+] #3 georef <in> : CoordinateSystem = null
[*] Circle                                     <static method>         : IShape
[-] #4 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo = null
[*] Shape                                      <protected constructor>
[-] #3 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo = null
[+] File(IFileData,ShapeFormat,ReadShapeFlags) <static method>         : IShape
[+] File(Path,ShapeFormat,ReadShapeFlags)      <static method>         : IShape
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapeBase                     (ShapeBase)                      <class>
[-] DoTransform               <protected virtual method> : IShape
[-] Metadata                  <virtual getter>           : ShapeInfo
[-] Simplify                  <virtual method>           : IShape
[-] TransformVertices         <virtual method>           : IShape
[*] CheckIntersection         <virtual method>           : int
[*] #2 offset <in> : double
    #2 offset <in> : double = 0
[*] ToConfig                  <virtual method>           : ConfigValue
    ToConfig                  <abstract method>          : ConfigValue
[+] Compile                   <virtual method>           : IShape
[+] TransformCoordinateSystem <virtual method>           : IShape
[+] TransformGeometry         <virtual method>           : IShape
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapeBuilder                  (ShapeBuilder)                   <class>
[-] Metadata               <method> : ShapeBuilder
[!] Add                    <method> : ShapeBuilder
    Add(IShape,bool,Mat3D) <method> : ShapeBuilder
[*] #2 flip   <in> : bool = false
    #2 flip   <in> : bool
[+] #3 matrix <in> : Mat3D
[+] Add(IShape,bool)       <method> : ShapeBuilder
[+] IndicesOriginal        <getter> : int[]
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapeGroup                    (ShapeGroup)                     <class>
[-] Metadata                                      <sealed getter> : ShapeInfo
[-] ReadShapes                                    <method>        : ShapeGroup
[-] Simplify                                      <sealed method> : IShape
[-] TransformVertices                             <sealed method> : IShape
[!] ShapeGroup(CoordinateSystem,double,ShapeInfo) <constructor>
    ShapeGroup(CoordinateSystem,double)           <constructor>
[-] #3 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo = null
[*] #2 accuracy <in> : double
    #2 accuracy <in> : double = 0
[+] Compile                                       <sealed method> : IShape
[+] TransformGeometry                             <sealed method> : IShape
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapeInfo                     (ShapeInfo)                      <class>
[-] Deserialize                               <sealed method>         : ISerializable
[-] Header                                    <getter>                : ShapeInfo
[-] SerialId                                  <static readonly field> : ISerialTypeInfo
[-] Serialize                                 <sealed method>         : void
[-] ShapeInfo()                               <constructor>
[-] ShapeInfo(ShapeInfo,IVectorConst<string>) <constructor>
[-] Values                                    <getter>                : IVectorConst<string>
[+] Config                                    <static getter>         : IConfigurator<ShapeInfo>
[+] EdgeCount                                 <sealed getter>         : int
[+] EdgeParity                                <sealed getter>         : int
[+] Georef                                    <sealed getter>         : CoordinateSystem
[+] IsCubemap                                 <sealed getter>         : bool
[+] ShapeInfo                                 <constructor>
[+] ToConfig                                  <sealed method>         : ConfigValue
[+] TriangleCount                             <sealed getter>         : int
[+] Type                                      <sealed getter>         : ShapeType
[+] VertexCount                               <sealed getter>         : int
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapePolygonBase              (ShapePolygonBase)               <class>
[!] ShapePolygonBase(ISerialTypeInfo,bool,Vec2D[],CoordinateSystem,ShapeInfo) <protected constructor>
    ShapePolygonBase(ISerialTypeInfo,bool,Vec2D[],CoordinateSystem)        <protected constructor>
[-] #5 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapePolygonSimpleBase        (ShapePolygonSimpleBase)         <class>
[!] ShapePolygonSimpleBase(ISerialTypeInfo,bool,Vec2D[],CoordinateSystem,ShapeInfo) <protected constructor>
    ShapePolygonSimpleBase(ISerialTypeInfo,bool,Vec2D[],CoordinateSystem)    <protected constructor>
[-] #5 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapeReader                   (ShapeReader)                    <class>
[*] Read(IFileData,ReadShapeFlags) <static method> : IShapeReader !
[*] #2 flags <in> : ReadShapeFlags = ReadShapeFlags.Default
    #2 flags <in> : ReadShapeFlags = ReadShapeFlags.Geo
[*] Read(Path,ReadShapeFlags)      <static method> : IShapeReader !
[*] #2 flags <in> : ReadShapeFlags = ReadShapeFlags.Default
    #2 flags <in> : ReadShapeFlags = ReadShapeFlags.Geo
[*] Read(string,ReadShapeFlags)    <static method> : IShapeReader !
[*] #2 flags <in> : ReadShapeFlags = ReadShapeFlags.Default
    #2 flags <in> : ReadShapeFlags = ReadShapeFlags.Geo
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.ShapeVertices                 (ShapeVertices)                  <class>
[!] ShapeVertices(ISerialTypeInfo,Vec2D[],CoordinateSystem,ShapeInfo) <protected constructor>
    ShapeVertices(ISerialTypeInfo,Vec2D[],CoordinateSystem)           <protected constructor>
[-] #4 metadata <in> : ShapeInfo
[*] Tinman.Terrain.TinmanTerrainModule                  (TinmanTerrainModule)            <class>
[+] DoShutdown <protected sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Tools.Canvas                         (Canvas)                         <class>
[-] ComputeBlockPixels <protected method>          : void
[+] ClearCache         <method>                    : void
[+] Logger             <new static readonly field> : ILogger
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Tools.CanvasFactory                  (CanvasFactory)                  <class>
[+] Config <static getter> : IConfigurator<ICanvasFactory>
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Tools.CanvasFactoryHeightmap         (CanvasFactoryHeightmap)         <class>
[!] PixelLayer             <property>                : IPixelLayer
    Layer                  <property>                : IPixelLayer
[*] Heightmap              <property>                : IHeightmap
    Heightmap              <getter>                  : IHeightmap
[+] CanvasFactoryHeightmap <constructor>
[+] DisposeManaged         <protected sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Tools.CanvasFactoryPixelPyramid      (CanvasFactoryPixelPyramid)      <class>
[*] CanvasFactoryPixelPyramid <constructor>
[+] #1 pixelPyramid <in> : IPixelPyramid !
[*] PixelPyramid              <property>                : IPixelPyramid
    PixelPyramid              <getter>                  : IPixelPyramid
[+] DisposeManaged            <protected sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.Box2I                           (Box2I)                          <struct>
[+] Grow(Vec2I) <method> : Box2I
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.Box2L                           (Box2L)                          <struct>
[+] Grow(Vec2L) <method> : Box2L
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.Box3I                           (Box3I)                          <struct>
[+] Grow(Vec3I) <method> : Box3I
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.ColorRamp                       (ColorRamp)                      <class>
[-] Transform <sealed method>         : IColorRamp
[+] ForRange  <static method>         : IColorRamp
[+] Planet    <static readonly field> : IColorRamp
[+] Pluto     <static readonly field> : IColorRamp
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.Curve                           (Curve)                          <class>
[+] ToConfig <sealed method> : ConfigValue
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.FileFormat                      (FileFormat)                     <class>
[*] PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks <sealed method>           : void
    PleaseIncludeInBinaryThanks <virtual method>          : void
[+] IsRegistered                <protected getter>        : bool
[+] NotSupported                <protected static method> : IOException
[+] ThrowIfNotRegistered        <protected method>        : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Util.Points                          (Points)                         <class>
[-] ToArray        <method> : Vec3D[]
[!] Mean           <method> : Vec3D
    MeanPosition   <method> : Vec3D
[+] AveragePlane   <method> : Plane
[+] BoundingCuboid <method> : Cuboid
[+] Clear          <method> : void
[+] PrincipalAxis  <method> : Vec3D
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Double1              (Double1)                        <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Double2              (Double2)                        <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Double3              (Double3)                        <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Double4              (Double4)                        <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Float1               (Float1)                         <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Float2               (Float2)                         <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Float3               (Float3)                         <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Float4               (Float4)                         <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Int1                 (Int1)                           <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Int2                 (Int2)                           <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Int3                 (Int3)                           <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Int4                 (Int4)                           <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Long1                (Long1)                          <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Long2                (Long2)                          <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Long3                (Long3)                          <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Arrays.Long4                (Long4)                          <class>
[+] CopyVertexData <sealed method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.Semantic                    (Semantic)                       <class>
[-] PositionRaw   <static readonly field> : Semantic
[+] LevelOfDetail <static readonly field> : Semantic
[+] NormalBase    <static readonly field> : Semantic
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Vertices.VertexArray<T>              (VertexArray<T>)                 <class>
[*] CopyVertexData <sealed method>   : void
    CopyVertexData <abstract method> : void
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.DefaultVisibleCheck       (DefaultVisibleCheck)            <class>
[+] ToString <virtual method> : string
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.IVisibleCheck             (IVisibleCheck)                  <interface>
[*] IsVertexVisible <abstract method> : bool
[!] #1 vertex       <in> : int
    #1 v            <in> : int
[!] #2 thresholdSqr <in> : double
    #4 thresholdSqr <in> : double
[+] #2 g            <in> : int
[+] #3 a            <in> : int
[+] Contains        <abstract method> : bool
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.ScreenVisibleCheck        (ScreenVisibleCheck)             <class>
[-] LightOffset     <property>      : double
[*] IsVertexVisible <sealed method> : bool
[!] #1 vertex       <in> : int
    #1 v            <in> : int
[!] #2 thresholdSqr <in> : double
    #4 thresholdSqr <in> : double
[+] #2 g            <in> : int
[+] #3 a            <in> : int
[+] ErrorScale      <property>      : Vec4F
[+] ToString        <sealed method> : string
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.TerrainVisibleCheck       (TerrainVisibleCheck)            <class>
[*] IsVertexVisible <sealed method> : bool
[!] #1 vertex       <in> : int
    #1 v            <in> : int
[!] #2 thresholdSqr <in> : double
    #4 thresholdSqr <in> : double
[+] #2 g            <in> : int
[+] #3 a            <in> : int
[+] ToString        <sealed method> : string
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.Viewport                  (Viewport)                       <class>
[-] HasBaseFieldOfView <getter>   : bool
[-] InsideCone         <method>   : bool
[-] InsidePad          <property> : double
[*] Inside             <method>   : bool
[+] #4 radius <in> : double = 0
[*] Tinman.Terrain.Visibility.VisibleCheck              (VisibleCheck)                   <class>
[*] IsVertexVisible <abstract method>  : bool
[!] #1 vertex       <in> : int
    #1 v            <in> : int
[!] #2 thresholdSqr <in> : double
    #4 thresholdSqr <in> : double
[+] #2 g            <in> : int
[+] #3 a            <in> : int
[+] Contains        <virtual method>   : bool
[+] ToString        <protected method> : string
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Application.IApplicationControl       (IApplicationControl)            <interface>
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Application.LogoApplication           (LogoApplication)                <class>
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Application.TestOperation             (TestOperation)                  <class>
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Models.IModelReader                   (IModelReader)                   <interface>
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Models.ModelPostProcessor             (ModelPostProcessor)             <class>
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Models.ModelReaderBase                (ModelReaderBase)                <class>
[+] Tinman.AddOns.Pyramids.ColorBufferPyramid           (ColorBufferPyramid)             <class>
[+] Tinman.Core.Collections.IdentityMap<TKey,TValue>    (IdentityMap<TKey,TValue>)       <class>
[+] Tinman.Core.Config.ConfigFunctionDelegate           (ConfigFunctionDelegate)         <delegate>
[+] Tinman.Core.Logging.ILogMessage                     (ILogMessage)                    <interface>
[+] Tinman.Core.Parsing.ParserContextStack              (ParserContextStack)             <class>
[+] Tinman.Core.System.NativeLibrary                    (NativeLibrary)                  <class>
[+] Tinman.Core.Util.VersionInfo                        (VersionInfo)                    <struct>
[+] Tinman.Demo.DemoApplicationConfig                   (DemoApplicationConfig)          <class>
[+] Tinman.Demo.LicenceKey                              (LicenceKey)                     <class>
[+] Tinman.Demo.StandAlone.BuildInformation_Tinman_Demo_StandAlone (BuildInformation_Tinman_Demo_StandAlone) <class>
[+] Tinman.Demo.StandAlone.TinmanDemoStandAloneModule   (TinmanDemoStandAloneModule)     <class>
[+] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Tutorial_04_Headless          (Tutorial_04_Headless)           <class>
[+] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Tutorial_05_Procedural        (Tutorial_05_Procedural)         <class>
[+] Tinman.Demo.Tutorials.Tutorial_06_Processing        (Tutorial_06_Processing)         <class>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Heightmaps.IHeightmapReader          (IHeightmapReader)               <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.IMeshModifier                 (IMeshModifier)                  <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Kernel.MeshSample                    (MeshSample)                     <class>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.IMapShape                    (IMapShape)                      <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.IMapShapeGeneric<T>          (IMapShapeGeneric<T>)            <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.IMapShapes<TShape>           (IMapShapes<TShape>)             <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.MapShapes<TElement>          (MapShapes<TElement>)            <class>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.ConeCulling                  (ConeCulling)                    <class>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.IBatchContainerBase          (IBatchContainerBase)            <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.IBatchRendererBase           (IBatchRendererBase)             <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Meshing.IMeshAction                  (IMeshAction)                    <interface>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Pyramids.UrlPatternMode              (UrlPatternMode)                 <enum>
[+] Tinman.Terrain.Shapes.IShapeInfo                    (IShapeInfo)                     <interface>