

static class Tinman.Core.Parsing.ParsingUtilGeneric
<T ref : IPsiNode>

Generic helper class for this namespace.

Public / Methods


3 overloads

public static method Resolve1 → (1)

nodes in : IVectorConst<T>

The PSI nodes.

returns → bool

The aggregated result.

Calls IPsiNode.Resolve on the given nodes.

public static method Resolve2 → (1)

nodes in : T [ ]

The PSI nodes.

returns → bool

The aggregated result.

Calls IPsiNode.Resolve on the given nodes.

public static method Resolve3 → (1)

nodes in : IEnumerable<T>

The PSI nodes.

returns → bool

The aggregated result.

Calls IPsiNode.Resolve on the given nodes.