

interface Tinman.Core.IO.Files.IFile

Base interface for classes that represent persistent binary objects (i.e. files) with random-access semantics.

Public / Methods


public method Commit → (2)

flush opt : bool = false

Perform a flush after committing all pending file modifications (see remarks)? An implementation may decide to perform a flush, even if this parameter is false, for example to maintain a limit on the size of its modification buffer.

callback opt : CommitDelegate = null

Optional callback to use during the commit. The callback may perform additional actions before the commit happens, for example flushing internal memory buffers. Also, the callback may cancel the commit. If null, the commit will never be cancelled.

returns → int32

The action that has been performed:
0 : no action has been performed (not supported / no changes / cancelled),
1 : all pending file modifications have been committed,
2 : same as 1, followed by a flush.

Commits all pending file modifications as an atomic update if CanCommit returns true or returns silently without performing any action otherwise.

A file may support a mechanism for ensuring file integrity, where file modifications are performed as usual and additional calls to Commit are made to group these modifications into a sequence of atomic updates:

Creation   Modifications
>__________M___M_________M___M_____M_M M_M___M__M__M__
                   C            C          C         C
          [--U--]       [--U--]   [---U---] [---U---]
          Atomic updates

Atomic updates are performed sequentially and each atomic update is either applied fully or not at all. In the case that a file cannot be closed properly (for example, the application crashes or the system malfunctions), all atomic updates that have not been included in a prior flush may be lost.

file.Flush();       // #1
file.Commit(true);  // #2
file.Commit(false); // #3

Calling IFlushable.Flush (see #1) will implicitly call Commit with flush set to true and is thus equivalent to calling only Commit with flush (see #2). Committing without flush (see #3) is more efficient, but the atomic updates can still be lost (but not corrupted) if a subsequent flush fails.


If an I/O error has occurred.

See also



public method GetLength → ()

returns → int64

The current length, in bytes.

Returns the current length of this file.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method GetTimestamp → ()

returns → int64

The timestamp value (see LicenceUtil.SystemTime).

Returns the timestamp of the last file modification.

If SetTimestamp has been called, this method will return the provided timestamp value. Otherwise, the method will fetch the timestamp from the underlying filesystem each time is it called.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method Read → (4)

offset in : int64

Offset of first byte to read from file.

buffer in : ByteBuffer

The output buffer. The ByteBuffer object will not be modified by this method. The current buffer position (see ByteBuffer.Position) will be queried iff bufferOffset opt is -1. The current buffer limit will be queried iff count opt is -1.

bufferOffset opt : int32 = -1

Offset into output buffer in. If set to -1, the current buffer position (see ByteBuffer.Position) will be used.

count opt : int32 = -1

Total number of bytes to read. If set to -1, the remaining buffer bytes (see ByteBuffer.Remaining) will be used.

returns → int32

The actual number of read bytes.

Reads a chunk of bytes from the file.

The actual number of read bytes may be lower than count opt when reading over the end of the file. The maximum number of bytes that can be read with a single call is 2^31-1.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method ReadAll → (4)

offset in : int64

Offset of first byte to read from file.

buffer in : ByteBuffer

The output buffer. The ByteBuffer object will not be modified by this method.

bufferOffset opt : int32 = -1

Offset into output buffer in. If set to -1, the current buffer position (see ByteBuffer.Position) will be used.

count opt : int32 = -1

Total number of bytes to read. If set to -1, the remaining buffer bytes (see ByteBuffer.Remaining) will be used.

Reads a chunk of bytes from the file.

The maximum number of bytes that can be read with a single call is 2^31-1.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method SetLength → (1)

value in : int64

The new length, in bytes.

Sets the length of this file.

Setting the length of a file may cause additional management overhead by the OS and should only be done when absolutely necessary.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method SetTimestamp → (1)

timestamp in : int64

The timestamp value (see LicenceUtil.SystemTime).

Sets the timestamp of the last file modification.

Once called, the GetTimestamp will return timestamp in. The new timestamp may not become apparent to the underlying filesystem immediately, but it will when this file is disposed, at the latest.


If an I/O error has occurred.


public method Write → (4)

offset in : int64

Offset of first byte to read from file.

buffer in : ByteBuffer

The input buffer. The ByteBuffer object will not be modified by this method.

bufferOffset opt : int32 = -1

Offset into output buffer in. If set to -1, the current buffer position (see ByteBuffer.Position) will be used.

count opt : int32 = -1

Total number of bytes to read. If set to -1, the remaining buffer bytes (see ByteBuffer.Remaining) will be used.

Writes a chunk of bytes to the file.

The maximum number of bytes that can be written with a single call is 2^31-1. Writing past the end of the file will cause it to grow automatically.


If an I/O error has occurred.

Public / Attributes


public attribute CanCommit → (get)

value : bool

true if Commit can be used to ensure file integrity,
false if file integrity is not ensured.

Does this IFile support Commit?


public attribute IsLocal → (get)

value : bool

true if this file is local, false if not.

Is the data of this file present on the host machine?


public attribute IsTemporary → (get)

value : bool

true if this file is a temporary one, false if it is a regular one.

Is this a temporary file?

The contents of a temporary file are no longer used when it is disposed.