

sealed class Tinman.Engine.Drawing.Bitmap

Derived from

ResourceBase abstract

The Bitmap represents an image resource for 2D rendering via Graphics.

Public / Constructors


public static method HandleFile → (2)

path in : Path

Path to image file.

flags opt : BitmapFlags = BitmapFlags.Default

The bitmap flags.

returns → IResourceHandle

The bitmap handle.

Creates a new bitmap handle for the image file.

This handle will always perform sRGB decompression on path in.


public static method HandleImage → (2)

image in : IImage

The image descriptor.

flags opt : BitmapFlags = BitmapFlags.Default

The bitmap flags.

returns → IResourceHandle

The bitmap handle.

Creates a new bitmap handle for the given image descriptor.


public static method HandlePixels → (2)

pixels in : ColorBuffer

The image pixels.

flags opt : BitmapFlags = BitmapFlags.Default

The bitmap flags.

returns → IResourceHandle

The bitmap handle.

Creates a new bitmap handle for the given image pixels.


public static method HandleRenderTarget → (1)

handle in : RenderTargetHandle

The render target handle.

returns → IResourceHandle

The bitmap handle.

Creates a new bitmap handle for the given render target.


public static method Wrap → (2)

texture in : ITexture2D

The texture to wrap.

slice opt : int32 = 0

The texture slice to wrap.

returns → Bitmap

The Bitmap.

Wraps the given ITexture2D object in a Bitmap.

Public / Methods


public method Clip → (4)

in : int32

Pixel X-coordinate of top-left corner of sub-rectangle.

in : int32

Pixel Y-coordinate of top-left corner of sub-rectangle.

width in : int32

Width of sub-rectangle.

height in : int32

Width of sub-rectangle.

returns → Bitmap

The sub-rectangle bitmap.

Returns a sub-rectangle of this bitmap.


public method GetUV → (2)

in : float32

Bitmap X-coordinate.

in : float32

Bitmap Y-coordinate.

returns → Vec2F

The texture coordinates.

Returns the U and V texture coordinates of given bitmap coordinates.

The bitmap coordinates (0|0) refer to the top-left corner of the top-left bitmap pixel. The lower-right corner of the lower-right pixel is at (Width|Height).


public method SetPixels → (1)

buffer in : ColorBuffer

The pixel buffer. Will be padded with Colors.Zero if too small.

Sets the pixels of this image.

Public / Attributes


public attribute Height → (get)

value : int32

The bitmap height, in pixels.

Returns the height of this bitmap.


public attribute Size → (get)

value : Vec2I

The bitmap size (width, height), in pixels.

Returns the bitmap size.


public attribute Slice → (get)

value : int32

the texture slice.

Returns the texture slice of this bitmap.

See also



public attribute Texture → (get)

value : ITexture2D

The texture resource.

Returns the texture resource of this bitmap.

See also



public attribute Width → (get)

value : int32

The bitmap width, in pixels.

Returns the width of this bitmap.