CoordinateSystemFlags Description [Flags] [SemanticEnum] enum Tinman.Terrain.Georef.CoordinateSystemFlags Enumeration of coordinate system flags. Public / Constants None public constant None → (0:int32) No coordinate system flags. InverseZ public constant InverseZ → (1:int32) The sign of the Z axis of the coordinate system is inverted. InverseXY public constant InverseXY → (2:int32) The signs of the X and Y axes of the coordinate system are inverted. FlipXY public constant FlipXY → (4:int32) The X and Y coordinate system axes are flipped. MaskXY public constant MaskXY → (6:int32) Bitmask of flags that refer to the horizontal coordinate system axes. MaskZ public constant MaskZ → (1:int32) Bitmask of flags that refer to the vertical coordinate system axis. All public constant All → (7:int32) All flags. CoordinateSystemBuilder CoordinateSystemTransform