

abstract class Tinman.Engine.Rendering.RenderEffectParameters

Base interface for classes that represent the parameters of a GPU program.

Render effect parameter sets are defined by implementing classes, usually by providing properties. Parameter modifications are tracked with a 64-bit integer value, where each bit may be interpreted freely by an implementing class. In most cases, there will be a dedicated modification flag for each parameter property. A subclass may declare low-level parameter slots by overriding the Declare method. The Apply method may be overridden in order to apply parameter values to the underlying GPU program.

Here is a checklist for creating an implementing class which follows the standard pattern:

  1. Provide the human-readable name of the render effect parameter set when calling the base constructor:

    /// <summary>
    ///   Creates a new instance of <see cref="MyEffectParameters"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public MyEffectParameters()
      : base("MyEffect")
  2. Define a public constant for each render pass of the effect:

    /// <summary>
    ///   Brief description of the render effect pass goes here.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   Additional information goes here, for example when the render effect is
    ///   available and which parameters must be initialized for it.
    /// </remarks>
    public const int PassMyName = 0;

    The constant value is the pass index, see IRenderEffectBase.PassCount.

  3. Override the PassName method, in order to provide names for the render effect passes:

    public override string PassName(int pass)
      switch (pass)
        case PassMyName:
          return "MyName";
          return base.PassName(pass);
  4. For each render effect parameter, add a Changed* flag, a property, a backing field and a low-level parameter slot index field:

    /// <summary>
    ///   Changed flag of <see cref="MyParameter"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public const int ChangedMyParameter = 1 << ?;
    /// <summary>
    ///   Brief description of the render effect parameter.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   Additional information about the parameter, for example its default value.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <value>Details on the parameter value.</value>
    /// <seealso cref="ChangedMyParameter"/>
    public Vec4F MyParameter
      get { return myParameter; }
        if (myParameter.Equals(value))
        myParameter = value;
    Vec4F myParameter;
    int slotMyParameter;

    In the constructor, initialize all backing fields to their default values (if necessary) and all slot* fields to -1.

  5. Override Declare and map the low-level parameters (which are defined by the GPU program) to the render effect parameters (which are defined by the enclosing RenderEffectParameters sub-class), by querying the slot index for a given parameter name, type and count:

    public override void Declare(IRenderEffectParameters effect, int flags = 0)
      slotMyParameter = effect.ParameterDeclare(
        RenderEffectParameterType.Vector4, "g_myParameter");

    Because this step defines the interface between the GPU program and the code behind, it should be documented:

    /// <summary>
    ///   Render effect parameters of <see cref="IMyEffect"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   The following low-level render effect parameter slots are always defined:
    ///   <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item>
    ///       'g_myParameter', <see cref="RenderEffectParameterType.Vector4"/>,
    ///       mapped to <see cref="MyParameter"/>.
    ///     </item>
    ///   </list>
    /// </remarks>
    public sealed class MyEffectParameters : RenderEffectParameters
  6. Override Apply and apply the render effect parameter values to the underlying GPU program, for example by using the IRenderEffectParameters interface:

    public override void Apply(IRenderEffectParameters effect,
      bool forceTextures = false)
      base.Apply(effect, forceTextures);
      if (Has(ChangedMyParameter))
        effect.ParameterVector4(slotMyParameter, 0, myParameter);

    Also implement ClearResources, which must set all render effect parameters with a IResource value to null.

The following methods provide an optional way to define a render effect in a common way which does not depend on a specific render API:

By overriding these methods, redundant code can be avoided in the implementations of RenderEffect.

Public / Methods


public method Aggregate → (2)

child in : RenderEffectParameters

The child RenderEffectParameters object.

changed in : int64

The child modification bits.

Aggregates the given child RenderEffectParameters object.

Adding a modification bit via Set will automatically set the corresponding modification bit in the parent. The default implementations of the Apply and ClearResources methods forward calls to the aggregated children.


public virtual method Apply → (2)

effect in : IRenderEffectParameters

The effect.

forceTextures opt : bool = false

Force setting of texture parameters, even if their changed flag is not set?

Updates the low-level render effect parameter slots according to the changed parameter values in this object.

This method may optionally be used to provide a standardized mechanism for setting low-level render effect parameters, which can be used for multiple rendering APIs.

The parameter slots must have been declared with Declare. If not, this method will return silently, without applying any parameter values.

The default implementation calls Apply on all changed aggregated children.


public virtual method ClearResources → ()

Clears all resources by setting the corresponding parameters to null.

All parameters that reference resources (see IResource) must be cleared to null by this method.

The default implementation calls ClearResources on all aggregated children.


public virtual method Declare → (2)

effect in : IRenderEffectParameters

The render effect for which to declare the low-level parameter slots.

flags opt : int32 = 0

Optional flags, to be interpreted by overriding methods. Please refer to the documentation of the respective subclass for details.

Declares all low-level render effect parameter slots.

This method may optionally be used to provide a standardized mechanism for setting low-level render effect parameters, which can be used for multiple rendering APIs.

Different instances of the same RenderEffectParameters class may use different slot indices, which allows instances to be aggregated into different render effects.


If an error has occurred while declaring low-level render effect parameter slots.


public virtual method EffectComponents → (2)

effect in : IRenderEffectComponents

The render effect builder to use.

flags opt : int32 = 0

Optional flags, to be interpreted by overriding methods. Please refer to the documentation of the respective subclass for details.

Builds the common render effect components.

The common render effect components do not depend on a specific render API.


If an error has occurred while building the common render effect components.


public virtual method EffectRenderState → (1)

pass in : int32

The pass index.

returns → RenderStatePreset

The common render state preset or RenderStatePreset.None if there is none.

Returns the common render state preset for the given render pass in.

The common render state preset does not depend on a specific render API.


public virtual method EffectSamplerState → (1)

name in : string

The name of a low-level texture parameter.

returns → SamplerStatePreset

The common sampler state preset or SamplerStatePreset.None if there is none.

Returns the common sampler state preset for the given low-level texture parameter.

The common sampler state preset does not depend on a specific render API.


public method Has → (1)

changed in : int64

The modification bits to check.

returns → bool

true if one or more modification bits are set,
false if no modification bits are set.

Checks whether any of the given modification bits is set.


public virtual method PassName → (1)

pass in : int32

The pass index.

returns → string

The human-readable name.

Returns a human-readable name for the given pass.

The default implementation returns a string in the form 'Pass-#', where '#' is the zero-based pass index.


public method Reset → (1)

setOrClear in : bool

true to set all modification flags, false to clear them.

Sets or clears the modification flags for all parameters.

The default implementation resets the modification flags of all aggregated children.

Public / Attributes


public attribute ChangedParent → (get)

value : int64

The modification bit or 0 if Parent is 0.

Returns the modification bit of this RenderEffectParameters object in its parent.


public attribute FullName → (get)

value : string

The full name.

Returns the full name of this set of render effect parameters.

The full name includes Name, Parent and ChangedParent for the whole chain of aggregated objects.


public attribute Name → (get)

value : string

The name.

Human-readable name for this set of render effect parameters.


public attribute Parent → (get)

value : RenderEffectParameters

The parent or null if none.

Returns the parent of this RenderEffectParameters object.

Each time a call to Set adds a modification bit, the change is propagated to the parent (see ChangedParent).

Protected / Constructors


protected constructor RenderEffectParameters → (1)

name in : string

Human-readable name for this set of render effect parameters.

Creates a new instance of RenderEffectParameters.

Protected / Methods


protected method Set → (1)

changed in : int64

The modification bits to set.

Sets the given modification bits.