- Extended by
CxDeclaration abstract
CxType abstract
CxTypeParameter sealed
Base interface for types, type declarations and type parameters that provides methods for performing type compatibility checks.
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for type checking:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A is assignable from B. // Compiles if B is assignable to A. a = b; // Compiles if A is assignable to B. // Compiles if B is assignable from A. b = a; // Compiles if A and B are the same. a = b; b = a; }
Two types are thus the same if they are assignable to each other.
Public / Methods
3 overloads
Is this
type assignable from the given type in?
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A is assignable from B. a = b; // Compiles if B is assignable from A. b = a; }
Is this
type assignable from the given type in?
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A is assignable from B. a = b; // Compiles if B is assignable from A. b = a; }
Is this
type assignable from the given type in?
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A is assignable from B. a = b; // Compiles if B is assignable from A. b = a; }
3 overloads
Is this
type assignable to the given type in?
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if B is assignable to A. a = b; // Compiles if A is assignable to B. b = a; }
Is this
type assignable to the given type in?
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if B is assignable to A. a = b; // Compiles if A is assignable to B. b = a; }
Is this
type assignable to the given type in?
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if B is assignable to A. a = b; // Compiles if A is assignable to B. b = a; }
3 overloads
Checks if this
type and the given type in are the same.
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A and B are the same. a = b; b = a; }
Checks if this
type and the given type in are the same.
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A and B are the same. a = b; b = a; }
Checks if this
type and the given type in are the same.
Given two types A and B, the following semantic is defined for this type check:
void Method<A,B>() { A a = ...; B b = ...; // Compiles if A and B are the same. a = b; b = a; }