Public / Methods
Maps the given heading angle to its nearest cardinal label.
These are the cardinal labels:
: 0°
: 22.5°
: 45°
: 67.5°
: 90°
: 112.5°
: 135°
: 157.5°
: 180°
: 202.5°
: 225°
: 247.5°
: 270°
: 292.5°
: 315°
: 337.5°
2 overloads
Converts the given direction vector into a heading angle (0° points northwards).
Converts the given direction vector into a heading angle (0° points northwards).
Helper for creating a IMapProjectionFactory for the given source in and target in geo-references.
- GeorefException
If the geo-reference parameters are incomplete or invalid.