

struct Tinman.Gpu.Types.float2x2

A 2x2 matrix that is stored in GPU memory in row-major order.

The logical layout of a matrix fully defines how operations are performed on it.

| m11 m12 |
| m21 m22 |

The memory layout of a matrix is only relevant when uploading matrix values onto the GPU.

Public / Operators

operator *

public static operator * → (2)

in : float2x2

The matrix.

in : float32

The factor.

returns → float2x2

The resulting matrix.

Multiplies all elements of the matrix with a factor.

Public / Attributes


public attribute m11 → (float32)

The matrix element at row 1 and column 1.


public attribute m12 → (float32)

The matrix element at row 1 and column 2.


public attribute m21 → (float32)

The matrix element at row 2 and column 1.


public attribute m22 → (float32)

The matrix element at row 2 and column 2.