

sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Georef.GeoRegistry

Derived from

SerializableBase abstract

The GeoRegistry stores geo-referencing metadata and provide lookup mechanism.

The following figure illustrates the geo registry object model:

| UnitOfMeasure |                           Units of measure for length, angle and scale
  |                    +----------------+   Well-known geodetic datum, with defined
  |                    | GeodeticDatum  |   ellipsoid and prime meridian
  |                    +----------------+
  |                       ^         |
  |     +-----------+     |         |       Ellipsoid parameters, with length unit for
  +---> | Ellipsoid | ----+         |       semi-major and semi-minor axes
  |     +-----------+     |         |
  |                       |         |
  |     +-----------+     |         |       Prime meridian, with angle unit for base
  +---> | Meridian  | ----+         |       longitude, relative to Greenwich
  |     +-----------+               |
  |                                 V
  |     +-------------------------------+   A geographic coordinate system with
  +---> | CoordinateSystem (geographic) |   longitude and latitude, specified in
  |     +-------------------------------+   angle unit.
  |                     source    target
  |                        |        |
  |                        V        V
  |                    +----------------+   Transformation between geographic coordinate
  |                    | DatumOperation |   system using different datums.
  |                    +----------------+
  |               +---------------------+   Coordinate operation that transforms between
  |               | CoordinateOperation |   geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude)
  |               +---------------------+   and map coordinates (easting, northing)
  |                                 |
  |                                 V
  |     +-------------------------------+   A projected coordinate system with easting
  +---> | CoordinateSystem (projected)  |   and northing, specified in length unit.
  |     +-------------------------------+
  |                   +----------------+
  |                   | VerticalDatum  |   Well-known vertical datum
  |                   +----------------+
  |                                 |
  |                                 V
  |     +------------------------------+   A vertical coordinate system, typically
  +---> | CoordinateSystem (vertical)  |   tied with geographic coordinate system.

Public / Constructors


public constructor GeoRegistry → (1)

name in : string

Human-readable name of registry.

Creates a new instance of GeoRegistry.


2 overloads

public static method Load1 → (1)

filePath in : Path

The file path.

returns → GeoRegistry

The loaded geo registry.

Loads a geo registry from a file.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public static method Load2 → (1)

stream in : IDataStream own

The data stream.

returns → GeoRegistry

The loaded geo registry.

Loads a geo registry from a stream.


If an I/O error has occurred.

Public / Methods


public static method CurrentGlobalPop → ()

returns → bool

true if the previous registry has been restored or if the scope has become empty,
false if the scope already was empty.

Restores the registry that has previously been active in the global scope.


public static method CurrentLocalPop → ()

returns → bool

true if the previous registry has been restored or if the scope has become empty,
false if the scope already was empty.

Restores the registry that has previously been active in the thread-local scope.


3 overloads

public method Put1 → (1)

other in : IGeoRegistry

The other geo registry.

Puts all geo objects of the given other in geo registry into this one.

When a geo object is registered for the first time, the given code will become its primary code. Only primary codes are returned for reverse lookups. Registering the same geo object with more codes will only add aliases for the primary code.

public method Put2 → (3)

code in : int32

The geo object code.

authority in : GeoAuthority

The geo authority.

value in : IGeoObject

The get object.

Puts the given geo object into the registry, overwriting already existing mappings.

When a geo object is registered for the first time, the given code will become its primary code. Only primary codes are returned for reverse lookups. Registering the same geo object with more codes will only add aliases for the primary code.

public method Put3 → (3)

code in : string

The geo object code.

authority in : GeoAuthority

The geo authority.

value in : IGeoObject

The get object.

Puts the given geo object into the registry, overwriting already existing mappings.

When a geo object is registered for the first time, the given code will become its primary code. Only primary codes are returned for reverse lookups. Registering the same geo object with more codes will only add aliases for the primary code.


public method Remove → (1)

key in : GeoObjectId

Key of the geo object to remove.

Removes a geo object from the registry.


2 overloads

public method Save1 → (1)

filePath in : Path

The file path to save to.

Saves this geo registry to a file.


If an I/O error has occurred.

public method Save2 → (1)

stream in : IDataStream own

The stream to save to.

Saves this geo registry to a stream.


If an I/O error has occurred.

Public / Attributes


public static attribute BuiltIn → (get)

value : IGeoRegistry

The built-in geo registry.

The built-in geo registry.

This registry only contains the implemented map projections and some commonly-used ellipsoids and units of measure.


public static attribute Current → (get)

value : IGeoRegistry

The active geo registry for the calling thread.

Returns the active geo registry for the calling thread.

The active geo registry is found by the following logic:

  1. The registry that has been specified for the thread-local scope, by the innermost call pair to IGeoRegistry.CurrentLocalPush and CurrentLocalPop.

  2. The registry that has been specified for the global scope, by the innermost call pair to IGeoRegistry.CurrentGlobalPush and CurrentGlobalPop.

  3. The built-in registry, see BuiltIn.


public static attribute CurrentInherit → (get)

value : IBeginEnd

The IBeginEnd object.

Wraps the active registry of the calling thread, for being inherited by other threads.

This method returns a IBeginEnd object that calls IGeoRegistry.CurrentLocalPush and CurrentLocalPop for IBeginEnd.Begin and IBeginEnd.End, using the active registry of the calling thread, obtained via Current.



public static readonly attribute SerialId → (ISerialTypeInfo)

Serialization information about this type.