

sealed class Tinman.Terrain.Mapping.MapShapes
<TElement ref : IMapShape>

A group of IMapShape objects.

Public / Constructors


public constructor MapShapes → ()

Creates a new instance of MapShapes.

Public / Methods


public method Contains → (1)

coords in : LatLon

The geographic coordinates.

returns → bool

true if coords in are contained in this shape, false if not.

Does this pixel map shape group contain the given geographic coordinates?


public method ShapeAdd → (2)

shapes in : IMapShapes<TElement>

The map shapes object.

transform opt : bool = false

true to transform the given shape to the coordinate system of shapes in,
false to use the coordinate system of the given shape.

Adds all map shapes in this group to the given map, replacing all map shape elements with the value returned by IMapShapes.ShapeAdd.


public method ShapePrepare → (2)

shapes in : IMapShapes<TElement>

The map shapes object.

transform opt : bool = false

true to transform the given shape to the coordinate system of shapes in,
false to use the coordinate system of the given shape.

Prepares all map shapes in this group to the given map, replacing all map shape elements with the value returned by IMapShapes.ShapePrepare.


public method ShapeRemove → (1)

shapes in : IMapShapes<TElement>

The map shapes object.

Removes all map shapes in this group from the given map.

Public / Attributes


public readonly attribute Elements → (IVector<TElement>)

The map shapes in the group.