VirtualPath Description sealed class Tinman.Core.IO.Files.VirtualPath Derived from IValidatable IConfigurable IEquatable<VirtualPath> Represents a virtual path mapping. See also VirtualFileSystem Public / Constructors VirtualPath public constructor VirtualPath → (3) fileSystem in : Path [not-null] The resource path in the filesystem. mapped opt : Path = null The mapped engine resource path. If null the fileSystem in path will be mapped to root (i.e. '/'). usage opt : VirtualPathUsage = VirtualPathUsage.Read The resource path usage flag. Creates a new instance of VirtualPath. Public / Methods ToFileSystem public method ToFileSystem → (2) mapped in : Path [not-null] The mapped path. rootSelector opt : string = null The filesystem root selector or null. returns → Path The filesystem path or null if there is no suitable mapping. Converts the given mapped path into a filesystem path. ToMapped public method ToMapped → (2) fileSystem in : Path [not-null] The filesystem path. rootSelector opt : string = null The filesystem root selector or null. returns → Path The mapped path or null if there is no suitable mapping. Converts the given filesystem path into a mapped path. Public / Attributes FileSystem public readonly attribute FileSystem → (Path) The canonical path in the filesystem. Mapped public readonly attribute Mapped → (Path) The mapped virtual resource path, which is always absolute and does not have a root selector. Usage public readonly attribute Usage → (VirtualPathUsage) The usage flag of this resource path mapping. Configuration Config public static attribute Config → (get) value : IConfigurator<VirtualPath> [not-null] The configurator object. The configurator object for this type. ConfigUsage public static attribute ConfigUsage → (get) value : IConfigurator<VirtualPathUsage> [not-null] The configurator object. The configurator object for VirtualPathUsage. VirtualFileSystem VirtualPathUsage