Fields / Optional
The image file format. If unknown, the format is inferred from the data stream.
The following default image file formats are available:
Automatic image format
The BMP image file format.
Write supported: yes
IANA media type:image/bmp
File extensions:.bmp
The DDS image file format.
Write supported: no
IANA media type: none
The GIF image file format.
Write supported: no
IANA media type:image/gif
File extensions:.gif
The JPEG image file format.
Write supported: no
IANA media type:image/jpeg
File extensions:.jpeg .jpg
The PNG image file format.
Write supported: no
IANA media type:image/png
File extensions:.png
The PXB image file format ('PiXel Buffer', proprietary).
Write supported: no
IANA media type: none
File extensions:.pxb
The TGA image file format.
Write supported: yes
IANA media type: none
File extensions:.tga
The TIFF image file format.
Write supported: no
IANA media type:image/tiff
File extensions:.tif .tiff
The TXB image file format ('TeXel Buffer', proprietary).
Write supported: no
IANA media type: none
File extensions:.txb
Uses GDAL (>= v1.11), if installed.
Uses GDAL (>= v1.11) + PROJ(>= v4), if installed.